Looks like It’s official Directv Buying Dish

The only chance at winning Scratch-offs is to buy the $50 and up cards. When I worked at a local Circle K, a woman came in every Saturday and bought 1 $100 and 2 $200 cards and used the winnings to keep playing for quite a while and always left with money in her pocket. The highest winning tickets, thousands of dollar winners on display in the store, were all won by her
Now imagine if she ( or anyone else that wastes money) put that amount into an investment account, let it grow over 20-30 years, how much she would have today.
TPG is getting Dish's debt not AT&T. Remember AT&T sold their 70% stake to TPG.
TPG will only assume $9.8 billion of DISH's debt if bondholders agree to write off about $1.6 billion dollars of DISH obligations. TPG's credit unit Angelo Gordon and DIRECTV also agreed to give Echostar (Charlie Ergen)$2.5 billion in financing to satisfy debt maturing in November.

Also TPG will pay ATT $7.6 billion through payments through 2029 to get that 70% majority. Barring any problems with the bondholders and the federal regulators not blessing the merger.
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I think a lot of long time customers will drop them if there is to much change and the prices keep going up each year. This is why people are cutting the cord.
I dont see them reducing price or even slowing down there increase, more likely dish gonna continue hemorrhaging customer make die hard customers foot the bill till it go under. I personal watch streaming more these days, only time I really using or watching dish is for few thing I record and to listen to sirusxm channels.

This one thing my dad dont want to drop cause he would lose his soccer channels does not want to hear my mom go on about how she has nothing to watch, despite the 8+ streaming services . Though I pretty sure If I just up and say deal with dish your self to my dad he will just cancel them instead of dealing with them to get 60$ + in discount I have attach to account every 6~12 months
I dont see them reducing price or even slowing down there increase, more likely dish gonna continue hemorrhaging customer make die hard customers foot the bill till it go under. I personal watch streaming more these days, only time I really using or watching dish is for few thing I record and to listen to sirusxm channels.

This one thing my dad dont want to drop cause he would lose his soccer channels does not want to hear my mom go on about how she has nothing to watch, despite the 8+ streaming services . Though I pretty sure If I just up and say deal with dish your self to my dad he will just cancel them instead of dealing with them to get 60$ + in discount I have attach to account every 6~12 months
The Dish/DirecTV merger will extend the time until the whole DBS system folds.
I dont see them reducing price or even slowing down there increase, more likely dish gonna continue hemorrhaging customer make die hard customers foot the bill till it go under. I personal watch streaming more these days, only time I really using or watching dish is for few thing I record and to listen to sirusxm channels.
Well yeah. No one thinks Sat TV is a game winning into the future model. TPG is getting Dish for a song.
This one thing my dad dont want to drop cause he would lose his soccer channels does not want to hear my mom go on about how she has nothing to watch, despite the 8+ streaming services . Though I pretty sure If I just up and say deal with dish your self to my dad he will just cancel them instead of dealing with them to get 60$ + in discount I have attach to account every 6~12 months
Actually that'd be soccer "channel" and not even that any more as the EPL is on USA, not a standalone. FSC hasn't be around in a long time, and NBCSN has been gone a while too now. European matches aren't even broadcast in English anymore, that is all Paramount+.

As far as your mom, she probably could survive on the PlutoTV channels, if commercials aren't an issue.
Translation: Re-arranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. The DBS system will still sink to the bottom of the sea eventually. :rolleyes:
But both companies have streaming rights. If this were just Sat, maybe not the best idea, but there is a model to move forward. It will die off eventually, but TPG already had the bloated, decaying carcass of Directv. For $1 and acquisition of some debt, they got some uniquely tight transmission agreements (Flex Pack) as well as the best DVR in the US.
Actually that'd be soccer "channel" and not even that any more as the EPL is on USA, not a standalone. FSC hasn't be around in a long time, and NBCSN has been gone a while too now. European matches aren't even broadcast in English anymore, that is all Paramount+.

As far as your mom, she probably could survive on the PlutoTV channels, if commercials aren't an issue.

Dad watch those beIN channels which there is ton of stream channels attach to that pacakge that has the channel that have alot international soccer game on them.

You dont know my mom plutotv IS one many stream channels/services she watch and see still goes on about how nothing to watch. this also the same person that has 500+ recording on there dvr (h3) and has not watch any of them ( again she has nothing to watch).

my dvr are on separate h3 cause I dont want my stuff lost when the above h3 windups need to be replace again cause drive failed
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But both companies have streaming rights. If this were just Sat, maybe not the best idea, but there is a model to move forward. It will die off eventually, but TPG already had the bloated, decaying carcass of Directv. For $1 and acquisition of some debt, they got some uniquely tight transmission agreements (Flex Pack) as well as the best DVR in the US.
Do you think that DIRECTV will start offering the Flex pack like DISH does? Could the Hopper 3 with Directv name stamped on the outside, software changes to reflect the name and type of satellite signal they use, also be used by them too?
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Yesterday's FCC filings:

Directv/ATT filed to transfer satellite licenses to Directv

Echostar/Dish filed to consolidate satellite licenses to a group of "new" corporations.



The Echostar/Dish Narrative explaining details can be seen here.
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Direct tv scrapping Dish merger

Merger could be terminated November 22nd
