I've left DirecTV

Carl Leon

Original poster
Staff member
Pub Member / Supporter
Cutting Edge
Apr 24, 2023
Seattle, WA
Hi all,

Just a quick post to let you know I'm no longer a DirecTV customer. After roughly 27 years (my account number is only a low 6 digit number, I was one of the first 175,000 to become a customer), and being active in these various forums for as long as they have been around, it is time for this aging senior citizen to move on. I greatly appreciate the fantastic work that Stuart, Scott K., Doctor J, Tom, and most recently Kyle, have been doing, as well as reflecting back on Earl and Doug who pretty much made the "A Team" and "Cutting Edge" happen way back when. It's been a great ride, and I've enjoyed it immensely. I consider many of you to be my friends, although I've only met about a half dozen in person.

I think I've enjoyed testing/playing with every DirecTV model since the HR20, and several before that (although I don't remember the early SD model numbers). My first system was purchased at a Sears store in the mid 1990's, was self install, and had only a single LNB dish (true single LNB, not a dual that could support 2 receivers). For me, DirecTV has been more a hobby than a television service - the latter was only a secondary consideration.

I'm being allowed to stay on as an admin/moderator, so will follow various threads from time to time, but don't expect I'll be taking any active roll from now on.

May 2024, and DirecTV, be good to you all.

Carl Leon
aka Carl6 (way back when)
A personal thanks to you as well for all the dedication you have provided to the DIRECTV Community Forums over the years (as well as being an ACE), amazing work there too!
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Hi all,

Just a quick post to let you know I'm no longer a DirecTV customer. After roughly 27 years (my account number is only a low 6 digit number, I was one of the first 175,000 to become a customer), and being active in these various forums for as long as they have been around, it is time for this aging senior citizen to move on. I greatly appreciate the fantastic work that Stuart, Scott K., Doctor J, Tom, and most recently Kyle, have been doing, as well as reflecting back on Earl and Doug who pretty much made the "A Team" and "Cutting Edge" happen way back when. It's been a great ride, and I've enjoyed it immensely. I consider many of you to be my friends, although I've only met about a half dozen in person.

I think I've enjoyed testing/playing with every DirecTV model since the HR20, and several before that (although I don't remember the early SD model numbers). My first system was purchased at a Sears store in the mid 1990's, was self install, and had only a single LNB dish (true single LNB, not a dual that could support 2 receivers). For me, DirecTV has been more a hobby than a television service - the latter was only a secondary consideration.

I'm being allowed to stay on as an admin/moderator, so will follow various threads from time to time, but don't expect I'll be taking any active roll from now on.

May 2024, and DirecTV, be good to you all.

Carl Leon
aka Carl6 (way back when)
What are you replacing DTV with?
Hi all,

Just a quick post to let you know I'm no longer a DirecTV customer. After roughly 27 years (my account number is only a low 6 digit number, I was one of the first 175,000 to become a customer), and …

Carl Leon
aka Carl6 (way back when)

Carl—I left DirecTV in 2022.

My decision was due to a changes which involved how I am watching television and my personal needs.

I think people's choice of a provider, or whether to no longer subscribe at all to a linear cable-television provider, are theirs … and that is understandable.

I am getting my Live TV service via the Internet. It works for me. And whatever one decides … I certainly hope it works as well for that person.
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In reply to MitchDeerfield and CSM:
Why - Wife and I are watching very little live TV, and recording almost nothing on DirecTV. The cost continues to rise, and we've decided we no longer wish to pay over $110 a month (on the lowest tier plan) to continue.
Replacing it with: A combination of Netflix, Hulu, Roku, and OTA from an antenna (and a lot of library books and other activities that have nothing to do with television).
Primarily a cost/budget issue. It just made sense. Have considered dropping for a few years now, but hesitated due to difficulty my wife would have adapting to something new, including new remotes and ways to do things. She does not learn/adapt to technology easily. We finally reached the point where it really didn't matter any longer due to such limited television viewing. Looked at some streaming services for live TV, and if we do get something it will be around half the cost of DirecTV. YouTubeTV is a possibility if we do go with something else.
(and a lot of library books and other activities that have nothing to do with television).

Note that your local library may offer the Kanopy streaming service, which would also give you some additional movie and TV streaming options. (It's free, although you only get a certain number of views per month, depending on what your library is paying for.)

Instead of Gemini

HR 54 client install
