Dish stock down 22% today as I type

Bad tone:

"Aging satellite TV provider Dish Network is supposed to be undergoing a major transformation from tired old satellite TV provider to streaming and wireless juggernaut,"

Pejorative words/phrases, such as "aging" and "tired old."
How has that perceived bias changed the point? They are clearly missing on their objectives to pivot with the times, their gambles are failing rather spectacularly and they're bailing water with no clear sustainable end state (like many 'aging' providers). They're laying people off and selling business units and spectrum, pessimism about moves that many never expected to never amount to anything hardly seems misplaced.
Bad tone:

"Aging satellite TV provider Dish Network is supposed to be undergoing a major transformation from tired old satellite TV provider to streaming and wireless juggernaut,"

Pejorative words/phrases, such as "aging" and "tired old."
Sorry you do not agree, but he is not wrong.

Television programming in how it is delivered has been evolving since it started.

Who knows what the next step will be.
I do not dispute what he said. But he did not present it objectively.

It'd be like me saying person XYZ lost his last election because he's a blithering idiot.
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When he gets desperate enough, the money will be there. He wants to keep 100 percent control and the money men will say no until he folds.
Are you sure about that?

Seems like all of them are trying to push Dish into bankruptcy, then the vultures will start pecking away at all the spectrum.

Stock was down again today 0.21, 5.75% to 3.44.
I use prepaid and not poor, this year, unlimited everything, along with a new Samsung Galaxy 23 for $249 this year, if I keep the phone another year , price for unlimited service is $169 a year.

Service is with Verizon, I will never give it up since I barely use it now, do not really want to pay more.
Which specific service are you using?
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Maybe he could merge with Sky across the pond like he'd said he was going to do back at the beginning and then didn't. Maybe we could have a global provider.

It is kinda jarring having DBS providers described in terms of now being "old" when probably most of us remember the anticipation for the little pizza-sized dish in the early 90s. However, DTV is DiSH's elder brother.
Either partner with a big company like Amazon or sell the bandwith to the highest bidder and get out of the wireless business all together. I think it was a mistake to try to build a network like that from scratch, with the deadlines that were in place by the FCC. Boost is a prepaid service and there is limited amount of people that still use prepay any longer. The poorer classes might still use this kind of service but their income is limited as well and I am sure churn is high. Also I have seen next to nothing on the internet or TV for Boost Mobile. No catchy tune or spokesperson like Ryan Reynolds either.
Maybe he could merge with Sky across the pond like he'd said he was going to do back at the beginning and then didn't. Maybe we could have a global provider.

It is kinda jarring having DBS providers described in terms of now being "old" when probably most of us remember the anticipation for the little pizza-sized dish in the early 90s. However, DTV is DiSH's elder brother.
The chances of that is extremely low since Sky Group is owned by Comcast.
They are the 4th largest cell company, but their subs might be more inertial than new. They need to sell their 5G service to people/corporations/etc...They are available all over the place where people actually live, they need to sell that service and get revenue. That seems to be where they are missing things. Ergen managed to get this far (which is roughly 99% further than anyone would have guessed 10 years ago), so part of me thinks he'll figure it out. But part of me thinks his genius might have already peaked with 5G and he is over his head. With interest rates in a normal location, cheap debt is gone, so the solution isn't new debt now, it is some form of business entrepreneur management, if at all. The layoffs seem to lean towards the not looking good.
I do not dispute what he said. But he did not present it objectively.

It'd be like me saying person XYZ lost his last election because he's a blithering idiot.
I think Ergen would have said the same thing, hence the drive for the 5G network. A better word would have been antiquated.

New Issues with Joey 4.0s

Do I have a bad Hopper 3?
