Back from streaming (YTTV) to DirecTV? Has anyone done this?

If I wind up streaming through an app, it'll be through my Roku Ultra. But I see the DirecTV has two external streaming devices, one called a Gemini model C71KW which is an external box, and a newer one which is a dongle, called the Gemini Air. Does anyone know if there's a reason to pick one over the other?
The unified DIRECTV app now gives Satellite customers the exact same streams that Stream/Internet customers have. However you have to be watching on certain devices like smart TVs and media players like AndroidTV/GoogleTV, AppleTV or Roku to get the highest quality renditions that have 60 fps and Dolby audio. i.e. mobile phones will limit you to the 720p/30 renditions.
I watched it on an apple TV it was always crashing and buffering
ISP/Broadband issues is why I stay with DirecTV Sat. That and amazing price discounts!

Also love all the 4k sports .

I watch MLB network more than FS1 but PQ always looks sharp to me .
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I want to thank everyone here for graciously answering my questions! I started my five day trial today, I'll be working with both the Osprey box and the Roku app. If you don't see me for a while, it's because I'm busy learning about this stuff! At any rate, I'll certainly be back with a report. Once again, thank you SO much!
I have DIRECTV DBS service but had also used the DIRECTV stream option via an Apple TV and to me the PQ looks as good as the DBS service. Since you can cancel the DIRECTV stream service act any time why not just try it and see how you like it before considering the DBS service with its commitments.
Well, it didn't even take two days. Better video, smoother interface, more channels, a DVR that WORKS. Yes, it's about $35 more a month. Big fat hairy deal. Cancelled YTTV and we're with DTV Stream.

Thank you SO much, everyong!
I had D* satellite for 30 years and switched to D* Stream about a year ago.
I also had local cable tv for years as well as a rooftop antennae.

I would put the picture quality of D* Stream up against any of them or any other provider.
I'm paddling the same canoe and I agree.
I watch on an iPhone and the renditions don't look like they're in 30 fps, looks more like 60 to me.
Yeah, right now I'm watching MSG's Rangers-Wild telecast on my iPhone and it's a smooth transition whenever the camera goes from the left area of the rink to the right area or vice versa, so it's definitely a 60 fps stream.
Is there a way to see the actual resolution & FPS of the rendition, like how YouTube has "stats for nerds", does D*Stream have something similar?
Yeah, right now I'm watching MSG's Rangers-Wild telecast on my iPhone and it's a smooth transition whenever the camera goes from the left area of the rink to the right area or vice versa, so it's definitely a 60 fps stream.
Is there a way to see the actual resolution & FPS of the rendition, like how YouTube has "stats for nerds", does D*Stream have something similar?
Your watching a HOCKEY game on an iPhone ?????

Could we have a separate FORUM for Directv Streaming ?

New Terms of Service for DirecTV Stream
