Dish VIP Receiver Updates Multiple Times A Day


Original poster
Aug 1, 2020
Rural Indiana

I have a VIP622 receiver. It was purchased in 2020 from an online dealer through eBay that was selling 'New Old Stock" receivers, LNB's, etc.

The way it was packaged in shrink wrap and was not packed in an actual Dish Network box, seems to indicate a refurbished receiver, but the seller didn't elaborate on that in the listing. Anyone trying to buy these older receivers knows how hard it can be to find one that's usable because of Dish's practice to disable VIP and older boxes that were removed from service on another account, so that they can't be legally installed on a new users system if they bought it used somewhere... I wasn't too picky on it's status as new or refurb, just excited to find one I could install.

No issues with the receiver otherwise, it still works fine in all other ways after the March 23' SD removal, as others have. But for the past month (possibly more) it randomly goes through a receiver update multiple times throughout the day and night.

NOTE: I want to mention that it isn't simply a reboot sequence or reset sequence where the receiver shuts down, processes, and comes back to life in 5 minutes or so after a signal refresh, it's the actual nightly update sequence that it's supposed to do only once at a specific time (mine is set at the factory default of 3AM) where it cycles through updating the guide and checking for software, and is unusable for roughly an hour.

This random updating doesn't affect recordings, and oddly, it only seems to happen when the receiver is off/standby mode ... if I have the receiver on and am watching live TV, DVR recordings, or listening to the music channels for a couple hours, it hasn't yet ever happened. Also, it does correctly update at it's programmed 3AM time too, sometimes that can even happen just minutes after one of the random updates has finished.

Because it never happens when the receiver and TV are on, I can't give any info as to any pop up messages that might signal it beforehand (the way the nightly update does) or what the screen actually does when this kicks in during live TV.

I know (or I estimate, I should say) that it actually is the updating sequence every time this happens despite not seeing the pop up, because the sequence is exactly the same. You hear the fan kick on very loudly for a second, followed by the water trickle sound of the internal hard drive engaging, the leds on the receiver light up for a few seconds, and then the led on the external HDD flickers constantly for the next 50 something minutes with occasional noises from the internal hard drive. Eventually the external HDD stops flickering, the receiver lights up briefly, and the fan kicks in again. If I try turning it on right after that I get the signal reboot sequence the same way you do if you turn the receiver back on too soon after the nightly update, this flows fine and the signal is live again. In this time frame, just like with the nightly update, the receiver can not be used, no buttons function, the screen just shows the standard Dish standby images.

Any ideas or tips are appreciated, thanks for reading.
You may well have the LAST more or less functioning ViP622. But other than that:

It's dead, Jim.

The old vip satellite receivers are pretty much on the way out the door. There are still lots of 722s and 211s still available. I think Dish disabled DVR function on most 722s (replacing 222s) but you might find a 722 that has DVR enabled somewhere. 211s can be converted to DVR as well by connecting an external hard drive to it.

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The old vip satellite receivers are pretty much on the way out the door. There are still lots of 722s and 211s still available. I think Dish disabled DVR function on most 722s (replacing 222s) but you might find a 722 that has DVR enabled somewhere. 211s can be converted to DVR as well by connecting an external hard drive to it.

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722s all have dvr capability. The dvr function being disabled happens at activation if you have a 222. Until that point it's still active.
Id say your 622 is on its way out. I'd start transferring and recordings still on the 622 to your external hard drive. Then call dish and they can send a replacement in the mail (if there's still any 622s, may send a 722) or get a tech to come out, who will change it with a 722 if they have one. You'll probably have better luck getting them to mail one as it's not guaranteed a tech will have one on the truck. Also they will try to convince you to upgrade to hopper but just tell them no and that you just want a replacement receiver.
I'm not sure Dish would authorize a new customer on a ViP receiver. Sort of like expecting Ford to do warranty service on your recently purchased Model A.
I don't think they do either. To become a new customer would have to go hopper or wally but once account is active you can activate vip. At that point they may let you remove the hopper receivers lol
Thanks for all the replies.

Yes, sadly, I know the 622 and VIP's in general are slowly edging to extinction, haha.

The setup I have is shared by a multiple family home, we have two VIP722k's and then this VIP622 on two dishes (all legally installed by a Dish tech) I know the Hopper 3 can handle a situation like that with multiple Joeys, but it gets complicated with so many individual users if there's only 1 single hub that gets shared.

There would be no issue with upgrading this box to a 722, if Dish had them, but I'm sure that likely won't happen. I initially was shopping for a VIP722 actually, but as I mentioned... finding a VIP that is 'unlocked' and can be activated on an account out in the wild for sale is difficult. I was looking to buy in the first place, because, when I was replacing my old 722 that had died, back in 2020, Dish wouldn't replace it with similar... I just got the "Hopper is so much better and can serve the whole home" spiel and how these VIP receivers aren't made any longer, etc.

I bought a yard sale 722 on eBay that said it was used but only a few years old and recently deactivated, but then found out, the hard way, how Dish permanently locks them from further use when I went to hook it up and activate, I get the why behind this, but still frustrating, especially after money wasted. So when the 622 showed up as new old stock, it was fine by me.

I'll let the old girl keep running for awhile, as I look around for a new old stock option, or cave in and call Dish again, and see if I can find a more reasonable Rep. I back up anything important to the external of course, and so far it's doing fine when the receiver is always left live, so I always leave it on for the hours I'm home even if the actual TV is off, it just gets frustrating to be locked out for half an hour or so when I go to watch TV if it's been off and has initiated the sequence.

Appreciate the help!
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The trick to finding a 722 or even a 622 that Dish will allow is to call them with the receiver number before hand and verify that the receiver is not a leased one that was not returned or was supposedly to be recycled. Only purchased receivers may be exchanged between individuals.
Thanks for all the replies.

Yes, sadly, I know the 622 and VIP's in general are slowly edging to extinction, haha.

The setup I have is shared by a multiple family home, we have two VIP722k's and then this VIP622 on two dishes (all legally installed by a Dish tech) I know the Hopper 3 can handle a situation like that with multiple Joeys, but it gets complicated with so many individual users if there's only 1 single hub that gets shared.

There would be no issue with upgrading this box to a 722, if Dish had them, but I'm sure that likely won't happen. I initially was shopping for a VIP722 actually, but as I mentioned... finding a VIP that is 'unlocked' and can be activated on an account out in the wild for sale is difficult. I was looking to buy in the first place, because, when I was replacing my old 722 that had died, back in 2020, Dish wouldn't replace it with similar... I just got the "Hopper is so much better and can serve the whole home" spiel and how these VIP receivers aren't made any longer, etc.

I bought a yard sale 722 on eBay that said it was used but only a few years old and recently deactivated, but then found out, the hard way, how Dish permanently locks them from further use when I went to hook it up and activate, I get the why behind this, but still frustrating, especially after money wasted. So when the 622 showed up as new old stock, it was fine by me.

I'll let the old girl keep running for awhile, as I look around for a new old stock option, or cave in and call Dish again, and see if I can find a more reasonable Rep. I back up anything important to the external of course, and so far it's doing fine when the receiver is always left live, so I always leave it on for the hours I'm home even if the actual TV is off, it just gets frustrating to be locked out for half an hour or so when I go to watch TV if it's been off and has initiated the sequence.

Appreciate the help!
I would go with a Hopper 3. If it doesn't work out then purchase a second Hopper 3.
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I tried that with an owned Joey 1. Nada. Worst call with Dish I ever had. But the sting was lessened by newer Joeys. And that I decided to stop using Joeys.
If they won't send a replacement through mail then setup tech appointment and the tech will replace it or call in for one to be sent through mail. It can definitely be done. But for sure easier for techs to do it.

Skip or short freeze on live Hopper 3 viewing?

Dish home interactive ch. 100 on vip receivers
