Dish Scapes on 199 is interesting

The football announcer does get quite repetitive. How many times does everyone need to be told to get "on your feet... for the kickoff!"? If there are that many kickoffs in a single game (or that many different games all within earshot, with kickoffs scheduled only a couple of minutes apart) then they are not footballing properly.
The football announcer does get quite repetitive. How many times does everyone need to be told to get "on your feet... for the kickoff!"? If there are that many kickoffs in a single game (or that many different games all within earshot, with kickoffs scheduled only a couple of minutes apart) then they are not footballing properly.
When there is only one team on the field they score every time they have a snap. It adds up to many kickoffs per couple of minutes! :)
I was on the Dish Anywhere App today on my iPhone and the streaming DishScapes from channel 198 is now on the app! This is great because I have a VIP211k and couldn't see channel 198, but now I can see the streaming only version of DishScapes through the Dish Anywhere app.
I am looking forward to next month's October Dish Scape. It is called "Dracula's Castle". The description makes me think it won't be as good as the previous years as it mentions "fun ensuing in the village" and I am not sure what that means...but I am still looking forward to it
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I like them especially now that they stopped the disco music or more like rave music! Earlier ones were soft and quiet then once it turned dark bam, loud obnoxious music some even had party lights in the windows.
The robot is very lame. Not needed at all.
I saw this just yesterday, because I paused 199 for dinner and fast rewound it for some number of minutes. Was that Bigfoot on the bicycle?
Charlie has to plug his stupid cell phone co. somehow I guess. I agree the robot is lame.
Yeah; the robot shoots at us. Lame.

Looking forward to checking out Dracula's Castle tonight. Will Bigfoot be in it?
Well, so far, I have seen the bats, the big rat, the werewolf, the statue flaps its wings, the big spider climbing up the rocks to the castle, the horse drawn carriage, but I haven't seen Big Foot (yet)...
Also gargoyles move, fog covers things as organ plays, bigfoot walks thru center of town with torch, moon turns red and drips blood. Love the Garlic stand!!! Can't read all the shops though. I like this one but maybe not quite as much as last few Octobers.
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After adding the Dish Gallery again to my account this time, it worked and loaded the Gallery on channel 305. I absolutely love the November free gallery on channel 199 the "Late fall mountain is very beautiful in every way! The wildlife and natural sounds are so soothing. I hope more of the future month's galleries will be similar!
... I absolutely love the November free gallery on channel 199 the "Late fall mountain is very beautiful in every way! The wildlife and natural sounds are so soothing. I hope more of the future month's galleries will be similar!
I agree. After months of not really liking any of the DISHscapes (199 or 198), the November "Late Fall Mountain" is wonderful. Especially in this loud, fractious time before the election, this quiet, natural landscape is a welcome relief. Thank you, DISH!

Unable to upgrade programming package online.

Holiday Styling On/Off
