If you understand all that, why are you bashing anyone talking about it here.The problem with that is it takes 3-4 years to design/plan/launch a new Satellite, if that was to happen, it needs to be now and/or the immediate future, especially since it can take about a year for the Feds to approve the deal.
Also, it looks like the merger talks with Dish are going nowhere, TPG started talking with Dish in January because they wanted to make their investment back, nothing since, not even rumors, my guess is Charlie Ergen is going to wait it out so he can pick up DirecTV cheaply.
I knew they were done for and no chance to turn things around when John Donovan, then CEO of AT&T Communications, told analysts in a presentation on November 29, 2018 "We've launched our last satellite".
Might as well hang a banner saying to the public Going out of Business, do not know how they expected Customers to come to DirecTV after that.
The company started going down hill when ATT took over, that was Before that announcement .... However, as I said, IF the right person decided to revive it, it could be done.
Yes, it does take time to Build New Sats, however, they already have Sats up there that will be going well till at least 2030, so there IS TIME, IF someone decided to go that route ....