I do installs in a retirement community, we use H24-200 boxes for the DVR. The company I work for sent me 35 refurb boxes, but I can't get into certain menus. The way the boxes came, I think the 2nd runner is disabled for some reason, the boxes we had it was enabled. I had 1 box that let me get into the settings menu to configure satellite settings and the tuners. All of the other boxes, the settings menu doesn't even show up, like the box is in some sort of lock out menu so residents don't screw up the settings.
My support team has been no help, and they haven't been able to get any help from DirectTV, I know there has to be some combination of buttons to push to unlock them, but I can't find any information on it.
My support team has been no help, and they haven't been able to get any help from DirectTV, I know there has to be some combination of buttons to push to unlock them, but I can't find any information on it.