The luxury vehicle with the bow on it sitting out in the driveway on Christmas morning. At least SNL did a decent parody of those last weekend:
See post #19

The luxury vehicle with the bow on it sitting out in the driveway on Christmas morning. At least SNL did a decent parody of those last weekend:
Cable companies. In my area mostly Suddenlink and Comcast. Trying to convince you that they care and that their product is anything beside the garbage pile it is.
That is just disturbing,anytime,anywherethe man bun
I will add "Liberty Mutual " to the list of dumb commercials.
yup ...LiMu Emu?
they tacked the jingle at the end of their ads & went downhill from there.
I like red......I hate the GMC one for you and one for me ad. It's on in our market all the time, multiple times an hour. It's at least the 3rd year for that same commercial.
Why is that, she has very little to say in the latest one ... (unless your referring to the HBO MAX one.Lilly from AT&T is starting to piss me off.
And it annoys me! That one line. Actually the whole commercial. Who is the dude calling.Why is that, she has very little to say in the latest one ... (unless your referring to the HBO MAX one.