This is no different than any other streaming company ...AT&T is already pulling some DC content from HBO Max, weeks after the service launched.
HBO Max Is Pulling DC Movies, And The Internet Has Some Thoughts
To be fair, it doesn't make a lot of
They will be rotating programming in and out.
DC is owned by Warner Media, who is owned by AT&T who owns HBO Max. This is nothing but a stunt to drive up demand, similar to when Disney used to put their moves 'back into the vault'. AT&T is evil.
Netflix was the one that started the conglomerate of shows, good for them, it was a Great idea, till the other companies that owned those shows, spoke up and said, hey, why are we giving you our product when we can take it back and make that money.
I liked it much better with just Netflix around ... thay had a great idea, sadly, it won't last now with the major companies stepping in ...
Now we have to sub to 10 different companies, instead of 1 or 2.