Favorite short-lived TV show?

The Winner on FOX. It lasted only 6 episodes, but I thought it was a pretty funny series. It was so stupid at times you had to laugh at it.
The Winner on FOX. It lasted only 6 episodes, but I thought it was a pretty funny series. It was so stupid at times you had to laugh at it.

I can't believe I forgot about The Winner with Rob Corddury. It took place in Buffalo. Obviously it was filmed on a sound stage in LA, but there were a few local references that were cool seeing on a sitcom. And of course since it was set in the early 90s, there was OJ.
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The Hero. it was a short lived sitcom in 1966 (yes i am that old). it wasa show within a show. Richard Mulligan played the star of a western. Mariette Hartley was his wife on the main show not the western. Quirky and funny but it did not last.
The Hero. it was a short lived sitcom in 1966 (yes i am that old). it wasa show within a show. Richard Mulligan played the star of a western. Mariette Hartley was his wife on the main show not the western. Quirky and funny but it did not last.

Now you've reminded me of the Gene Roddenberry pilot which was never made into a series: Genesis II. Hartley played a woman with two count them TWO belly buttons.

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Now you've reminded me of the Gene Roddenberry pilot which was never made into a series: Genesis II. Hartley played a woman with two count them TWO belly buttons.


I've read about people that have NO BELLY BUTTON. I've forgotten how that happened but anyways...
I've read about people that have NO BELLY BUTTON. I've forgotten how that happened but anyways...

Thanks for mentioning that; I hadn't read about it before, but now I have. This happens with various abnormalities of the abdominal wall which is supposed to close around the umbilical chord and prevent the fetal guts from spilling out all over the place. When doctors correct that, there is often nothing left to form a belly button.

How someone might need TWO belly buttons, I still don't know. ;)
How someone might need TWO belly buttons, I still don't know. ;)

Lyra-A is from 2133 London in the film Genesis II. She is a Tyranian who are mutants that supposedly have two circulatory systems. Another explanation is that, because Mariette Hartley was forbidden to show her belly button on Star Trek by network censors, Gene Rodenberry gave her two of them for the movie! :)
Reminds me of "The Greatest American Hero", where William Katt receives a superpower suit from aliens, but loses the instructions. Great theme song.

Ah, Genesis II. I remember watching as a young teenager and was shocked to hear our city mentioned on TV! (Well, in a non-football reference, that is.)

"Quark" was great. Buck Henry created a Sci-Fi comedy but not enough eyeballs to keep it going, even with lines like, "…over there, behind the Roddenberry bush…"
Aftermath -- SYFY
The Crossing -- ABC

All three were cancelled just as things were starting to get sorted out...
"Quark" was great. Buck Henry created a Sci-Fi comedy but not enough eyeballs to keep it going, even with lines like, "…over there, behind the Roddenberry bush…"
Aside from a movie starring a couple of Estevez brothers, not many shows have been built around a garbage transport. I suppose you could count Sanford and Son but that's a bit of a reach.

Battleship New Jersey

Anyone here interested in tough, long-lasting vehicles?
