OTHER Basic DVB-S/S2 Receiver

I'm getting aggravated that I'm not getting Decades, Heroes, & Movies! anymore on SES 1; because of that, I'm thinking about ordering this receiver. From what I've heard, it performs great on these 3 channels without any problems; by the way, I could care less about its "supposed" ability to unencrypt BISS, PowerVu, or any encryption software with keys; I'm not up for anything like that! :biggrin I could also care less about the other useless extras such as YouTube and especially YouPorn! :biggrin Anyway, I was wondering if this STB decodes 32APSK modulation?
No, 16APSK is the limit . according to the owners manual.
I'm not getting Decades, Heroes, & Movies! anymore on SES 1; because of that, I'm thinking about ordering this receiver. From what I've heard, it performs great on these 3 channels without any problems; by the way, I could care less about its "supposed" ability to unencrypt BISS, PowerVu, or any encryption software with keys; I'm not up for anything like that!

After re-reading the thread we may pick up one as well. Never hurts to have one that will pick up certain channels other receivers are finding difficult.
Also it is nice to see this forum discussion on it here.
Unlike some other places that are apparently out and out against this receiver and won't allow any discussion on it at all.
Nice to see free speech at play.
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After re-reading the thread we may pick up one as well. Never hurts to have one that will pick up certain channels other receivers are finding difficult.
Also it is nice to see this forum discussion on it here.
Unlike some other places that are apparently out and out against this receiver and won't allow any discussion on it at all.
Nice to see free speech at play.
Just because it has the capability to do something,er,shady,doesn't mean you have to,or are going to, use it for such.Anything can be used for non legitimate purposes.
As far as other sites not allowing discussion of this box,well I'm sure they're wanting to sell you their much higher priced pet box.;)
As far as other sites not allowing discussion of this box,well I'm sure they're wanting to sell you their much higher priced pet box

That is quite possible but to stymie any talk of a new receiver? :what2
You would think they would want to work together to bring out a better product or to find one.
We pulled the trigger on one tonight from ebay. They only had 4 left at that time.
Now that the KBRK mux is having problems on Galaxy 16, this receiver will make a good backup for a couple of channels that we can not pull in at the moment there.

As for the other items the receiver says it can do.... Whatever happened to ethics and morals?
The end user is responsible for those.

This receiver can pull in FTA channels that others have major problems with. For less then $30.00 it is well worth the cost just for sitting on 1 satellite alone, IMO.
I have not heard of anyone else bringing a receiver to market that will handle these channels and do what we really want so this will have to do in the interm.

Thanks to all those who posted here about it and gave reviews and told of the how-to-do things with it.
Thankfully I get H&I, Decades, MeTV, This TV, Antenna TV, Grit, Laff, Justice and AMG TV OTA locally. If I want Movies! it's good on 99W so far here. If I didn't, I would most likely be in the market for something to receive them.

I'm all for supporting NA dealers first. I have quite enough household money tied up in this hobby now. I'm not about to buy any more high priced receivers at this point from anyone only to find it doesn't do quite what I expect of it. In the past year it seems no one offers a box that reliably works on all channels. Since Spring 2016 it appears you need multiple receivers to get the popular FTA channels that we've become accustomed to on various satellites. If it just so happens to be a cheap sub $30 solution, it's a no brainer.
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Yea, i saw that post on the other site. I think that was a bit over board. I understand his frustrations, but on the same token, you get NA products and their firmware software is as bad if not worse than the China units. I'm willing to pay a upper price for an item if it actually works. Hearing about all the problems of the HDVR3500 and the A3 makes me glad that I have implemented a wait and see attitude towards these things. Don't complain about some of us resorting to China when the expensive stuff is junk too.

The problem is all the boxes are the SAME! If NA put out a quality, high sensitive tuner that picked up ACM, that tuned in low SR rates, and dealt with transponders with close frequencies. That fully supported the new h265 HEVC formats, supported 4:2:2 and then had a fully tested and user friendly and advanced settings for us Enthusiasts, Myself and I'm sure many others would be on top of it like white on rice even it it had an upper cost entry.

But, for example, i saw Titaniums YouTube video browse of the Chinese K1 plus. It played the UHD videos smoothly and cleanly, something the high end priced NA units still aren't doing. The fact we are buying these units PROVES we are desperate to get a hold of a receiver that can tap into whats available to the FTA enthusiast. I am being somewhat patient as at least the UHD content in NA are mostly looped video clips.

I truly don't understand why 4:2:2 isn't already supported on the Android boxes?? It seems to me they could easily detect that a channel isn't supported by their chip, and then just stream it to another application within its own Android box that does support the codec such as VLC and instantly stream and play it. To the end user, it might take a couple extra seconds to display, but it should be all automated. - Example : Amiko HDSE can steam to Android to watch to 4:2:2 So, being these new STB boxes have android within themselves, it should work!!!
4:2:2 file play out is happening on the Android DVB S/S2 sample STBs using combined hw and sw acceleration on 3rd party player apps. Live TS detection and play out hand-off to a compatible player app has been demonstrated, but the process is not perfect. I would expect to see it implanted shortly.

Some also have had success using Kodi for S/S2 4:2:2, but it has been VERY buggy. The next Kodi release is supposed to be more satellite friendly.

I'm the first in line to promote sales to NA developers. As it has been repeatedly stated by many hobbyists over the past year, the STB selection is currently very limited by older chipsets and often poorly executed implementations. At this point, I believe that the available formats, signal variations and hobbyist wants/requirements exceed the capabilities of the current units.

I am aware of the hardware under development by several NA vendors. Very capable chipsets, yet the final implementation and form factor is the wild card. My concern for NA hobbyists is that multiple companies are working on the same hardware platform, provided by the same vendor. I certainly hope that the unit's base development is solid, as likely the next receiver's to our market will be very similar with cosmetic and GUI variations.
At this point, I believe that the available formats, signal variations and hobbyist wants/requirements exceed the capabilities of the current units.

I dunno about that. It seems by having 4 different receivers I'm able to accomplish everything in my bucket list. I have one STB that locks transponders none of my other units will. There are receivers that do ACM, there are receivers in the past that did 4:2:2 and as you/I agree can be accomplished through 3rd party software such as kodi. If someone was ACTUALLY listening to us, they would would put out a unit that didn't cut corners. Why don't they steal a page from the dream box idea. Build a Base unit, and then sell separate tuner cards. Then, they could phase in new systems without totally starting over. Improved tuner cards that decode faster and better and pick up new formats. New main boxes that have more powerful cpus for next gen. Then your not having to start over with every new box, and people could upgrade piece by piece. Better for the end user, and better for the company as they can constantly make money buy staying on the same platform and improving it, instead of ending all support and starting from scratch.
Then your not having to start over with every new box, and people could upgrade piece by piece.

After having seen this time and time again, one would think that the dealers would be the ones requiring such basic items on a receiver. Does not seem to be too swift to have to go through the same things time after time.
But then in all fairness, I don't know what really goes into bringing a receiver to market, so maybe it is not possible....
There are upcoming Android based devices which should be capable of receiving/decoding most of our signals, including 4:2:2, but whether the software is up for the task is always the unknown.
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I have a V7 on the way. If it gets Decades etc it's going in the living room and since it does not have pass-thru would I just use a splitter and send the LNB signal to another receiver with the LNB power off? I know I'd be limited to the same polarity but there are a few sats I'd like to watch a different channel on that is the same polarity, plus I could use HDMI. I've been using the RCA video into a modulator down a coax to watch the same channel.

I have this splitter with power pass-thru on one port. So wire the main (control) receiver to the power passing port and then I could have 3 more receivers, right? At the price this box sells for I'll probably get another one too. Right now I'll use my S9.


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Brian do you know what chipset this receiver has freesat 7, and other than being newer what makes a different from the receivers that i have now?
Montage chipset. Never have worked with a Montage dev kit and haven't attempted to snoop the firmware. It is a SOC solution and this can keep the processes proprietary and a bit of a mystery. Obviously the demod processes the data differently than most other receivers and the tuning parameters seem more selective.

Haven't had the V7 fired up for several week as I am busy with another project. Might play with it more if new firmware is released for NA issues. If not encrypted, could learn something by file comparison.
New firmware is out for the V7:


Freesat V7 Change Log

Main Change:
add the disable usb device pop message
main menu / system / other / Device PoP message :
On ---> the usb storage /wifi message will be shew when you insert or plug out
off ---> the usb storage /wifi message wi
There's a followup if anyone downloaded it earlier:

We updated the error fw for Freesat V7Hd at 28/07/2016.Sorry for making your confuse.
Please get the it again!
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I ordered a V7 from the same seller Brian did and it's finally in the US. Here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/231919351856

The Ebay listing said it was located in China but it was shipped from Korea 10 days later so I don't know (ordered July 15th, arrived at Korea PO the 25th, left Korea the 27th). It showed up at the USPS office in Chicago at 1:30AM last night (8-1-16).

For those of you tracking packages this is a good Korea Post EMS tracking site that even tells you the flight number. Like I said, mine came by way of Korea. Maybe the seller ordered it and had it sent to Korea and then shipped it to me. It sure looks like it with the 10 day delay. It may be something they do for cheaper shipping, like not shipping through Europe or someplace else, not sure. I've never had a package from China take over about 12 days and this one is going to be about 17-18 days total, still not bad. Anyway, the EMS tracking will stop at " Departure from outward office of exchange" and USPS will say "Origin Post is Preparing Shipment", then it will show up. In my case it took 5 days after it left Korea for it to arrive in Chicago.


I'll report back as soon as it gets here. With a few of us having them it'll help track down problems and quality consistency etc. Thanks for all of the info guys, missing H&I was killing me! I like my NYPD Blue and a few others, and a few things on Decades, many actually. If this doesn't get Movies! I'll put this in the bedroom so the wife can watch MeTV while I watch H&I.
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