What gets me is this is just another one of those typical corporate he-said, she-said, they-said, we-NEVER-said, finger pointing situations where we the consumers are caught in the middle. Over the years I've learned to not believe either side of an argument I have no inside knowledge on. Truths will be stretched, facts will be omitted, and sometimes blatant lies being spewed just to try and win the battle.
You simply cannot believe either side anymore, unless you actually are involved in the talks/negotiations.
If you watch the video Dish now broadcasts on our Chicago local channel 9 which is blocked, you get this warm and fuzzy feeling that Dish really is the good guy and Tribune (along with our government rules) are the weeds in the lawn. Greedy, intrusive, out for only their own gain. But then again....
I received this response from our local Tribune station which makes
them out to be the poor, 90 pound weakling being bullied by Dish. Sucks either way. Glad I didn't really watch WGN a lot so not missing much. But we do like their local news in the morning and the evening on occasion...and maybe a little Celebrity Name Game now and then.
We understand your frustration. We're frustrated too. No matter what you hear from DISH, you should know that we offered an extension of more than 60 days to reach a fair agreement. They rejected it.
We have a lot of issues to work out. That said, all we are asking for is market rates… not rates that set the market, just something in line with what DISH is already paying others like us and similar to what we are getting from other satellite, telco and cable providers.
Something else to keep in mind: We have successfully arrived at fair agreements with TV service providers across the country, big and small. DISH has taken station groups and networks off their systems 13 times in just the past three years.
We invest a lot in high-quality local news, weather, sports, sporting events, and special coverage of the community. You're paying DISH for our station. You should receive it. If you haven't called DISH to express your frustration, we encourage you to do so. They can be reached at 855-YES-WGN9 or 855-937-9469 and demand they bring WGN-Channel 9 Chicago back or demand a rebate on your bill from DISH.
We're sorry this is where things stand. We'll do our best to get this situation resolved.
Chicago's Very Own WGN-TV