Poll on Hopper problems

How big of a deal are the problems you have found with the Hopper 3?

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I decided to hold off.
Dish is shipping me another H2WS
I'm going to wait another year +.

I've just see enough issues with lock ups, various PQ issues, VOD downloading and streaming issues.

Now most of you guys don't mind the little bugs, But I don't want to have to reboot the only receiver I have in the 6 room setup because of lock ups.

I just feel it's too early, and if I'm seeing the same issues by even a couple people here in the threads ,Imagine what out in the real world.

No offense but some members here will always downplay an issue to try and save face, over actually reporting and addressing issues.

So from the posts I've seen here between the post I've see at the Dish Chat, as well as Facebook, I've seen a few of the same repeated bugs. And the Locked screen is enough for me to not upgrade at this time.

With the exception of my Joey 1.0, my dual Hopper setup has worked flawless since basically day 1.
No 72 hour waits on what may or may not Populate in the Guide or VOD, No locked black boxes on the screen, and I've yet found a TV that the PQ was affected by the set top box from Dish or Directv because of improper compatibilities with TV manufacturers.

Do I think these won't be addressed?
Sure they will. When I'm ready to upgrade it will be all fixed.
Until now, I'm staying with My 2-HWS , 2 Joey, and -1 211z.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
I think I will wait for now as well. By May or even this summer , hopefully all the big bugs will be worked out and it will be easier to upgrade. I don't want my only dvr receiver to be bugging out and rebooting etc. I went through that with the 921,922, and of course other earlier pvrs and dvrs that DISH has come out with. I waited on the first hopper 1 till it had been out a couple of months before I upgraded. I waited till the summer before I upgraded to the hopper with sling 2. I can wait till this summer for the glitches and bugs to be worked out if I have to. The only thing I will be missing is the extra tuners and the new carbon interface. Even that is supposed to come to the other hoppers. Good things come to those who wait........:yes
I have no regrets about upgrading. I had no conflicts with 4 HWS, but having a unified playlist and timer list is nice. Also, I absolutely love the speed of the Hopper 3. The 4K Joey is really nice too as far as speed goes.
So far the votes have gone as I expected. I am a little surprised about seeing one that wishes they never upgraded though.
Well, scratch a little of my post a couple up. Got my first black center screen of death on the display. Everything in the guides, settings, etc looks good but when you go back to any channel center black square box. Eventually it just stopped showing any picture at all but sound was there. Again, even on channel no picture, the Guide, Settings, etc had picture.

I did a RED button reset and all went back to normal. Problem now that I only have one hopper, all 3 other Joey's go into a waiting for Hopper screen.

Something this big, I'm sure they will have to address soon. If I find it's reproducible, I'll post the exact steps.

I hit this one right out the gate. Got installed last Friday afternoon. When it happened to me I was in the guide, not sure what I hit but it suddenly jumped to the sports finder app. Chalked it up to not knowing the remote yet. I was trying to figure out how to jump 1 day ahead (hold skip fwd I would learn later). Figured while I was there I would set my sports/teams, but when I exited that I had the black box in the middle.

Show would be playing around the box, and would play in full in the window on any menu, but the black box wouldn't go away until a reboot.

Any new H3 people here after the weekend?

Here's my initial few bugs.

-The black box, mentioned above (required reboot to fix)
-A full black screen where the picture would only keep playing in the top corner similar to when you're in a menu. (Playing another dvr item or switching channels seemed to clear this one)
-Losing audio when pausing a program and resuming after a few minutes. Seems to be only on the external recordings, and if you wait it out the audio resumes after 20-30 seconds. (Suspect it could be the external drive going to sleep maybe?)
-No pictures for shows yet, I suspect those will trickle in throughout the week though
-Search doesn't seem to work yet, I also suspect this will resolve shortly.

Ultimately nothing overly critical as of yet. Hope it'll stay that way. The freedom to put all my timers on one box without conflicts is a welcome change. Also with so many tuners available I can put a bit more padding around recordings to catch those annoying channels that don't seem to want to air shows on time.
I hit this one right out the gate. Got installed last Friday afternoon. When it happened to me I was in the guide, not sure what I hit but it suddenly jumped to the sports finder app. Chalked it up to not knowing the remote yet. I was trying to figure out how to jump 1 day ahead (hold skip fwd I would learn later). Figured while I was there I would set my sports/teams, but when I exited that I had the black box in the middle.

Show would be playing around the box, and would play in full in the window on any menu, but the black box wouldn't go away until a reboot.

Here's my initial few bugs.

-The black box, mentioned above (required reboot to fix)
-A full black screen where the picture would only keep playing in the top corner similar to when you're in a menu. (Playing another dvr item or switching channels seemed to clear this one)
-Losing audio when pausing a program and resuming after a few minutes. Seems to be only on the external recordings, and if you wait it out the audio resumes after 20-30 seconds. (Suspect it could be the external drive going to sleep maybe?)
-No pictures for shows yet, I suspect those will trickle in throughout the week though
-Search doesn't seem to work yet, I also suspect this will resolve shortly.

Ultimately nothing overly critical as of yet. Hope it'll stay that way. The freedom to put all my timers on one box without conflicts is a welcome change. Also with so many tuners available I can put a bit more padding around recordings to catch those annoying channels that don't seem to want to air shows on time.

Most of these bugs will go away after a few days. I think it's important to not to reset the receiver every time there is a bug though. Unless it's one that is affecting your viewing I would just let everything work itself out on it's own.
The pictures not downloading is NOT a bug, its the fact all receivers aren't being put in standby for the info to be downloaded. Turn off all the Joeys and Hopper watch the standby screen for a minute and the system will do a guide update. Pictures will start showing right after it completes
The pictures not downloading is NOT a bug, its the fact all receivers aren't being put in standby for the info to be downloaded. Turn off all the Joeys and Hopper watch the standby screen for a minute and the system will do a guide update. Pictures will start showing right after it completes

All boxes were off Friday from when we went to bed till Saturday morning, same Saturday night, and off most of the day Sunday but still had no pictures as of last night.

I suspect they will show up eventually, but as of yet haven't. We haven't even used the Joey's yet other than to turn on and make sure they worked.
Is there recordings happening over night? I and others have found that as long as no tuners are being used they download quickly. It makes me wonder if the ones reporting that this is not working for them is they have recordings happen over night and the tuners are still being used. Mine was installed on Friday the 5th at 11am and by 3pm all pictures were downloaded.
I was having that issue of the pictures not downloading so i did "check switch" like we used to do on the old 522's and the 622's. It wasn't a minute later that i got the message that the guide and dvr are being updated, plase wait to create timers or access DVR events. Pretty sure it wasn't coincidence. Shortly after the update all of my pictures were showing in the DVR.
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ScottChez 's TOP TEN Bug List and Temp Solutions.
I think these are very minor, I am the only one in the house to even notice, but then again I test software for a living.
Dish did a great job, you always have minor bugs on a new release,

1. OTA Tuner pixels but only on Joey 4K after using apps or Home Media

ONLY the JOEY 4K breaks up on Over the Air.
My Joey 2.0 and Hopper 3.0 is fine on OTA.
Even locals that are with in 20 miles do it on a Joey 4K
I have tried TWO different USB tuners and Two different USB cables.
The same coax and ANT is being used as when on the Hopper WS. Nothing has changes with coax or splitters.
TO solve this issue I rebooted the Joey 4K then it worked.
Best guess to reproduce this issues, is run a LOT of Home Media movies through the Joey 4K, then viewing OTA through the Joey 4K has Pixelation.
Only a reboot of the Joey 4k fixes it once its starts.
Again Joey 2.0 is fine at all times.

2. Guide stuck on just one page when turning on
only way to fix this is change the guide to show all channels then change it back to just show channels I get

Seems to happen if you use the Parental locks and try to hid some of the 102 103 104 channels that I do not watch

TEMP SOLUTION: un hid them and save

3. The black box, mentioned above (required reboot to fix)
-A full black screen where the picture would only keep playing in the top corner similar to when you're in a menu.

TEMP SOLUTION- Playing another dvr item or switching channels seemed to clear this one

4. Losing audio when pausing a program and resuming after a few minutes.
I get this for recordings only both external HD and Internal HD

Seems to be only on the external recordings, and if you wait it out the audio resumes after 20-30 seconds. (Suspect it could be the external drive going to sleep maybe?)

TEMP SOLUTION: wait 20-30

5. No pictures for shows yet, I suspect those will trickle in throughout the week though

NOTE: This is note a bug, normal and expected, but installer does not tell anyone, reboots can help

6. Search doesn't seem to work yet, I also suspect this will resolve shortly.

Note: again normal, wait

SIDE NOTE on missing search: I can't find a way to set timers to record based on title.
You used to be able to search for something say Action News, then set a time to record all Action News but ONLY keep one record, this then made the hopper record all the local news but only keep one recording so you always had the last News Cast all to watch.

7. Joey 2.0 when you hit Right Arrow does not show the mini guide.

Solution: none found yet.

8. USB 3.0 port not working
Plug it into the other 2.0 USB port and it works fine.

Next Step- could be the 3.0 is not self powered and the Hopper 3.0 can't handle powering a 3.0 device. Will try a powered hub next.
A bug in that it does not warn me of love power and I could not find anything in docs that it must be powered.

9. Home Media player can not play new Videos after 10 mins
Could be a memory leak, play a Video for 10 mins or more, then try play a new Video, you can't.

TEMP SOLUTION: You must exit out of the Home Media app, but the Box in standby and then run home media again.

10. No guide data for all OTA channels

This is normal and expected, mainly just the Dot 1 and Dot 2 sub channels have it.
Before we heard Dish did not have enough emory space to have guide data for all the many sub channels , but the new Hopper 3 has tons of memory.
Maybe they will add it later.
Example channels 8.1 and 8.2 have guide data 8.3 and 8.4 do not
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I found a new one that I never encountered before.

Now that searches are working, some shows when you pull them up will say Record, Watch or View Trailer.
I tried 'Review Trailer', swirling App starting animation and then black screen of death.

Nothing on the remote would work, nothing on any remote would work, Power Off wouldn't work.
Only way back was a Red Button salute.

So for now, if you see a Review Trailer, I'd stay away from it.
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Scotts TOP TEN Bug List and Temp Solutions.
I think these are very minor, I am the only one in the house to even notice, but then again I test software for a living.
Dish did a great job, you always have minor bugs on a new release,

1. OTA Tuner pixels but only on Joey 4K after using apps or Home Media

ONLY the JOEY 4K breaks up on Over the Air.
My Joey 2.0 and Hopper 3.0 is fine on OTA.
Even locals that are with in 20 miles do it on a Joey 4K
I have tried TWO different USB tuners and Two different USB cables.
The same coax and ANT is being used as when on the Hopper WS. Nothing has changes with coax or splitters.
TO solve this issue I rebooted the Joey 4K then it worked.
Best guess to reproduce this issues, is run a LOT of Home Media movies through the Joey 4K, then viewing OTA through the Joey 4K has Pixelation.
Only a reboot of the Joey 4k fixes it once its starts.
Again Joey 2.0 is fine at all times.

2. Guide stuck on just one page when turning on
only way to fix this is change the guide to show all channels then change it back to just show channels I get

Seems to happen if you use the Parental locks and try to hid some of the 102 103 104 channels that I do not watch

TEMP SOLUTION: un hid them and save

3. The black box, mentioned above (required reboot to fix)
-A full black screen where the picture would only keep playing in the top corner similar to when you're in a menu.

TEMP SOLUTION- Playing another dvr item or switching channels seemed to clear this one

4. Losing audio when pausing a program and resuming after a few minutes.
I get this for recordings only both external HD and Internal HD

Seems to be only on the external recordings, and if you wait it out the audio resumes after 20-30 seconds. (Suspect it could be the external drive going to sleep maybe?)

TEMP SOLUTION: wait 20-30

5. No pictures for shows yet, I suspect those will trickle in throughout the week though

NOTE: This is note a bug, normal and expected, but installer does not tell anyone, reboots can help

6. Search doesn't seem to work yet, I also suspect this will resolve shortly.

Note: again normal, wait

7. Joey 2.0 when you hit Right Arrow does not show the mini guide.

Solution: none found yet.

8. USB 3.0 port not working
Plug it into the other 2.0 USB port and it works fine.

Next Step- could be the 3.0 is not self powered and the Hopper 3.0 can't handle powering a 3.0 device. Will try a powered hub next.
A bug in that it does not warn me of love power and I could not find anything in docs that it must be powered.

9. Home Media player can not play new Videos after 10 mins
Could be a memory leak, play a Video for 10 mins or more, then try play a new Video, you can't.

TEMP SOLUTION: You must exit out of the Home Media app, but the Box in standby and then run home media again.

10. No guide data for all OTA channels

This is normal and expected, mainly just the Dot 1 and Dot 2 sub channels have it.
Before we heard Dish did not have enough emory space to have guide data for all the many sub channels , but the new Hopper 3 has tons of memory.
Maybe they will add it later.
Example channels 8.1 and 8.2 have guide data 8.3 and 8.4 do not

Two things that I picked out in your post. First, I love this comment. You would think the Hopper 3 is a pile of crap based on some of the complaints about most of the smaller bugs. Second, I believe you are talking about the Browse feature. I haven't heard of this issue yet and it does work on mine just fine.
I found a new one that I never encountered before.

Now that searches are working, some shows when you pull them up will say Record, Watch or View Trailer.
I tried 'Review Trailer', swirling App starting animation and then black screen of death.

Nothing on the remote would work, nothing on any remote would work, Power Off wouldn't work.
Only way back was a Red Button salute.

So for now, if you see a Review Trailer, I'd stay away from it.

I'm guessing Review Trailer loads an app or something. I've always found with Dish that the apps are very slow to get working properly. This isn't just with the Hopper systems either, I would have issues with apps going back to the 622. Many times trying to use the weather app would freeze up the receiver or trying to play some of the crappy games they had.
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HD Picture Issues

Anyway to get H3 for free?

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