Scott's Mini Hopper 3 Review

Are the power supplies for the 4K Joey and Joey 2 the same as the ones used for the original Joeys, with that proprietary end connector on it?
Almost. while the ends look the same the 4K Joey has a yellow connector on the end. As the wattage is different then a regular Joey.
Nope that's a feature. :)

If you think its bad I can send you a screen shot from my DirecTV receiver which will make you a fan of the one banner on the screen. :D

This happens all the time as you scroll the DirecTV guide. Not just on on demand channels. It's banner overload.
Scott, in your review you said:
A few times in testing things I have tried to break the Hopper 3 without success by performing the following test... Recordings 20 things at one time (yes 20 including 1 OTA and all 4 networks via Prime Time Anytime) while watching playback of HD shows on 4 joeys around the house (at the same time) and while watching a 4K Movie on the 4K Joey.... plus watching a different 4K movie on the Hopper 3 itself... That's a total of 26 streams going all at once including the two 4K UHD streams and guess what folks, the Hopper 3 handled it easily without a hiccup!"
We're all those streams/recordings you were doing HD channels?
It sure been nice if they have giving it a better look like like 4k model above

The Joey 2 is not really an all new Joey like the 4K Joey is. The Joey 2 is just a revision of original Joey with a faster processor in the box...hence the fact its still has the original design.
I thought the banner was like advertisement. That is a tip in the pic.

There is an option in the settings to have it show "Tips and Tricks" on the banner instead of advertisements. Unfortunately, like Patrick posted, there is no option to turn it off entirely. Sadly, that probably wont change any time soon.
There is an option in the settings to have it show "Tips and Tricks" on the banner instead of advertisements. Unfortunately, like Patrick posted, there is no option to turn it off entirely. Sadly, that probably wont change any time soon.
Well, maybe it was an oversight missed in the new GUI since it can be turned off in the old UI..
Great review, thanks Scott. Any idea when the new UI will be rolled out to HWS boxes? Honestly, with lack of Sports Bar mode, no 4K tv, and no recording conflicts now I don't think I'll be upgrading for a while. I would like to get the new UI, though.

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Hey Scott, I can connect my 4 EHD's but only 3 will show up. Having access to 3 now instead of 2 is great but on the H2 you could still transfer and send to the 3rd and that way it is or am I missing something?

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