Been a while since I switched, but to those who have had DirecTV and Dish, DirecTV has better PQ?

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I don't have E* and D* to compare so can't speak to that issue, but I do know once people make up their minds on a particular topic they very seldom change it even when evidence to the contrary is overwhelmingly convincing.

[Anecdote] I Have a son-in-law who, after failing a blind test miserably, still insists he can tell the color of M&Ms by their taste [/Anecdote].

[Anecdote] I Have a son-in-law who, after failing a blind test miserably, still insists he can tell the color of M&Ms by their taste [/Anecdote].


I have so many of these. I used to perform all sorts of "blind" A-B tests when selling audio equipment. Some people were convinced a particular brand was clearly the better sounding. Even after they failed "blind" tests miserably they went with that brand no matter what. The only time these AB tests did anything was when the buyer did not come in with a preconceived idea of what was better.
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The HD picture on Direct is great but as far as the Genie goes, it needs updates to improve it. My parents have Dish and I'd have to see them side by side to really see the differences.
I switched from Dish to Direct last January and have a Samsung 4K tv and picture quality is definitely better on Direct.
Did it. Easily can tell which is which.
I am with you. My parents have Dish, while I Directv and can easily tell. Also as a business travel I can tell when a hotel has Directv and Dish.

As for the difference, I prefer quality channels and the ones I want in HD. However, I will say my parents just did the Joey set up and Dish Every is slick. Grant more and more with Directv is getting those features but some of the channels I want are not available.

At the end of the day it's your preference.
I think I'm going to stay with DirecTV anyways. I do seem to remember being astounded by the picture as compared to Dish, and it also has Fox News Go/Fox Business Go access, and Disney XD, which has Star Wars Rebels, is in HD.
My wife greatly misses Dish. She misses what the Hopper can do that our Genie cant. I too miss features about the Hopper that we don't have on the Genie . My cousin loves Dish. He had Directv and only reason why he left is they wouldn't give him a deal to stay.
Directv typically uses less compression on their programming, especially big events like the Super Bowl, so the picture is better. Most people would need to put tvs side by side to see it, but you can tell.
My wife greatly misses Dish. She misses what the Hopper can do that our Genie cant. I too miss features about the Hopper that we don't have on the Genie . My cousin loves Dish. He had Directv and only reason why he left is they wouldn't give him a deal to stay.
Well, I do miss the equipment on the Hopper. It's far superior to DirecTV's equipment. I really liked PTAT.
Well, I do miss the equipment on the Hopper. It's far superior to DirecTV's equipment. I really liked PTAT.
See, now thats a personal preference ...
I personally would HATE the fact that the unit is Recording every night stuff that I DON'T want or have any desire to watch.
Also a waste of HD space.
See, now thats a personal preference ...
I personally would HATE the fact that the unit is Recording every night stuff that I DON'T want or have any desire to watch.
Also a waste of HD space.

For info, you can select the days it does that and how long it keeps those automagic recordings. And with a 2Tb internal HD, and the ability to add an EHD that can also store and play recordings, and also work if the Hopper dies and you get a new one, it is quite flexible.

Hands down, the Hopper/Joey/Super Joey setup is much better than anything D* is doing these days, or anyone else for that matter. D* has slightly better PQ and the ability to mix the Genie with other HDDVRs and receivers at the expense of poor software and overall slow operation.

And of course, D* also has more sports if you are willing to pony up more money!! :)
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Why is it DTV will be the only ones capable of this? I see this available from many different providers, and in many different styles... Over satellite, over IP, for cable providers through their boxes... It all just depends.
He is wrong. At least we know for certain Dish will also provide 4K. It will be the new 4K Joey that will be capable of displaying 4K content. It was demonstrated at the last CES. Clever to not have to blow tons of $$$ for new 4K Hoppers until 4K establishes itself. So, the 4K Joey is to be compatible with current Hoppers, so no having to transfer recordings and then back again to a new Hopper DVR. This makes for a very easy addition to 4K for households with no drama of replacing the DVR. But I think most of the 4K content is going to come from on-line services and that will probably be how most of us will watch it.

I have not heard of any of the MSO's planning to provide 4K, but if the cable cos want to, then can make it happen in fairly short time. It is simply not in demand. However, satellite has always ahead of the curve compared to the MSO's, and 4K along with the far superior Genie and Hopper systems compared to cable DVR's is clear.
I personally know of no one who has Dish anymore because Dish does not care about NY State. 15 years ago just about every one around here had E* now it's DirecTV or cable. It was always real easy to pick out a TV being fed by E*, just look for a TV that looked like the white balance had been jacked up. Even in the days of SD, Dish looked so washed out compared to DirecTV and cable. I can't speak about compression artifacts, since I don't really pay attention but, my lone Dish experiences in recent years have been from the car dealership we get our cars from. The waiting room has a 65" Sharp, the same exact model that my next door neighbor has. The employee break room has the 47" version of my 60" Sony. Both are connected via HDMI to Dish 211K's. After watching my TV and my neighbors TV, you can easily tell how poor the color saturation is with the TVs at the dealership.
I personally know of no one who has Dish anymore because Dish does not care about NY State. 15 years ago just about every one around here had E* now it's DirecTV or cable. It was always real easy to pick out a TV being fed by E*, just look for a TV that looked like the white balance had been jacked up. Even in the days of SD, Dish looked so washed out compared to DirecTV and cable. I can't speak about compression artifacts, since I don't really pay attention but, my lone Dish experiences in recent years have been from the car dealership we get our cars from. The waiting room has a 65" Sharp, the same exact model that my next door neighbor has. The employee break room has the 47" version of my 60" Sony. Both are connected via HDMI to Dish 211K's. After watching my TV and my neighbors TV, you can easily tell how poor the color saturation is with the TVs at the dealership.
And not possible that no one at the dealership have a damn to set up the settings on the TV correctly? My brother has DTV and the picture is honestly comparable. There is not enough of a difference to tell a difference. It was mentioned earlier, but most people that see a difference, only do because they want to. If a double blind study were performed, you'd likely not see any difference.
And not possible that no one at the dealership have a damn to set up the settings on the TV correctly? My brother has DTV and the picture is honestly comparable. There is not enough of a difference to tell a difference. It was mentioned earlier, but most people that see a difference, only do because they want to. If a double blind study were performed, you'd likely not see any difference.
Not for me, I always spot a Dish signal different from Directv. Dish always have this soft slightly hazy look while D*'s picture tends to be more crisp & clear. Both is no match for OTA but D* is closer to that quality than Dish is, it's the main reason I switched. I still miss the Hopper & it's Sling feature but couldn't take another day of that horrible picture. That was a couple years ago but saw a friend's Dish picture & I could see that hazy, soft look still.
Not for me, I always spot a Dish signal different from Directv. Dish always have this soft slightly hazy look while D*'s picture tends to be more crisp & clear. Both is no match for OTA but D* is closer to that quality than Dish is, it's the main reason I switched. I still miss the Hopper & it's Sling feature but couldn't take another day of that horrible picture. That was a couple years ago but saw a friend's Dish picture & I could see that hazy, soft look still.
As I sit here and watch my Dish, I can honestly tell you, I have no idea what you are talking about with a "soft, hazy picture". It is crisp as could be. There are things that can cause that, such as a TV that has not been adjusted appropriately, cheap cables, poor installation, subscription services, channel viewed. I have Dish, my brother has DTV, and although he hates me talking about Dish, he has admitted my TV looks better than his. I know how to change the settings on my TV. He does not, and I honestly do not care enough, nor does he, for me to teach him or do it for him. So I guess we can agree to disagree, but I will always say that if anyone were to do a double blind study with it(the VAST majority), could not see a difference or consistently pick the correct signal.
Seriously? The Millionth thread with the same PQ discussion? I will say I did enjoy reading about a non calibrated, and who knows how it was set-up Dealer's TV in a commercial environment, to determine PQ. Very entertaining. That and the washed out comments tell me some don't understand what calibrating is all about.
I do see a difference between the two, and can understand someone could prefer one over the other, but to my eyes it isn't a night and day difference on even a somewhat calibrated TV, and even at that Direct seems a little harsher rather than sharper to me. So certainly a matter of preference.

Both is no match for OTA but D* is closer to that quality than Dish is.....

And yet there have been plenty of posters with DISH who will tell you they see little to no difference, or like myself only see a slight difference when comparing inches from the TV. (It can depend on market also)

I personally know of no one who has Dish anymore because Dish does not care about NY State.
Well that settles the PQ debate.
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I you knew which TV was showing which service, then you will always pick the BRAND you like best. It is human psychology. If the two services were shown on two different TVs, then you are comparing the pictures of the TVs, not the services, but once again, if you know which TV is showing which brand, you will always pick "your" brand.
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