Netflix comes to the Hopper with Sling

90%+ of users won't care about 1080p and 5.1 and half of the ones that think they care won't know the difference. Waiting for release for a relative handful of techies would be the wrong decision.

Another data point. My local CW affiliate ran DD 5.1 out of phase for at least the last two years. It didn't bother me until this fall when I started watching Arrow and The Flash. I emailed the tech department and 24 hours later it was in phase. Out of phase 5.1 didn't bother a single viewer enough to complain for over two years and the techs at my CW/CBS affiliates didn't care either.
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...didn't bother a single viewer enough to complain
I wouldn't automatically associate the notice it part with going to the trouble to complain ;) Some people simply can't be bothered. I am curious if anyone that frequents AVS noticed it (most larger city's have a dedicated thread for the local channels, HD, etc, etc). Then again, I'll bet you if anyone there did notice, they would have called. :D For my locals, I've seen people "report" that there was no center-channel for the first 5 minutes of a football game or something !! It gets noticed, and fixed, by either the network or the local station, yet they still mention it !
My son has a friend that comes over and they watch old TV shows on the Wii using the friend's account. The PQ is abysmal I assumed because SD. Could be our connection though aye?
I found out the WII has a Netflix app, so I tried it .... once. It was horrendous !! I'm 100% certain it's the connection (480i). It didn't use the 16:9 format we have set either (games are displayed in 16:9).
I have a Roku that I watch Netflix on in 1080p. I compared the PQ from it to that of the Hopper. If anything, the PQ looked better on the Hopper. So, 1080p? Who cares!
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I meant that 25 percent of Hopper w/ sling owners have 5.1. Not ma and pa with an old SD receiver and no DVR. People with Hopper w/ sling usually are tech-savvy and first adopters.

I was only thinking of HWS installs. I don't think it would be anywhere close to 25%. HWS has been the standard HD DVR install for nearly two years now. It does not equate to geek/techie/home theater user.
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I have the 1st Gen Hopper (two of them) and I am out of contract.
If I call to upgrade to the current Hopper with Super Joey will I have to sign a new Two year contract to get them for free?
I see Tivo also has Neflix built in. It works with my Cable TV and a Cable card so Dish is not the first to have Netflix.
Actually Dish is the first PAY-TV service to provide access (via app) to Netflix. TiVo is NOT a pay-TV service. TiVo is a maker of DVR's and Netflix does not take any of TiVo's business away. For Dish, a PAY-TV provider to support Netflix, often referred to as a "competitor" to Pay-TV services, this is as big as the first steps on the moon. This is a FIRST, and leave it to Charlie to finally see that having Netflix on the Hopper can actually help KEEP Hoppers/subscribers to his Dish pay-TV service.
You also probably think stereo sounds better than 5.1 and mono sounds best of all.
Did I address audio, Mitch? Answer...NO! You need to stop complaining about something that did not exist a week ago, and that you did nothing to receive other than being a Dish sub. So stop PUNCHING a Gift Horse in the mouth. How many Christmas presents will you/have you returned, or inappropriately complained about because they are not good enough for you?
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I found out the WII has a Netflix app, so I tried it .... once. It was horrendous !! I'm 100% certain it's the connection (480i). It didn't use the 16:9 format we have set either (games are displayed in 16:9).
Wii is not in HD. I never watch Netflix on the Wii. WiiU on the other hand is in HD and I have watched it many times.
I really like the new Netflix app.....hope its the first of others to come. Now netflix shows need to be integrated into the Dish "search" function......OH, and my thread about "Hopper 3 dreaming" a couple of weeks ago may be coming true.....HOPPER 4K!!!!

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