Maybe you could save the timers to your remote, pull the batteries to avoid an overwrite, remove timers, and if needed restore the old timers and be no worse off. -Ken
Maybe you could save the timers to your remote, pull the batteries to avoid an overwrite, remove timers, and if needed restore the old timers and be no worse off. -Ken
Going to test one Hopper today for the OTA recording issues with an idea from MikeD-C05. On one of my Hoppers that has all our OTA favorite local channel's timers, I deleted all timers, deleted all local channels, disconnected the OTA module, and pulled the plug for a hard reboot. Let the Hopper unplugged for five minutes, plugged her back in, after she booted up and running I plugged the OTA module back in. Hopper did another soft reboot and then I performed a scan for local channels. After that, I loaded timers for all our favorite OTA local channels. Six of our favorite timers are Monday thru Friday are during the day so will post back when or if the first one screws up. All of these channels (five CBS and one CW) were corrupted Monday and yesterday. First channel to record is at 8 AM CST and the last one records at 4 PM CST. I will also live view these programs during the day. First one just started, CW channel. Wish me luck.
Thanks for trying this for us. I hope it works.
Going to test one Hopper today for the OTA recording issues with an idea from MikeD-C05. On one of my Hoppers that has all our OTA favorite local channel's timers, I deleted all timers, deleted all local channels, disconnected the OTA module, and pulled the plug for a hard reboot. Left the Hopper unplugged for five minutes, plugged her back in, after she booted up and running I plugged the OTA module back in. Hopper did another soft reboot and then I performed a scan for local channels. After that, I loaded timers for all our favorite OTA local channels. Six of our favorite timers are Monday thru Friday during the day so will post back when or if the first one screws up. All of these channels (five CBS and one CW) were corrupted Monday and yesterday. First channel to record is at 8 AM CST and the last one records at 4 PM CST. I will also live view these programs during the day. First one just started, CW channel. Wish me luck.
Did you watch it live on same hopper that was recording? I think that prevents the recording from breaking up.
Last week I was recording a show off OTA. Five minutes after it started I switched to it live to see if it was breaking up. It wasn't. Then I started the recording over and it was broken up up to the point I started watching live.
Here's another problem a customer pointed out to me today. It appears that since the last update OTA recordings no longer add the 1 minute at the beginning and 3 minutes to the end of the recordings even though that's what's specified in the timers. I just checked one here and that seems to be the case. A Jeopardy recording that should be 34 minutes long is 30 minutes long.
I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere so maybe this should be another new thread?
Did you watch it live on same hopper that was recording? I think that prevents the recording from breaking up.
Last week I was recording a show off OTA. Five minutes after it started I switched to it live to see if it was breaking up. It wasn't. Then I started the recording over and it was broken up up to the point I started watching live.
Second recording was good. Started watching the recording for about 10 minutes, switched to live for a while and then back to recording. Started it over and it played all the way thru with no issues. Must be my lucky day so far.
Well the real test is if it works for two or three days in a row. So far I don't consistently have bad recordings . Also try watching something else while it is recording and watch it later and or try to watch it delayed from the start. If it does work without any issues ,then we have the answer that we should all follow. I didn't have time last night to try my old idea, I just hope that this is the fix.
Going to test one Hopper today for the OTA recording issues with an idea from MikeD-C05. On one of my Hoppers that has all our OTA favorite local channel's timers, I deleted all timers, deleted all local channels, disconnected the OTA module, and pulled the plug for a hard reboot. Left the Hopper unplugged for five minutes, plugged her back in, after she booted up and running I plugged the OTA module back in. Hopper did another soft reboot and then I performed a scan for local channels. After that, I loaded timers for all our favorite OTA local channels. Six of our favorite timers are Monday thru Friday during the day so will post back when or if the first one screws up. All of these channels (five CBS and one CW) were corrupted Monday and yesterday. First channel to record is at 8 AM CST and the last one records at 4 PM CST. I will also live view these programs during the day. First one just started, CW channel. Wish me luck.
All of my OTA Recordings are choppy. Watching Live is fine. I am disappointed this isn't fixed because if I want to record all 4 NCAA games at the same time I need to use OTA (CBS) for the 4th channel.
Just had a thought that setting a auto tune timer the minute before a DVR timer is supposed fire as a possible workaround for this and it seems that it may actually be a valid workaround. Certainly not elegant, but maybe a tad less cumbersome than doing all the deleting/rebooting/recreating stuff.