Same work; better result
Sorry to hear about your rust 'n mangle.
I really got to agree with Fat Air, above: find a (free? / used) 8' or 10' mesh or perf.
Take a look at the 8' perf in my signature. Very stealthy.
C band performance will be considerably better, and it'll last longer.
The 6' WSI is pretty flimsy. Add to that all the renovation..
You might as well put the effort into a bigger dish.
On the forum here, there are numerous stories of finding and restoring old BUDs.
It's not difficult; you don't -need- to make 'em look new.
Many could go up with no more than a lube and an alignment.
But generally the rust gets brushed off the mount, and a little new spray paint applied.
Nicer dishes have aluminum ribs and mesh/perf.
I wouldn't do much more than wash those. !
