What are your local schools doing now for security after Connecticut Shooting?

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Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
Western WV
What are your local schools doing now to keep the schools more secure? A grade school here is having someone meet you at the door, asking your name as of yesterday and today having a State Trooper circle the parking lot.

We had a thread by someone that ran for sheriff earlier this year that if they took his children away he may do the same thing that happened in Connecticut. To say the least he is arrested.
It's a shame to turn schools into prison fortresses. When I was in school we had no air conditioning and all the entrance doors were propped open with door stops for ventilation on hot days. Open campuses, we could leave for lunch.
It's a shame to turn schools into prison fortresses. When I was in school we had no air conditioning and all the entrance doors were propped open with door stops for ventilation on hot days. Open campuses, we could leave for lunch.
+1, but then that was a different time....
heck when i was in school, many guys had thier guns in thier cars to go hunting after school

no one ever got shot
+1, but then that was a different time....
It was a different time due to the lack of a 24 hour news cycle, not due to actual crimes, child abductions and other things we hear about more often now because we are tuned in to things happening everywhere around the world now and assign it to something happening where we are. Then we automatically think it happens "here" all the time. It doesn't.
The IDIOCY of "a door greeter" at a school (which is being implemented at least three schools I frequent after the Christmas break) to prevent some one hell-bent on shooting up the place is absolutely laughable! It is what I call a security show. It is there to make people FEEL better about security, but actually doing NOTHING for prevention. What's even funnier is that none of the "greeters" will be actual trained law-enforcement or security personnel. In our case they will not be armed, so to me, they are the first casualty in a mass shooting.
Now, on the subject of mass shootings.... How many have there been around the world in the last 40 years? How many in schools? Now, how many schools and day care centers are there in the US? Over a quarter million! They are tragic, and we need to do everything we can to avert them, but let's think about it RATIONALLY. This reactionary response is useless. Think about this next time you walk into a movie theater.... or did you already forget about the shootings in one Colorado theater? How many armed guards were in the theater you went to see that holiday movie this week?

TNGTony, don't start injecting reason into and talking sense about an emotional issue. That just won't fly.

Thanks for a cogent statement.
heck when i was in school, many guys had thier guns in thier cars to go hunting after school

no one ever got shot

The look on people's faces when I tell them we had a sportsmen club and a shooting range in our high schools basement area

But our school has stepped up on a few things, the plan they had is a good one they have just added a few more measures
Before the shootings, we had a school police officer stationed at every Jr High and High school, during school times and extra curricular activities. Now, a El Paso Police Officer will also go into those same schools at least once a day and when ever they are called.

As for the elementary schools, all parents and guests, who go to pick up a child during school, must go in through the front of the school and have to go to the attendance office and wait there while school personnel go and get the child from class. All side and back gates are closed. At the beginning and end of school, parents are encouraged to drop off and pick up their kids at the drop off/pick up section.
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