DIRECTV Grants Endless Wishes

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still need a genie mini (or c31) since the mini accesses those features remotely through the 34. The 25 would be independent. can not access dvr controls (aside the record trick) or on demand

That's another huge problem. No tailgating or taking the C31 to the camp. I have a second dish setup at the camp and it sure is nice to just bring a little H25 up there and plug it in. No having to fuss with anything and it travels really well since it is so small. I could see how the C31 is for some people, but I'm sure if you explained the pro's and con's to many folks they would prefer the H25 setup. But it's all about cost and DirecTV want to push the cheaper box, even though they charge you the same monthly charges for the cheaper box. They should really only charge you half price for the C31.
rumor is you can't have 2 HR34's on an account (yet the install guide for the C31 says if you have multiple HMC's)

$199 for a HD DVR (2 tuner) last I checked

You can get two of them on the account but you have to buy it up front. Doable if you have the $$$$$. Think that's the same with the 3 hopper thing.
I guess since dtv lost subs last qtr for the first time ever they said let's change numbers to names.
I have the Genie(HR34) and 3 C31 clients that I have been beta testing for a couple of months and I love the system. Pause, rewind, record and then change the channel all from the C31. The name "Genie" is used now instead of HR34 simply for marketing purposes....just like "Tha Hoppa". It sticks better with people than a bunch of numbers. As far as not having a receiver in each room...the c31 is RF capable and so small that the c31box can mount to the wall or to the back of the TV so that you can't see it. Lots of negative nellys on here.

Technology is moving us all (DTV & Dish) forward people. Let's accept the awesomeness that is the 21st century!
to be a smarta**
from the title of the thread is misleading

DIRECTV Grants Endless Wishes

no it doesn't. I wished I had the NFL Sunday ticket for free yet it still shows "purchase for 44.99 a month" or something like that :p
OKAY this is something new isn't it?

you have to be recording the program. Basically if you tune to a program you are recording press the rewind button once and it starts the beginning of the show (or 90 minutes back if its a long program)
1tb is way too small IMO.

Well then, for people like you, the option to replace with a much larger drive is available. Problem solved.

For most, it is far more than ample.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
IMNSHO, people that use anything much larger, and fill it, are fools.

Unless you run an eSata RAID box off of the eSata port so you have a back up. To be honest I have never had a hard drive fail in a Directv DVR in the 12 years I have been with them. I have had the electronics in a Directv boxes fail several time though. Truthfully, I run sort of a belt and suspenders system. I have a DVD burner/VCR combo unit that I archive anything I deem too important to lose.
Unless you run an eSata RAID box off of the eSata port so you have a back up. To be honest I have never had a hard drive fail in a Directv DVR in the 12 years I have been with them. I have had the electronics in a Directv boxes fail several time though. Truthfully, I run sort of a belt and suspenders system. I have a DVD burner/VCR combo unit that I archive anything I deem too important to lose.

That's the smart way to do it. Whether a hard drive or something else fails, the recordings are useless.
Just got a HR34 installed. Thing is awesome so far. Thought this was supposed to be slow or on par with my HR24 but even while downloading guide data the thing is flying.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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