Hopper S217 Feedback

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Wow busy week at the Echostar software center! :)

We have our third release in a week. It is my understanding that this update was to get ready for some new apps coming this week for the Olympics. :)

Anyways this is THE place to leave your feedback and post any issues you might have with the S217 software.

Thanks guys! :)
IF they ever do full integration I hope that they'll have the ability to opt out, because I personally prefer keeping the timers/tuners separate. I can just use my spare Joey if I want to modify timers on any of them. Perhaps they could make the Hopper go into "Joey mode" with a selection or something.
I got 217 last night. Had 213.
I will connect my network back up to the Hopper and see if it's stable now.
Also noticed that resolution now says 1080P/1080i. My TV is 1080P capable but the Hopper is still giving it 1080i. Can't see any way to force it to 1080P.
Pointless to force 1080p as there are no 1080p channels (other than VoD and it will enable 1080p when applicable.)
Got 217 installed last night, still having issues with tv's joey and hoppers getting blank screens in the middle of watching tv. Can't change channel, joey doesn't show linked.
Went from 213 to 217 this morning. Have all the new features and the "Not Subscribed" error when playing back past recordings from an external device is fixed.
Got 217 installed last night, still having issues with tv's joey and hoppers getting blank screens in the middle of watching tv. Can't change channel, joey doesn't show linked.

How are your MoCA connections? To check press YELLOW - 9 - 2. Check your MoCA bars on all receivers. Anything less than FOUR GREEN BARS means trouble.
I did have a program go to black screen off of my Hopper with 217 today, right in the middle of watching a program off of an EHD. The sound was still there, no picture. I shut down the TV and turned it back on, no change. I shut down the TV and the AVR (HDMI from Hopper through AVR to TV), turned them back on issue corrected. The Hopper was never turned off in the process.....
No sound or picture in my case. you can go to guide to look for a new station or go to the tuners by using the red button, but can't change the channel. Network - whole home, still shows connected for awhile, but after a few minutes I finally get a 1303.
Well did not take them long to get another update out. As far as 1080p most networks do not even do 1080i the only thing that I'm aware of that might be in 1080p is On Demand type movies and if your watching a Blu-Ray movie. So 1080p never been a issue for me right now so until networks get there nothing anyone can do.. If your having issues with the the new update you might do a reset and also make sure that your bridging did not get disable again.. Seems like when the Hoppers are getting new updates they are put everything back to defaults and it seems like these are really Test Phase updates to see if they address some of the issues folks are having before they do a full phase release especially since they been pushing these out so quick.. Just some thoughts.. :)
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Went from 213 to 217 this morning. I noticed that you can delete PTA recordings now, but does it free up space? I deleted a lot of shows and the percentage full didn't change.
Went from 213 to 217 this morning. I noticed that you can delete PTA recordings now, but does it free up space? I deleted a lot of shows and the percentage full didn't change.

I never use PTAT but I would assume YES it frees up space.

All I know is that I have PTAT disabled and gained 9% on each Hopper since the update. I calculated it and it's almost exactly an extra 231GB.
Closed Captioning doesn't seem to work on my 2 hoppers on S217. It does work on the joey on S268.:confused: It's always worked before.
Closed Captioning doesn't seem to work on my 2 hoppers on S217. It does work on the joey on S268.:confused: It's always worked before.

I had a closed caption problem a few days ago. I did a red button reboot on the front panel of the Hopper and they came back.

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