DISH Drops AMC Networks (AMC Back on DISH channel 131)

Different feeds. Usually a select feed will be sent to a provider in question. I don't know how Comcast subs are claiming to be seeing it. I figured AMC would be smarter than that. I'm jealous that you have access to Bell. I miss CBC, whenever I come back from visiting family in Ontario.
I think you misspoke. You meant to say, "not be losing AMC", right?

As others have indicated, the CSR's simply don't know.

I think, at this point, it is a given that the AMC channels will be taken down as of July 1. The question is, for how long? That's anybody's guess.

Probably when the advertisers call and want a rate reduction because __ million people? are not seeing their advertisements.;)

The ironic thing is they want to be treated like a 24 hour network,guess it does not matter that they show paid programming commercials from 3AM to 6AM weekdays?.:confused:

I subscribe to ATHD250,would I miss AMC sure.But I'm also positive that through negotiations AMC and the rest of the channels will return on DISH just like the others did before after some time away.
I think you misspoke. You meant to say, "not be losing AMC", right?

As others have indicated, the CSR's simply don't know.

I think, at this point, it is a given that the AMC channels will be taken down as of July 1. The question is, for how long? That's anybody's guess.

That's correct. I did say "he guarantees that we will Not be losing DISH." He laughed when he said it too.

I couldn't be the only one who has called and was just curios if the CSR's were all saying the same thing. I figured it was a canned response and the $10 credit was to entice me to stay around -- not that a measly $10 credit would do it for me.

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AMC is about to lose 14 million viewers come July 1st. That will cause a substantial drop in their ratings. I don't think they will be able to ask for 75 cents a viewer once they lose all those eyes. So I'm betting that either way they will they will take the bigger hit, unless they come down on their price. Because I don't see DISH giving in on this ,just like they didn't give in to Disney on their extortion attempts to make us pay for both SD and HD versions of the same channel. I fully support DISH against AMC ,even if that means we lose those three or 4 channels. I can always watch Mad Men & the Walking Dead after the season ends on Netflix. The rest of the channels I don't watch and the movies on AMC aren't worth watching ,since they are cut up with commercials now.
AMC is about to lose 14 million viewers come July 1st. That will cause a substantial drop in their ratings. I don't think they will be able to ask for 75 cents a viewer once they lose all those eyes. So I'm betting that either way they will they will take the bigger hit, unless they come down on their price. Because I don't see DISH giving in on this ,just like they didn't give in to Disney on their extortion attempts to make us pay for both SD and HD versions of the same channel. I fully support DISH against AMC ,even if that means we lose those three or 4 channels. I can always watch Mad Men & the Walking Dead after the season ends on Netflix. The rest of the channels I don't watch and the movies on AMC aren't worth watching ,since they are cut up with commercials now.
amen :)
AMC is in a position of significant risk here and Dish seems prepared to play hard ball. Unfortunately for AMC, their programming is insufficiently compelling to get enough real consumer pressure behind them. HBO, they are not.
There is no court case if Dish decides not to carry a channel, no cost. Voom is separate case with different elements than Dish just not carrying a channel. Going with your way of thinking about it, Direct TV, and other cable carriers are also screwing us by not just paying what a provider wants, as we speak Direct TV is not carrying channels do to cost. Just to be clear in no way do I feel screwed when Dish does not pay what a provider asks without negotiating and getting the cost less. AMC is a combination of spite from Dish for which Dish is to blame, and AMC demanding all channels be carried whether Dish wants to or not, and raising cost even according to AMC itself by alot to get to where they think they should be. You are making an assumption when given these same conditions other carriers won't also not agree when their contracts come up.

I think I'm misunderstanding this whole AMC Dish thing then. I was under the impression that the Dish guys and AMC guys weren't getting along and this is Dish's way of sticking it to them. But thanks for clearing it up some. I myself actually like Dish a lot and want to keep them.
Dish, and other providers need to stop this "hostage" situation that seems to come up more and more often where they threaten to remove channels and tell users to call some phone number or website to complain and then they just ignore the complaints. It's always about money, and from where I sit, as long as the owners of these companies are living a better lifestyle than I am, And i know for certain that they do. They're all multi mega millionaires who have more wealth than any individual ought to be allowed to amass, (why society allows such inequality to continue without mounting an armed insurrection like France in 1789, is beyond me, but thats another discussion altogether) I have no sympathy for them when they refuse to just pay for the channels out of their own pocket if necessary. So poor Charlie ( who strikes me as being a major a**hole) will have to get by with a smaller yacht or only one jet. Boohoo. Or here's another idea..why not let the customers decide if they want to pay a few cents a month extra for the disputed channels instead of arrogantly deciding that they'll make the decision for you whether you like it or not.
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This statement is incorrect in it self. If everyone agreed that AMC had programming that was so completely compelling then every statement would be "Dish you are really going to screw it up for you company". They would saying we are going to be dropping you in droves, but so far we aren't seeing that even from those of us that are in the know. The poll here is showing less than 20% will drop E* and even if you add the maybe's it's only 32%. We are knowledgeable slice but small in comparison to the 14 million that AMC will be losing. Even if 20% of all customers were to drop E* that would only be 280k so Charlie has a better hand to play with than AMC. I'm very doubtful that that would happen during the summer months when TV viewing is at it's lowest. I don't want to see them dropped but if it happens it will be interesting to see how long it takes before many complain that it is gone. All this is just supposition on my part but tend to think that the real complaints will come in this fall if it hasn't been settled. I think there will be compromise well before then. And that is what "Charlie" is most likely betting on.
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So not enough viewership, so they're getting dropped... which will lead to their ratings plummeting?

20% of 14M is 2.8M not 280k. And watch loose vs lose, please.
OK so I should try to do math this late at night (early in the morning). The idea though is that only 20% of us drop E. The percent of all is going to be much less than what AMC is going to lose. 14M is a huge chunk of viewers. That will kill them in the ratings next fall. They would be lucky to be in the top 25 nets. My feeling is even lower. So the main point is E has much less to lose than AMC.
An interesting exercise would be to scan the 1500+ posts in this thread and pull the subscribers that say they are going to cancel their subscriptions over losing AMC and then cancel their subscriptions on the 1st.
Dish, and other providers need to stop this "hostage" situation that seems to come up more and more often where they threaten to remove channels and tell users to call some phone number or website to complain and then they just ignore the complaints. It's always about money, and from where I sit, as long as the owners of these companies are living a better lifestyle than I am, And i know for certain that they do. They're all multi mega millionaires who have more wealth than any individual ought to be allowed to amass, (why society allows such inequality to continue without mounting an armed insurrection like France in 1789, is beyond me, but thats another discussion altogether) I have no sympathy for them when they refuse to just pay for the channels out of their own pocket if necessary. So poor Charlie ( who strikes me as being a major a**hole) will have to get by with a smaller yacht or only one jet. Boohoo. Or here's another idea..why not let the customers decide if they want to pay a few cents a month extra for the disputed channels instead of arrogantly deciding that they'll make the decision for you whether you like it or not.

No clue.
Does EVERY Dish network subscriber watch AMC? I'm guessing not. So AMC would NOT lose 14 million "viewers".

Mad Men's finale only pulled in 2.7 million viewers, and its one of the highest rated shows on the network. That 2.7 million encompases Dish, Direct, and all the cable subscribers. The Killing only had 1.4 million for it's finale.

So I don't think Dish dropping AMC will create such a huge drop in ratings as some here would have you believe.


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