CE's for the First Weekend of Febuary 2012

I got to ask what magic is there left to shove in one of their DVR's?

Must be getting hard to think of new things to stick in there which will make things better! :)
Not having to attempt to enter a channel number 4 times because the box doesn't pick up on one or more numbers and you end up going to channel 2 or 24 instead of 245, for example, would be pretty amazing..

Not having to attempt to enter a channel number 4 times because the box doesn't pick up on one or more numbers and you end up going to channel 2 or 24 instead of 245, for example, would be pretty amazing..


That'd be nice. And for the black guide to be fast like it used to be!!!
Not having to attempt to enter a channel number 4 times because the box doesn't pick up on one or more numbers and you end up going to channel 2 or 24 instead of 245, for example, would be pretty amazing..


I always have to change my H24 remote control from RF to IR so I can enter 0-2-4-6-8 to download the CE,then after the CE is downloaded & my H24 is back up,I have to reprogram my remote for RF. I think it's more a problem with the remote though,it's a RC64RB. My H25 in my living room doesn't have that problem because I control it with a RC65RB.
I think they need to address the limitation of scheduling on different dvrs. The H can schedule on any DVR on the network, but the HR cannont. It should be at least an option when there is a conflict.

Even better would be network wide timer management.

Plus, bring that OTA scanning over from the HR34 to the H/HR series.

No new features needed, just refine common sense things.
I see 2 complaints about the HD-GUI.
1. It's harder to read
2. If its in HD why can't we see more time and/or channels in the guide (aka dish/Comcast spectrum or guide 2.0)

How about a "large" font setting for number 1, and a "small" font setting for number 2? Of course a "normal" font setting would be the default and look like what we have now.

Also maybe a little pizazz going in and out of screens. Just doesn't seem to have the polish of ios/droid/Mac/win7. Disguise some of the menu load times by hiding it behind a screen transition effect like all modern day UI's.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
HR20 - 700 grabbed it quickly (059E) now to start the HR24 - 500 ...

Well, has the HR24 passed the HR20 on the current download yet ?

I did like you, started the HR20 first, about 2-3 minutes apart and the 24 passed the 20 a few minutes ago.

24 is back to LIVE TV, 20 shortly.
So I see in the release notes that they are sticking with the stupid change that prevents you from pausing whatever you're currently watching if you're in the guide... Who the heck would logically expect the pause button to start playing whatever show you happen to have highlighted?

Other than that, and the desire for a smaller font to fit more text onto the screen (especially the guide), we are liking the new GUI.

UFC in 3D

R15 / R16 CE Release 2/10

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