Of course, we would all like that. None of us would get a ticket.With the lights on.![]()

Of course, we would all like that. None of us would get a ticket.With the lights on.![]()
Each state defines it differently. CA defines it as "normal speed of traffic". This means, as many police officers have confirmed, if the traffic is doing 95 in a 65 and you decide to get into the fast lane and do 85, you are impeding the normal speed of traffic and can be cited.
Of course, we would all like that. None of us would get a ticket.![]()
Here in CA it is. When there is not traffic, most in the fast lane are doing between 85 and 95I wouldn't say that 95 in a 65 is normal or reasonable flow.
That I completely agree. You will get no argument from me. We have laws that contradict other lawsYou can be ticketed for almost anything when it comes to this as the laws are vague but if they hold up with a judge is a different story.
We probably agree more than we disagree. We were just debating from two different angles.We just have to agree to disagree on this subject.
Can't do it on a 12 lane highway with hundreds of cars passing one area in just a few minutes. The only way to catch speeders on a multi-lane freeway, such as the one shown in the video, is to clock them.I have not seen a police office catch a speeder by clocking them with their car in a very long time. Around here they pretty much only use radar, lasar or clocking via plane.
Here is a video of a driver brake checking a copWhat would have happened if the driver had slammed on his brakes and the cop had hit him? For a normal citizen, they would have received a ticket for following too closely. A cop would most certainly have been suspended for a period or even lost his job. What if there had been injuries or even a death? Cops aren't allowed to follow that close in a high speed chase!
Can't do it on a 12 lane highway with hundreds of cars passing one area in just a few minutes. The only way to catch speeders on a multi-lane freeway, such as the one shown in the video, is to clock them.
Here is a video of a driver brake checking a cop
I was curious about that as well.He was most likely stopped for telling the cop he was "number one" when he was passing. I can't see that the cop would have pulled up to the side of him to just fall back and then stop him for brake checking him.
Here is the section of the vehicle code for impeding traffic in Arkansas
I. No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic '27-51-208(b)
II. A person shall not operate a motor vehicle continuously in the left lane of a multi-lane roadway whenever it impedes the flow of other traffic. '27-51-301(b)
That would be the easiest ticket to contest and get out of IMO. I know that you can't impede traffic but doing the speed limit is not impeding traffic IMO.
Sure you can impede traffic going the speed limit if you will not yield to the right, even at the speed limit. The rule is; The Far left hand lane is for PASSING ONLY, once you pass the car in the slower lane, you are REQUIRED to move back to the right.