Cowboys & Aliens

This trailer showed before Harry Potter. It was one of the harder trailers to wrap my mind around. Is it a movie that could really work? I would have written it off right away as a B movie if was not staring Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford. Not to mention Ron Howard and Steven Speilberg producing. It is a July 29th release, so not quite the July 4th blockbuster, but still a pretty prime spot in the summer.
This trailer showed before Harry Potter. It was one of the harder trailers to wrap my mind around. Is it a movie that could really work? I would have written it off right away as a B movie if was not staring Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford. Not to mention Ron Howard and Steven Speilberg producing. It is a July 29th release, so not quite the July 4th blockbuster, but still a pretty prime spot in the summer.

They STOLE MY IDEA! More than a dozen years ago, I wrote a screenplay titled, "ALIEN GUNSLINGER". Of course, you can't copyright an idea or a concept. Plus, they'll probably change the story just enough to avoid a plagiarism suit. But, I'll be watching and taking down notes when it premieres in late July.
I'm looking forward to this one. When I saw Harry Potter at midnight, everyone in the theater, myself included, could not stop laughing at the trailer.
OK saw the movie at a midnight showing and am more confused than ever... What were they trying to accomplish? What was the point of the movie?

I have to say that my initial reaction is disappointment. It held such promise with Spielberg and Ron Howard as producers and starring Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig.

Not that it was terrible, but I kept waiting for the moment where the "film would get good". I never reached the point where I thought "ah yes now I see why there is such talent in this movie".

It was like a string of ideas that they tried to make into a movie. Nothing seemed to really jell into a great picture. If it did not have the talent associated with the movie it would not have been that bad, but I kept waiting for a great movie and instead got a mediocre movie.
They STOLE MY IDEA! More than a dozen years ago, I wrote a screenplay titled, "ALIEN GUNSLINGER". Of course, you can't copyright an idea or a concept. Plus, they'll probably change the story just enough to avoid a plagiarism suit. But, I'll be watching and taking down notes when it premieres in late July.

You should have taken action when the graphic novel first came out.
LOVED IT!! It's a WESTERN where the bad guys are scumbag Aliens. Great cast/characters. Think "The Searchers" with a twist. Best movie I've seen this year.

The Smurfs

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