Classifieds Forum

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 9, 2009
just wondering why the average joe like me cant post in the classifieds section? i have a few dishes and motors that i want to sell for a very reasonable price :confused:
only pub members can post classifieds. That is one of the perk of being a pub member (along with all the ads going away + some other things)
$20 a year and its well worth it

note that anyone can reply to a post in the classifieds area
Oh, well that's a shame, I have some barely used motors and dishes for very cheap prices, I guess I will put them on ebay,
Oh, well that's a shame, I have some barely used motors and dishes for very cheap prices, I guess I will put them on ebay,

The classified used to be open to all. They started getting swamped with spam. Rather than force the mods to delete a dozen penis enlargement ads every day, Scott decided to make this a paid member benefit. It works both ways. In addition to keeping out the spam, the members have some assurance that the seller is reputable and if there is a problem, we know where he lives (here).

Go to ebay if you must, or consider joining. It is definitely worth it for all the other benefits.
like we say for $20 a year its WELL worth it to be a pub member

but do as you must. I guess all the fees Ebay charges you'll probably come out ahead by a few cents when all said and done
Oh, well that's a shame, I have some barely used motors and dishes for very cheap prices, I guess I will put them on ebay,

So are you saying you wanted to come here and spam your junk and profit off of this site for free?

Try seeing if you can place classified ads on ebay for a full year for only $20.
So are you saying you wanted to come here and spam your junk and profit off of this site for free?

Try seeing if you can place classified ads on ebay for a full year for only $20.

wow nice attitude you have there....

seeing as you asked the question....placing one classified ad would not be considered "spam"....and if you took the time to read my post you would know my stuff is not "junk"....i clearly said "barely used" and some items are new....i would post pics to confirm this....

i was actually trying to be NICE by selling these items to people on this site at a much lesser value than they are actually worth because i know the buyers here will put them to good use....

and yes i can place free ads for a year on many sites....kijiji and craigslist just to name a few....

any other questions i can answer for you?
Well go there and post them then.

going back and reading all of your previous posts on this seems you have nothing rellevant or important to contribute.....i guess you are just trying to keep your streak alive....congrats :rolleyes:
What happens when something get's abused, it either get's turned off or made a premie member benefit. I can't remember if there's a setting to allow posts in a certain area after a certain period like being a mboard member for a year or so, but this is Scott's board.
wow nice attitude you have there....

seeing as you asked the question....placing one classified ad would not be considered "spam"....and if you took the time to read my post you would know my stuff is not "junk"....i clearly said "barely used" and some items are new....i would post pics to confirm this....

i was actually trying to be NICE by selling these items to people on this site at a much lesser value than they are actually worth because i know the buyers here will put them to good use....

and yes i can place free ads for a year on many sites....kijiji and craigslist just to name a few....

any other questions i can answer for you?

Hoss, you can SAY anything you want. Doesn't make it TRUE. Scott and Prize Goddess ( and the MODS!) do a damn fine job here, and I ain't gonna have anyone run them down unopposed.

They explained to you (nicer than I would have, BTW) why. That you don't like it is immaterial. It is what it is. I PAY for access BECAUSE the classified section is as it is. And I will keep paying. When you list something here, you are paying for access to people that by and large know what you are selling, know what its worth, and generally good people. You not going to find that on ebay or cragislist or kiiji. The knowledge I gain here is worth a LOT more than 20.00 a year, ignoring the classified issue, anyway.

This site doesn't owe you a DAMN thing. Or me either, for that matter. I am damn proud to be a paying member of Satelliteguys, and being called a Satelliteguy. Sorry if ya don"t see it that way.
This site doesn't owe you a DAMN thing

i never claimed the site owed me anything....i am not sure where you read i said i was going to offer my items at very reduced pricesi could get more elsewhere and i know that....i was trying to be a nice to the members here....i guess being nice in society these days doesnt mean much....and it doesnt matter much to me either i will sell them elsewhere....
Agreed Stone.

People don't understand that running a site like SatelliteGuys s not cheap... we have a lot of ads this I know but the ad market keeps getting worse and worse instead of better. Everytime tey say the economy is showing signs of improvement ad revenue shoots down more.

In September we will be adding a third server to our setup and that server is expected to cost around $8000 not to mention te extra hosting fees etc.

I would love for everything on the site to be free and have no ads but I am not made of money and can not continue to pay for many of the things the site needs out of my own pocket. A big thank you to everyone who is a Pub Member who truely helps us KEEP THE LIGHTS ON for everyone.
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