Well, now, here's a small problem as I see it, and this is ONLY my opinion, Dee-Ann. You are still missing things that people are suggesting. Iceberg has asked you twice to post something, you replied to his questions twice by quoting him and NOT answering either question. All the "fancy pants'" equipment in the world will NOT teach you to aim your dish, and there is NO LUCK involved in getting the best signal.
I made several postings to try helping, to the point where I stopped responding, those took a LOT of time to type and explain in as simple terms as I could to try to guide you, but you ignored those suggestions, you went off in other directions and sort of sluffed off the info given as if it weren't important, not just by me, but by several people.
And for someone that claims to not have much money, you keep going out and buying more meters and other equipment that isn't really needed.
And if you don't understand something, or don't like something, it suddenly becomes "stupid" or "wacky" or some other cute term.
Iceberg made a suggestion that you scan with the Coolsat and post the frequency and number, the FREQUENCY and numbers. See how you keep missing things? For all we know the frequency you have may lead to IMPORTANT information that we can't see, maybe you have a setting wrong on your lnb. And we CAN'T help you if you go off in a different direction than requested or told to do.
I would agree with Iceberg on his last request.
Delete ALL the information you have stored for the Coolsat on this satellite, and save just ONE of the channels, something that you don't want to watch, a news channel or scrambled signal, or a NASA channel, save ONLY one of those channels, then do a blind scan. THEN come back and give us a list of the channels you get, with the TRANSPONDERS, and signal you get, strength and quality. Give us a list of at least five to ten channels without pictures. Maybe then we can see what's wrong and guide you better to get the best signal you can get on this satellite.
But of course, this is just my opinion, it doesn't really matter, but it just may help you get a better idea of why you aren't getting everything better than you are now.