With ad blocker off it takes almost 30-45 seconds for the content of the site to load. With it on it takes less then 5. Something really needs to be done about that difference before turning the ad blocker off is possible.
We do not run those types of ads. If you see them please report them so they can be removed.
We got rid of one of our ad networks a few weeks ago as that was the kind of JUNK they were serving (and we had those type of ads turned off with them) while we needed the money we did not want to serve our members those type of ads.
Ok I think I found those two annoying ads. They were being served from MTV TRIBES.
POOF Gone! (It will take a few hours for them to update)
Not a fan of this recent ad that follows me around covering up the screen telling me to take a survey. Another not so bad ad was residing just under the header telling me i had a personal message
Someone posted it above and believe I found it and got rid of it.Get a screenshot?
Sorry no. If I see it again, I will. The floating circle ad followed the cursor and blocked out the forum. Then it just went away.
And *that* doesn't even touch on the whole "follow me everywhere" nature of the ad marketers.
I could make an exception, if the ads were served from your site, were personally and directly screened (every ad) by a trusted someone, but unfortunately it costs far to much on your behalf, to do so (bandwidth alone would probably tripple if not go by a power of 10) if not for the bandwidth, the reviews, the upload feed to get new ads into rotation, etc.. would be additional man hours spent, reducing the commission benefit.
I have been virus free for the better part of 12 years, use even more caution when (in the course of my job) I go to the sites of the evil doers, and must continue to remain virus/infection/worm/trojan free.
Nothing good.
Some sites block content to non-subscribers. I guess the pub is that sort, but I would also guess that few join just to get pub access.
I suppose we could solicit a major sponsor, but then we would be beholdin' to themRe: the other guys and DTV, or AVSForums and AVS commercial site.
I always wonder about the sort of member who doesn't pay for support and then complains about the ads. It has always seemed to me to be a take your choice sort of thing, as somebody has to pay the (significant) bills. I don't use an ad blocker. Ever. If the site isn't worth a subscription, then I feel I owe it to the owner to at least provide that revenue.
Note that Scott specifically asked to let him know about certain ads. If you consider that "complaining", then so be it, but I would not have made any postings about the ads without the request from Scott.I always wonder about the sort of member who doesn't pay for support and then complains about the ads.