Movies on Cuban TV @ Hispasat 30w

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Predators, 2010, USA, New Release tonight on CubaVision at 11:36 pm (late this time due to the Cuban LUCAS Awards Gala). Dont miss it, seems to be a good one with good reviews as per IMDB.
A new cuban release, HBO hit Series , True Blood, starts tonight on Cubavision replacing DollHouse that just finished last monday. It will air , 3 times a week , Mon, Wed, Fri after the "news" (if you can call it news, lol) usually after 12 midnight. As any other US made programming it most have original English audio and also English CC. Enjoy episode 1 and the rest of them!.
Decided to give this a try after reading this thread. Really didn't think it would work up here, but with a nice mild winter day and some time to waste, why not give it a try. I jury rigged a spare 36" Fortec onto a fence pole with some plywood scraps and brought my Fortec Classic NA and 9" TV outside. The bracket on the Fortec dish doesn't even go down that far so I set the J pole 5 degrees off plumb. Elevation at my location is 5.5 degrees! The dish appears to be looking right at the ground about 20 feet in front of it.

It works! 46% signal quality without even trying too hard. I think I'll probably get it a bit better in spring with a permanent mount. Scanned in 46 video and 44 audio channels with a full scan. Fun

So what's Cubavision playing tonight :popcorn
Sp to English Translation

To find out what's on - Google Translate, the easy way - - :)
For those that don't use the Chrome browser, but would like an easy way to access Google Translate. This code, as a shortcut URL on your LINKS BAR will send the page you are on directly to Google Translate for a Spanish to English translation.
Add a shortcut with the following code as the URL to your LINKS bar.
Name it G-Translate or something else to your liking. That's it.
To use, whenever you are on a page that you need a Sp. to English translation, just click the G-Translate link in your LINKS bar. The page will be translated. Works well on:

hxxp:// and hxxp://

It looks like High Anxiety on cubavision,(High Anxiety (1977) - IMDb) and Betrayal (Betrayal (2003) - IMDb) on telerebalde

The above works well in FF, and I would venture to guess any mozilla based browser.

I.E.8 works but there is only one way I have been able to get a shortcut named Google Translate in the links bar. First you have to navigate to Place it on the LINKS bar. then replace the URL, of the shortcut, with the above code. (Right click - Properties) It will complain that it's not a valid URL. Accept the invalid URL and all works well.
(This is the first time I have started I.E. in years. Going to be many more before I do it again.)
I made a thread on the "what's up there" board showing the weeks lineup on the Cubavision channels. don't know if anybody uses it though. put it there to try to prevent it from being cut &pasted on hack sites This week on 30W
I just picked up a used geosatpro hoping to get 30ºw. My question, since I haven't done off sets for a minute:

The Geosat has a 27.3 offset.
The elevation for 30ºw at my location is 14.1º (skew -47.4º :eek:).
So ignoring the markings on this thing, and using an inclinometer on the vertical part of the arm, I should set it to 13.2º, right?

I just picked up a used geosatpro hoping to get 30ºw. My question, since I haven't done off sets for a minute:

The Geosat has a 27.3 offset.
The elevation for 30ºw at my location is 14.1º (skew -47.4º :eek:).
So ignoring the markings on this thing, and using an inclinometer on the vertical part of the arm, I should set it to 13.2º, right?


Try this program (I haven't used it, but it looks like it calculates offset dish angles)

SAT - Satellite Antenna Alignment (Satellite Dish Alignment)

I guess I got a little bit lucky on my 30 degree experiment. The elevation was perfect right off bat and azimuth was off by a about a 1/2 inch nudge on the end of the LNB arm. It was all of 20 seconds from when I entered the last transponder number to when I had signal!

I remember putting up my first dish about 14 years ago(Bell), took me a whole a day to find that damn satellite :D
I think I figured a way. (still haven't found 30ºw yet)

With my pole plumb, the furthest I could move the Geosatpro was to 20º. I put my inclinometer on the back arm and it showed around 7º off from 90.

I just dropped the pole adjustment 6 more degrees . 20-6=14. It's dark now, and too wet to take electronics outdoors.

Another day....
I did a quick test drive on that program I mentioned. I think it could be very useful.

Is your dish bracket perpendicular to the azimuth angle? I don't know how critical that is, but I'm guessing that would give you the best results if using a non-plumb pole. Mine in currently off by about 10 Degrees. If I do a permanent mount in spring, I'll make sure I have it right so there is no extra skew on the dish. My pole is off vertical by 6 degrees.
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Watching a good "suspense / thriller" on Cubavision (Sunday morning early am). GONE was the title, but they had it listed as "DESAPARECIDOS" or "missing". An Australian movie, I think. Cannot seem to find information on it through IMDB. The movie is keeping me in suspense. I wouldn't say that it is great, but it is a new movie to me, so it is highly interesting and so far it is riveting.

It is really cool to watch Cubavision TELECINE! It is almost better not knowing what you are watching.... It is kinda like a suprise! :)


Ooohh! It just got more intense! The damsel in distress just figured some things out and now it is getting exciting! :)
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I just picked up a used geosatpro hoping to get 30ºw. My question, since I haven't done off sets for a minute:

The Geosat has a 27.3 offset.
The elevation for 30ºw at my location is 14.1º (skew -47.4º :eek:).
So ignoring the markings on this thing, and using an inclinometer on the vertical part of the arm, I should set it to 13.2º, right?


I think I figured a way. (still haven't found 30ºw yet)

With my pole plumb, the furthest I could move the Geosatpro was to 20º. I put my inclinometer on the back arm and it showed around 7º off from 90.

I just dropped the pole adjustment 6 more degrees . 20-6=14. It's dark now, and too wet to take electronics outdoors.

Another day....


I understand your dilemna, I think. You cannot adjust the dish elevation to 14.37°? The scale doesn't go that low to read accurately or it physically won't go that far, period, right?
(14.37° is what I determined for 30.0°W in St. Louis using 38°38'24"N / 90°16'28"W)

So, you are leaning your mast over in that direction to make up for the difference? That should work, but you have to be careful to tilt the mast in the absolute perfect azimuth angle for the satellite (109.62° true azimuth). This may be difficult to judge with extreme accuracy (using only a compass or whatever tool), so you might have to SWAG it.

I think that I would tilt your mast at a perfect 10° and then try to set your dish elevation near 24.37°. This will provide you with more "wiggle" room on your dish elevation adjustment to make fine tuning simpler. Instead of being at your 20° limit of the elevation, you would be nearer to 25° so you have room to go up and down with your adjustment without going back to the mast.

Then, your LNBF polarization will need to be set to ~47.4° or twisted to the EAST / CW when standing in front of the dish looking at the back of the LNBF. This may also be tricky as the polarization scale may not be marked out that far. You will have to expand the scale yourself by transferring some of the major divisions. Set it to precisely zero degrees and then make your own marks on the LNB housing to use as references so that you can add to the overall scale and read it better when you rotate the LNBF - instead of guessing.

What size GeoSatPro dish did you pick up? I have the 1.2M. I find the signal strength for 30.0°W to be really good near Omaha. I have my GeoSatPro 1.2 M dish attached to a DG-380 motor and I find the alignment to be rather leniant. Since you are not too far away geographically, I expect that you will have similar results.

Hope your weather is drier for you to experiment some more. Good luck and let us know your results.

Radar , the movie is , Gone , 2007 , an Australia/UK co-production.

Gone (2007) - IMDb .

I saw it as the second movie on a saturday night a few weeks ago I think , very very very good movie in my opinion , should have been rated higher as per IMDB. Late late movies on Cubavision are acctually repeats of previosly broadcasted movies on Cuban TV, they have to fill the midnight gap with something nowadays that they are running 24 hrs schedules. I have been thinking on getting a second tuner just to record Cubavision all night to have spare movies to watch.
Radar , the movie is , Gone , 2007 , an Australia/UK co-production.

Gone (2007) - IMDb .

I saw it as the second movie on a saturday night a few weeks ago I think , very very very good movie in my opinion , should have been rated higher as per IMDB. Late late movies on Cubavision are acctually repeats of previosly broadcasted movies on Cuban TV, they have to fill the midnight gap with something nowadays that they are running 24 hrs schedules. I have been thinking on getting a second tuner just to record Cubavision all night to have spare movies to watch.


Hey buddy! I knew that the movie title was "GONE" because I saw it when the movie started, but when I went looking for the movie on IMDB, I couldn't pinpoint it. Did you see how many movies are listed with the same title? "Gone"? Whoa! I probably just missed the one that I was looking for. There were so many! I counted 24 with just the simple title "GONE" and there were at least a dozen more with the word "GONE" in the title.

I thought it was a good thriller movie myself! I recommend it now that I have seen the whole movie. It is pretty well produced. It kept me hanging on! It was so fun to watch, a perk of Hispasat and Cubavision! I love their movies!

Beleive me, Dont fall in love to much , you will regret it later, lol. I googled Gone Australia that is why I guess I discerned the other Gone's. BTW , it is not their movies , for you it is our movies since they are all mostly american made. BTW There is also a Sweden made thriller movie (an investigation on a missing girl) that is also very very good. For anyone interested they should replay all movies again late late late night in the near future to fill schedule, keep an eye on the schedule. I beleive there is an english translation of the schedule available for privileged members of this forum on the WUT section. If you do not know what WUT stands for then you are not a member of the elite I guess.
since nobody responded to the other thread I'll put this weeks's listings here

10am The Cure (1995)
1030 V.I. Warshawski (1991)
12 midnight Chaos and Desire (2002)
? Disgrace (2008)
? Love Me Still (2008)*

1030 Macbeth (2006)ED2
? Murder by Numbers (2002)TR
? The Ugly Truth (2009)
? Curse of the Ring (TV 2004)

? The Operator (2000)TR
? Like Mother, Like Daughter (TV 2007)
? The Last King of Scotland (2006)

? The Holiday (2006)
? Oliver Twist (TV 1997)TR

10am Indian Summer (1993) TR
8 Eric Clapton &George Harrison concertED2
11 Lost Signal (2007)
? Armed and Dangerous (1986)
? The Fallen Sparrow (1943)

3 Wuthering Heights (TV 2003)TR
330 Everyone's Hero (2006)ED2
6 Summer in Genoa (2008)ED
1010 The American (2010)
? Peacock (2010)
? Greed (2006)
? Fame (2009)
? Choices (TV 1986)

6 McCinsey's Island (1998)ED
915 David Gilmour concertED
1033 Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)TR
1220am(monday morning)Snakes on a Plane (2006)
movies aimed at children or on the Educativo channels are frequently dubbed in spanish
These listings are occasionally incorrect. the listings they show after the midnight news "DE MADRUGADA EN TV" are much better.
TV shows
Grey's Anatomy, Dirty Sexy money, CSI, The Mentalist, Boardwalk Empire, Glee, True Blood
all times pm eastern unless otherwise indicated
?=indeterminate starting time, some time between 11pm and dawn the next day
TR=TeleRebelde, ED= Educativo, ED2= Educativo2 everything else is Cubavision
What are the movies about? highlight Title and year, rightclick and select "search google for..."
Confirm all listings on Cartelera de la Televisión Cubana - Juventud Rebelde - Diario de la juventud cubana
starting times are prone to be vague/inaccurate/nonexistant
Please reply by conversation.

Does anyone have a CaptiveWorks CW-800S Manual?

Only getting black and white picture
