I have never ever given any thought at switching to direct :(

I have been satisfied with dish for 13 + years (or however long it has been since you could first buy a system and install is yourself?)

Looks like I won't loose my local Fox, but who knows. I do however find it very frustrating to loose Nat Geo, FX and all the RSN's I paid for.

I'm not interested in a few PPV coupons, I just want what I pay for.

I sure hope something is resolved soon because I have finally started to think about other options.
Explain to me for i must be stupid. Name a show that Fox has that's worth watching. the only that my local Fox show has that i'll watch are reurns of Seinfeld and I can see that either on TBS or from my dvd collection of all the seasons. The only other time I have is on is the morning news while getting dressed for work. I can certainly find another station to fill those needs.


Maybe not your cup of tea but I watch this programming on Fox:

Lie To Me

and a little later on:

American Idol
So You Think You Can Dance.

You could also add The Simpsons...

All of this programming is wildly popular. I hope that answers your question.
Explain to me for i must be stupid. Name a show that Fox has that's worth watching. the only that my local Fox show has that i'll watch are reurns of Seinfeld and I can see that either on TBS or from my dvd collection of all the seasons. The only other time I have is on is the morning news while getting dressed for work. I can certainly find another station to fill those needs.


your first sentence says it all.
Maybe not your cup of tea but I watch this programming on Fox:

Lie To Me

and a little later on:

American Idol
So You Think You Can Dance.

You could also add The Simpsons...

All of this programming is wildly popular. I hope that answers your question.

Perhaps the first four. But can you actually tell me with out laughing that American Idol and So you think you can dance are tv shows worth watching. Oh I forgot to throw in Glee in with this batch of Fox dribble. You've got to be kidding. Unless of course you are a tween.

I do not want this to become the D* v. E* thread, but if you really think so, then maybe you should consider it.

Your first year may be cheaper but maybe not after that. It depends on the number of TVs you have along with the type of programming that you want. So, only you will know if it is a good choice or not. From my personal experience with D*, I would say that the grass is not always greener on the other side. However, some people have had better experiences with them.

I think that you should go for whatever you are happy with. Again, personally, I like the movie channels that E* offers. Some people do not, and some people like their sports. On another personal note, I think the sports industry gets paid enough already. I am sure some people will probably hate what I posted, but that is how I honestly feel.

I would recommend looking at pricing, equipment fees, channel lineups/offerings, etc. before making a decision.

Oh, by the way, I should also point out that some people have both E* and D*, and some people have cable, E*, and D*.

Please do not take it personally if it comes across as rude. I would not even mind helping you compare the two if needed.

Equipment monthly fees? Dish is ridiculous..Really though I am sure he is thrilled he has your blessing to move on to D* :up
Have no access to "real" broadband(the kind you can watch TV on) and no OTA reception (over 100 miles away)
so sat is the only way to get networks shows for our rural area
so last night I got to see Charlie's "message" on FSN...I love how he says "when I was a kid your local stations carried the local teams"...uh ok

I guess Charlie forgets back then very few games were on TV except for the NFL. Heck 15 years ago how many baseball games were on TV (cable or OTA)? maybe 1/2 of them if that. Now its almost all of them.
mike123abc said:
Dish made $1B last year, $635 million after taxes. So, with 14 million subs it is $71.43/sub before taxes a year or $5.95/month/sub.
And if programming expenses are half of the revenue, and Dish Network made $11 billion in revenue, tell me where the other $4.5 billion went in expenses?

It's funny seeing people dissect the business, analyze the revenues and expenses, and then defend "looking out for the consumers" and "stop greedy Murdoch", when EVERY BUSINESS has revenues and expenses. It happens every year...
mike123abc said:
This year Dish is running ahead this year over last year. So far (just 2 quarters reported) profit could be $7/month.
So we go from $6/month to $7, an increase in profit of a whopping 17 percent, yet it is someone else that is greedy?
Dish can send Fox to the trash as far as I am concerned. There might be a show or two I would miss, for about a week or two but...
Come On Charlie, Drop Fox Now!
Equipment monthly fees? Dish is ridiculous..Really though I am sure he is thrilled he has your blessing to move on to D* :up

I am just trying to be honest. It really depends on your setup and what channels you want. I am not thrilled about the equipment fee increases by Dish. However, if you look at it versus DirecTV for a 4-room system, it comes to this:

1st HD Duo $0.00 (covers 1st 2 TVs--1 HD and 1 SD) (the HD channels are downcoverted to 480i on the SDTV; however, I like that it is possible to view the HD channels on the SDTV.)
1st HD Solo $7.00 (covers 1 HDTV)
2nd HD Solo $7.00 (covers 1 HDTV)
[211 HD Solos can become DVRs if wanted for a one-time $39.99 fee with an EHD. There is no $6/month DVR fee this way unless you have another DVR receiver. One probably could do 3 211s if he or she wants 3 HDTVs with 3 DVRs. Again, it is all what the person wants.]

1st Receiver $0.00
3 Additional Receivers ($4.99/ea or $5)
$14.97/month (or $15)
[Does D* have 3 free HD receivers at set-up now? I know that at one time that only the first HD receiver is free. I really do hope that has changed.]

This is just one example. It is possible with different setups for one provider to be cheaper than the other in different setups. So, one should remember that, too.

I really want everyone to be happy with the programming that they have. It is bad when you are not happy with services that you are stuck in a contract with and paying for.

If someone has 1 TV with D*, then it is possible for no equipment fees. If someone has 2 TVs with E*, then it is possible for no equipment fees (Remember one TV (TV 2) will be SD.).

Advertised Packages:

Dish America $29.99
America's Top 120 $39.99
Dish Latino Dos $39.99
America's Top 120+ $44.99
Dish Latino Max $52.99
Dish America Silver $54.99
America's Top 200 $54.99
Dish America Gold $64.99
America's Top 250 $64.99
America's "Everything" Pak $99.99

Mas Mexico $29.99
Optimo Mas $44.99
Choice $58.99
Mas Ultra $59.99
Choice Xtra $63.99
Choice Ultimate $68.99
Premier $114.99
Lo Maximo $114.99

Honestly, new subs need to look at the channel offerings in these packages to make their own choices. Each package seems to have its differences for both providers.
Last edited:
Iceberg said:
so last night I got to see Charlie's "message" on FSN...I love how he says "when I was a kid your local stations carried the local teams"...uh ok
Great. Dish Network is trying to become the retro TV provider. I'm waiting for the rollback in prices.
I am NOT a dish fan boy & I am NOT a big TV watcher either. That said I am siding with dish on this issue. Natgeo was a channel I watched, but am not willing to cxl over this. If people want to fight back with these programmers, the best thing they can do is support their provider by just ignoring this dispute & going on as business as usual. It would be different if these channels were commercial free, but they're not. Talk about double dipping, we have all flamed dish for it, but I'll be damned if I'll give in to some programmers demands regardless of how popular they are. The bottom line is, when does it become too much $$$, value & content for the money. There has to be a middle point, for now dish is still a good value for me less the channels in dispute.

I agree with Stardust3. These programmers want more money from us subscribers and shoving more commercials at us (thank you DVR). I'm thankful that Dish has the balls to stand up to these guys and not just give in to their every greedy demand. I will miss FX and Fox locals, if we loose it, but, for the sports channels, they should be ala cart and not part of a programmers packaging. Programming packages would be less expensive if the sports channels where not forced on us by the programmers, that includes Disney along with Fox.
Perhaps the first four. But can you actually tell me with out laughing that American Idol and So you think you can dance are tv shows worth watching. Oh I forgot to throw in Glee in with this batch of Fox dribble. You've got to be kidding. Unless of course you are a tween.


Well lets see, I guess I am 'tween 50 and 100, 66 to be exact. I used to love the Ted Mack Amateur Hour and Arthur Godfrey as a kid. I have always liked talent shows. AI is the most popular television show on the air today and has held that spot for years. Your dribble is the majority's favorite. Live with it......

100.2 Sudden Death

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