Last, During all of the inevitable gnashing of teeth, remember that all of this will likely be resolved by November 7 at 1 p.m. Eastern, one way or the other. Dish at that point will have to come to some sort of agreement on the Fox owned-and-operated local stations. IF they don't, Dish will get dropped by hundreds of thousands of NFL fans in places like Chicago, Philly, New York and Dallas.

I hope Dish isn't this stupid
And did you not read

Did you guys not read this part of the statement. "Hey to the guys that wrote about the big boost in equipment rates. Sorry it has happened & would like it to go to a reasonable rate"
I have a feeling this will backfire on Dish - I took it as opportunity to write the below:

Dear Dish Network President,

"My account number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

I am SICK AND TIRED of Dish dropping channels EVERY MONTH and then playing the "it's not our fault, programmers are trying to raise their fees" and, at the same time, Dish keeps on increasing their fees on DVRs, programming packages, etc.

Bottom line is: By the end of October, when I am back from vacation, I still do not have access to the Disney HD channels, the Fox channeld dropped today AND my local sport channels MSG and MSG+, you will lose me as customer.

Enough is enough! Comcast isn't out there dropping channels and neither is Directv!"

I am guessing they'll get quite a few of these e-mails today.



Programmer Seeks to Shake Down DISH Network and its Customers with Massive Rate Increase

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. – (NASDAQ: DISH) - Oct. 1, 2010 – DISH Network L.L.C. reports today that FOX Networks is blocking DISH Network's access to 19 FOX Regional Sports Networks and other programming. FOX is demanding a new contract with an unprecedented rate increase of more than 50 percent. FOX's removal of the channels follows the programmer's national TV, print and web advertising campaign designed to intimidate DISH Network and its customers into paying the rate increase. FOX has flatly refused DISH Network's request to allow customers to continue to watch these FOX channels during the negotiations.

These negotiations with FOX do not affect local FOX TV stations, FOX News or FOX Business News.

"DISH Network is not going to allow FOX or any programmer to bully our customers into paying such an unconscionable price increase," said Dave Shull, senior vice president of Programming for DISH Network. "FOX has a long history of trying to shake down pay TV providers, including Cablevision, Time Warner, and Bright House."
Shull continued, "Our customers should not be held hostage in order to finance FOX's irresponsible acquisition of sports rights. Consumers are already burdened enough in this challenging economy."

DISH Network will continue to negotiate in good faith for a fair deal with FOX to help restore the sports programming and prevent outrageous rate increases in this challenging economic environment. In the meantime, during the FOX lockout, DISH Network will make the following channels available to all affected customers at no additional charge: HD Net Movies, HD Theater, NBA TV, New England Sports Network, NFL Network, NHL Network, Altitude Sports, Big Ten Network, Comcast SportsNet California, Comcast SportsNet Chicago, Comcast SportsNet Bay Area, Comcast Sports Network Mid-Atlantic, Comcast Sports New England, ESPN Classic, FOX Sports Northwest, FOX Sports Pittsburgh, FOX Sports Rocky Mountain, Mid-Atlantic Sports Network, Mid-Atlantic Sports Network2, SportsNet New York, and SportsTime Ohio.
DISH Network has created a series of websites to help inform consumers about the nature of this dispute:,,,

For additional information about DISH Network's fight for consumer choice, visit,

It says FX or National Geographic?

I have a feeling this will backfire on Dish - I took it as opportunity to write the below:

Dear Dish Network President,

"My account number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

I am SICK AND TIRED of Dish dropping channels EVERY MONTH and then playing the "it's not our fault, programmers are trying to raise their fees" and, at the same time, Dish keeps on increasing their fees on DVRs, programming packages, etc.

Bottom line is: By the end of October, when I am back from vacation, I still do not have access to the Disney HD channels, the Fox channeld dropped today AND my local sport channels MSG and MSG+, you will lose me as customer.

Enough is enough! Comcast isn't out there dropping channels and neither is Directv!"

I am guessing they'll get quite a few of these e-mails today.

Suite! :up

I would do the same, but I'm not going up against a billionaire corporation.
For those of you needing channel numbers:

383 HDNet Movies [HD]
364 HD Theater [HD]
402 NBA TV [HD]
434 New England Sports Network [HD]
154 NFL Network [HD]
403 NHL Network [HD]
410 Altitude Sports [HD]
439 Big Ten Network [HD]
409 Comcast SportsNet California [HD]
429 Comcast SportsNet Chicago [HD]
419 Comcast SportsNet Bay Area [HD]
424 Comcast Sports Network Mid-Atlantic [HD]
435 Comcast Sports New England [HD]
143 ESPN Classic
426 FOX Sports Northwest [HD]
428 FOX Sports Pittsburgh [HD]
414 FOX Sports Rocky Mountain [HD]
432 Mid-Atlantic Sports Network
433 Mid-Atlantic Sports Network2
438 SportsNet New York [HD]
431 SportsTime Ohio[HD]

By the way, I am still seeing FX and NatGeo listed on the Dish site.
When searching for locals, local FSNs taken off are replaced with dots (.......................). I am still debating on putting the channels in our favorite lists unless the deal takes a long time. Of course, we already get the Platinum and AT250 channels, and we are not big sports fans unless it is something local.

How do we get these channels? None of them work for me.

100.2 Sudden Death

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