Apple IPAD Owner's Thread

On thing about the iPad is its making me HATE my iPhone!

I always thought that the iPhone was a good size, but now using the iPad has me feeling like using the iPhone is a big step backwords, it seems so small now. :)
I was against purchasing an iPad, since I just bought a 13" MBP a couple of months ago. After using a co-workers, not too sure now. It's a very slick device. I'll have to rethink the purchase.
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I was against purchasing an iPad, since I just bought a 13" MBP a couple of months ago. After using a co-workers, not too sure now. It's a very slick device. I'll have to rethink the the purchase.

I was too....not now. Played with one when it came out last week. Even then was not that awed by it. Went back played with it a bit more and learned more on what it can do. Had to get one then.
Re battery life-

I lost track of how much time I had on it this week but I brought it back up to 100% Sunday night and this morning it hit 20% warning.

Anyone know what happens if you go to zero% ? Does it shut down to avoid data loss? My Cell phones have a small backup battery internal that holds everything until you put it on charge.
There are NO heat issues with a Kindle - ever. I would imagine the ipad to be like an android device in generating heat - although with a bigger footprint, it might not feel as warm.

I say that about normal usage - not if I was out in the sun where it was 95 degrees outside. Of course, the device would get warm, but from the sun, not from operating it.

I suspect the LED screen of an ipad/android-tablet, windows-tablet is more likely to generate heat (inside) than an e-ink device like the kindle, which only consumes power when you change the page. The iPad - and any other LED device - is always using juice. Its just using apple juice. :)
Re battery life-

I lost track of how much time I had on it this week but I brought it back up to 100% Sunday night and this morning it hit 20% warning.

Anyone know what happens if you go to zero% ? Does it shut down to avoid data loss? My Cell phones have a small backup battery internal that holds everything until you put it on charge.

Since it has an iPhone OS, I am guessing it will do like an iPhone, or even a ipod touch will do -- it will give incessant warnings and then just shut off. I'd probably not let it get that low.

If you are still using it every day, that is pretty good battery life. Any estimate of how long you use it? And do you dim the screen? i.e., on my Droid, I try to run the screen about 40% of total brightness to extend battery life; on my ipod touch I try to run it around 50%.
apple juice? That's a good one. But I prefer to say when people ask about my ipad and MacBook, yes I took a bit from the forbidden fruit.

Anyway- I really can't estimate how much time I've had it on this week but it's on auto brightness with the slider set at center.

I've been complaining that the screen is too dull to see in bright sunlight and the glare is sometimes annoying in the outdoor shade. I will have to play with that slider to see if it makes a difference.

The anti glare screen protector isn't shipping yet.

I did put it on charge this morning after seeing the 20% warning. I had to work here at the desk station anyway. Now, it's charged up for an afternoon by the pool. :)
Wondering if anyone as the Netflix app.
When I stream the iPad, clock and battery is still showing on the top of the screen while the video is playing. Anyone else??
apple juice? That's a good one. But I prefer to say when people ask about my ipad and MacBook, yes I took a bit from the forbidden fruit.

Anyway- I really can't estimate how much time I've had it on this week but it's on auto brightness with the slider set at center.

I've been complaining that the screen is too dull to see in bright sunlight and the glare is sometimes annoying in the outdoor shade. I will have to play with that slider to see if it makes a difference.

The anti glare screen protector isn't shipping yet.

I did put it on charge this morning after seeing the 20% warning. I had to work here at the desk station anyway. Now, it's charged up for an afternoon by the pool. :)

Yup, you drink the apple juice and then you have religion. :D

I am not surprised by the outside viewing problems. I was just outside with my droid and could barely read the screen. I kicked the brightness up to 100% and it helped, but these things just are not great outside. I do not know if my invisible shield contributes to it, but I am not taking it off!
Sad news for me this morning, my iPad delivery date has slipped 2 days. :(

For those that like interesting views of sales and such, here's a link counting unique iPads on the 'net :

iPad Stats - Chitika Labs

Interesting but I have to hand it to this guy for this statement-

Well, it appears that our assumptions in calculating iPad sales have been way off.

At least he is honest and I admire that.

I'm always such a cynic when it comes to these things. I tend to piss people off when I question the validity of their data. Comes from my training as a scientific marine data collector. (Florida SeaGrant) I got grilled by many pompous PHD's who just hate to be shown by the data their theories are wrong.
How long does it take to charge with only about 20% battery to full with the wall charger? I had it on charge for about 1 1/2 hour and only had a gain of 10%-15%.
tiger- I left mine on charge for about 5 hours and when I checked it was 100%. I was not using it and the switch was off during that time. I thought you were taking yours back because of a defect on the screen.

Earlier this afternoon I used the ipad in direct sunlight for about 2 hours. The ipad surface was getting hot to the touch but I found that putting the screen on 100% auto off, made it visible in the brite sun. I don't plan on doing that often because my arms and face got a bit of a burn today.
tiger- I left mine on charge for about 5 hours and when I checked it was 100%. I was not using it and the switch was off during that time. I thought you were taking yours back because of a defect on the screen.

Yes. Exchanging for another tomorrow. The lines are on the wallpaper not the screen itself so still able to use it. Thanks for the info on the battery. My iPhone will charge in about 1 1/2 hours from near empty to full. The iPhone does not last 10 hours though on one charge when surfing. The iPad surfing will go around 9-10 hours. Battery description is pretty spot on.
If it's on the wall paper, try a different image, completely different source and make sure the resolution is higher than the screen native res. Just a test but sometimes when you stretch an image it will exhibit vertical lines. I tried a 400 x 500 pixel image that was scanned with a flat bed scanner from a magazine print and it shows stretch lines. A 2K image from my 10 Mpixel camera is clean with no lines.
Exchanged my iPad today without any problem. The diagonal lines are not on the wallpaper like my last. Did notice too on my last iPad when I turned it off I would need to log in on my network when I turned it back on. I have tested the new one several times with no problem so far. I have read about problems with this issue and Apple has said a software update should fix the problem.

I need the leather case to make it complete. Our Apple Store and several Best Buys are out of the case but have plenty of iPads. Go figure.
I have noticed that the wifi could have been better planned. It would be nice for the wifi to go to the strongest authorized ssid.

To get full coverage on my property and throughout the house I had to add a range extender and this adds a second hotspot. Nothing I have will allow me to roam around the house and yard and switch to the strongest hotspot. I have to do that manually.

When I bought my ipad the sales guy told me I would need a $100 application to sync. Being quite ignorant of the Apple environment, I took his word and bought the recommended MobileMe. I haven't opened it and find I am not lacking anything I need so I'm heading out to return it today. It appears that it is for syncing a calendar ( don't need) syncing contacts ( don't need) and pushing e-mail don't need with my iphone or Mac which I don't have / use.

Anyone using Mobile Me with a PC and do you find it necessary with your ipad?

Screaming brand new capacitor.

Microsoft Refurbisher
