Yes, even WE look ugly in these hideous Oregon threads. Thanks Nike!
Look...There's a fire starting....Quick, help me put it out!
The new version of the triathlon is not boding well for the woman's race, but the men seem to not miss a step.
lmao!Some of the riders heard a rumor of a random piss test at the next check point.
Guy on left: Hey, I see someone's been taking their vitamins!!
Guy on left: Suddenly I have a craving for Reese's Pee-Cees.
which kind? multi??Guy on left: Hey, I see someone's been taking their vitamins!!
Guy on left: Why didn't Fred stop with us?? He's never going to make it to the finish.
Photographer: "okay your skirts are blinding me I am going to need you to take them off for this next photo."
Photographer: "okay your skirts are blinding me I am going to need you to take them off for this next photo."
Of course the 5K Beerathathalon had some bugs to work out.