Not sure how many people here have read this article. Seems the issue of Dish adding new HD that cannot be received by many of it's customers has not gone unnoticed.....
News & Commentary
Dish Adds 9 HD Channels -- Sort Of
Washington, D.C. (February 11, 2010) -- Dish Network yesterday added nine new High-Definition channels, but they can only be seen by customers with certain new satellite systems.
The new channels are Tru-TV, Fox Soccer Channel HD, Showtime West HD, Sportsman Channel HD, Hallmark HD, E! HD, BBC America HD, Indieplex HD and Retroplex HD.
However, Dish has placed the new channels on its newest satellites, which means customers must have the Dish 1000 satellite system to receive the signals.
Making things even more complicated, Dish customers in the East must have a Dish 1000.4.
Dish Network has not issued a comment on why the new channels require the new equipment, or if they will be moved later to other satellites so they can be seen by the entire subscriber base.
It's also not clear what percentage of Dish customers can not see the new HD channels.
Swanni's Take:
I'm not sure which is worse: DIRECTV not adding new HD channels or Dish Network adding them, but not allowing many of their customers to see them.
Dish needs to fix this situation -- and soon. If you're going to add nine HD channels, they need to be available to every high-def customer.
Old news.....