This Important Notice contains information regarding the programming packages that will be available on August 1, 2009.
Updates to "DishDVR Advantage" Packages
•The Name "DishDVR Advantage" Will No Longer be Used – Effective August 1, 2009, we are updating the descriptions of packages previously called "DishDVR Advantage." The term "DishDVR Advantage" will no longer appear on customer billing statements. New descriptions will be used that list the programming package followed by "with DVR" (please refer to the table below).
•New "Classic Gold 250 with DVR" Package – Effective August 1, 2009, we are creating a new DVR package that includes Classic Gold 250! Please note that we will no longer offer new customers the "Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack" as an add-on package to the "Classic Silver 200 with DVR" package (previously the DishDVR Advantage Classic Silver 200 package). Existing customers subscribing to the "Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack" through July 31st may continue to receive this programming until they elect to change their programming.
New "with DVR" Packages! – Effective August 1, 2009
Programming Package Price as of 8/1/09
Classic Bronze 100 with DVR $44.99
Classic Bronze 100 Plus with DVR $49.99
Classic Silver 200 with DVR $57.99
Classic Gold 250 with DVR $67.99
TurboHD Bronze 100 with DVR $39.99
TurboHD Silver 200 with DVR $49.99
TurboHD Gold 250 with DVR $59.99
Effective August 1, 2009, we will no longer offer the special price of $22.00/mo. for two add-on packages (a premium movie package AND the applicable $10.00/mo. HD add-on package or the Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack).
New customers who subscribe to a "with DVR" package (previously DishDVR Advantage) will pay for each add-on package separately at the actual price for the applicable premium movie package and $10.00/mo. for the HD add-on package.
Existing customers who subscribe to DishDVR Advantage and pay the special price of $22.00/mo. for two add-on packages (a premium movie package AND a $10.00/mo. HD add-on package OR the Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack) will not see a price change unless they elect to change their programming.
Separating Line Items in Customer Billing Statements for "with DVR" Programming – Currently, DishDVR Advantage customers who subscribe to three or more add-on packages (e.g., Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack, BronzeHD, etc.) do not see these itemized on their billing statement. Effective August 1, 2009, existing customers who subscribe to three or more add-on packages under a "with DVR" package (previously DishDVR Advantage) will see the following services itemized with the premium movie packages on their billing statement:
– Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack
– GoldHD
– SilverHD
– BronzeHD
– PlatinumHD
Updates to DishLATINO
•DishLATINO Clásico to Include Additional Channels – Effective August 1, 2009, DishLATINO Clásico will include "Boomerang" and the "DISH CD" audio channels!
oBoomerang – Channel 175 – Boomerang offers classic animated entertainment, 24 hours a day. As a complement to the popular Cartoon Network, Boomerang will feature 90 percent unduplicated programming and will showcase classic Hanna-Barbera characters including Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Quick Draw McGraw and Top Cat.
oDISH CD – Channels 934-946 – Includes a number of channels with multiple genres of music.
Updates to DISH Network HD Programming Packages
• New "HD & Platinum" Package Priced at $10.00/mo. – Effective August 1, 2009, we are updating our HD add-on packages. New or existing customers who subscribe to a Classic package and would like to subscribe or upgrade to an HD add-on package will receive the new "HD & Platinum" add-on package for $10.00/mo. These customers will receive HD channels that are based on the level of standard-definition programming they subscribe to, plus the channels currently available in the "PlatinumHD" add-on package. The "HD & Platinum" package will replace all of the current Classic HD add-on packages (e.g., BronzeHD, SilverHD, etc.).
o New or existing customers who subscribe to DishLATINO Max and would like to subscribe or upgrade to an HD add-on package will also receive the new "HD & Platinum" add-on package for $10.00/mo. The "HD & Platinum" package will replace the current DishLATINO Max HD add-on packages (DishLATINO Max HD Essential and DishLATINO Max HD Ultimate).
• PlatinumHD Add-On No Longer Available – Effective August 1, 2009, the $10.00/mo. PlatinumHD add-on package will no longer be offered to new or existing customers upgrading to HD. Existing customers subscribing to the PlatinumHD add-on through July 31, 2009 may continue to receive the PlatinumHD add-on package until they elect to change their programming.
Updates to "DishDVR Advantage" Packages
•The Name "DishDVR Advantage" Will No Longer be Used – Effective August 1, 2009, we are updating the descriptions of packages previously called "DishDVR Advantage." The term "DishDVR Advantage" will no longer appear on customer billing statements. New descriptions will be used that list the programming package followed by "with DVR" (please refer to the table below).
•New "Classic Gold 250 with DVR" Package – Effective August 1, 2009, we are creating a new DVR package that includes Classic Gold 250! Please note that we will no longer offer new customers the "Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack" as an add-on package to the "Classic Silver 200 with DVR" package (previously the DishDVR Advantage Classic Silver 200 package). Existing customers subscribing to the "Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack" through July 31st may continue to receive this programming until they elect to change their programming.
New "with DVR" Packages! – Effective August 1, 2009
Programming Package Price as of 8/1/09
Classic Bronze 100 with DVR $44.99
Classic Bronze 100 Plus with DVR $49.99
Classic Silver 200 with DVR $57.99
Classic Gold 250 with DVR $67.99
TurboHD Bronze 100 with DVR $39.99
TurboHD Silver 200 with DVR $49.99
TurboHD Gold 250 with DVR $59.99
Effective August 1, 2009, we will no longer offer the special price of $22.00/mo. for two add-on packages (a premium movie package AND the applicable $10.00/mo. HD add-on package or the Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack).
New customers who subscribe to a "with DVR" package (previously DishDVR Advantage) will pay for each add-on package separately at the actual price for the applicable premium movie package and $10.00/mo. for the HD add-on package.
Existing customers who subscribe to DishDVR Advantage and pay the special price of $22.00/mo. for two add-on packages (a premium movie package AND a $10.00/mo. HD add-on package OR the Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack) will not see a price change unless they elect to change their programming.
Separating Line Items in Customer Billing Statements for "with DVR" Programming – Currently, DishDVR Advantage customers who subscribe to three or more add-on packages (e.g., Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack, BronzeHD, etc.) do not see these itemized on their billing statement. Effective August 1, 2009, existing customers who subscribe to three or more add-on packages under a "with DVR" package (previously DishDVR Advantage) will see the following services itemized with the premium movie packages on their billing statement:
– Classic Gold 250 Bonus Pack
– GoldHD
– SilverHD
– BronzeHD
– PlatinumHD
Updates to DishLATINO
•DishLATINO Clásico to Include Additional Channels – Effective August 1, 2009, DishLATINO Clásico will include "Boomerang" and the "DISH CD" audio channels!
oBoomerang – Channel 175 – Boomerang offers classic animated entertainment, 24 hours a day. As a complement to the popular Cartoon Network, Boomerang will feature 90 percent unduplicated programming and will showcase classic Hanna-Barbera characters including Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Quick Draw McGraw and Top Cat.
oDISH CD – Channels 934-946 – Includes a number of channels with multiple genres of music.
Updates to DISH Network HD Programming Packages
• New "HD & Platinum" Package Priced at $10.00/mo. – Effective August 1, 2009, we are updating our HD add-on packages. New or existing customers who subscribe to a Classic package and would like to subscribe or upgrade to an HD add-on package will receive the new "HD & Platinum" add-on package for $10.00/mo. These customers will receive HD channels that are based on the level of standard-definition programming they subscribe to, plus the channels currently available in the "PlatinumHD" add-on package. The "HD & Platinum" package will replace all of the current Classic HD add-on packages (e.g., BronzeHD, SilverHD, etc.).
o New or existing customers who subscribe to DishLATINO Max and would like to subscribe or upgrade to an HD add-on package will also receive the new "HD & Platinum" add-on package for $10.00/mo. The "HD & Platinum" package will replace the current DishLATINO Max HD add-on packages (DishLATINO Max HD Essential and DishLATINO Max HD Ultimate).
• PlatinumHD Add-On No Longer Available – Effective August 1, 2009, the $10.00/mo. PlatinumHD add-on package will no longer be offered to new or existing customers upgrading to HD. Existing customers subscribing to the PlatinumHD add-on through July 31, 2009 may continue to receive the PlatinumHD add-on package until they elect to change their programming.