WOW! Just noticed the new DISH Remote Access Feature

In IE8 if you get to the sling site at the top of the page click the compatabilaty icon
and I get the scroll bar. Compatability icon is to the left of refresh at the sling site.
Perhaps an expert can correct my bad configuration, if indeed it's not as stated below.

I find the search capability of the Sling remote access feature so utterly lame, it's close to useless. I see in the guide 5 tabs, only one of which (grid) shows programs not previously set up for recording, or already recorded on my DVRs. But if I want to find something via search, and type it part of the name, it invariably shows nothing unless the show is within the 2 hrs of programs currently showing on the grid in my browser. Our DVRs can be used to search out 9 days, not just 2 hours. If the shows in the current 2 hr window are all I wanted to search, I can do that via Find in my browser.

Am I missing something here?
Yes, you are missing something. You should be able to choose Grid, Now, Today (until midnight some time zone), Later (for 8 days or so), and My DVR for what you have set. The Best time to use Today is at midnight so you get the whole day--this should be a range selection.

On the My DVR, I noticed it said 1 Conflict. Found I had already fixed that for a week from now in All mode with 1/2 duplicated and just one taking the second. Just a pile up of recordings. It does only one DVR at a time.

Under Now, you should Edit various filters from genre to single channels to categories (I use one for Movies.) I would like to be able to take a group of channels as a filter although it picks up all the HBOs as one. Use the HD option where appropriate.

It does take time to pick candidates by rating (say 3*) and then look them up first in my spreadsheet and if missing then on IMDb. The good thing is you can copy and paste new selections back into the spreadsheet adding director from the IMDb. It is easier to add the year by hand.


P.S. read in another thread where you can set more than the 96 limit on timers but not more than the 360 events.
Yes, you are missing something. You should be able to choose Grid, Now, Today (until midnight some time zone), Later (for 8 days or so), and My DVR for what you have set.
Thank you for your response, but it appears you didn't follow what I am trying to do. I am trying to use the search function to find a program by name that has not already been configured or recorded. The Now, Today, Later, and My DVR tabs all deal with existing timers or existing recordings. Only the Grid tab (at least for me using Firefox) shows all programs to which I am subscribed. But the Grid only goes out 2 hrs! You can't search the program Grid either before or after the 2hr window currently visible in your browser. At least I can't. The Search box does nothing not already performed better using our browser's "Find in This Page" feature.
Well on my grid I see 2.75 hours or so, and can set the start time in a drop-down menu or just press the arrows at the time ends.

You may be right that with Grid selected you only get a search over the displayed time but with Later selected you will search over the 8-day extent--I just looked for Kill Bill and it found both 8 days out. This under Movies, which just selects all from the genre movies.

Better searches,
Not so utterly lame anymore?
Yes, that is correct. :D It's only lame on the Grid tab.

And the Later tab is utterly lame without a search term. :rant: Mine displays no programs at all until I apply a filter or search for something, and then it shows something.
There are too many results to display in Everything on Later. Add a Search term to narrow your results.
I don't know how realistic this is, but it might be nice to combine the Later tab with the Grid tab. You could show the Grid tab (2 hrs or therabouts, whatever is small enough) without a search or filter, and then switch to the Later view after a search term is entered.

A comprehensive tab rename would also be a good idea. The combined Grid/Later should say Programming, the Now/Today should also be combined into one and called My Timers, and the My DVR should be renamed My Recordings. At least those names "speak" to me. ;)

No, I'm wrong again. :confused: I have no idea what determines what's on the Now or Today tabs. It seems to order things with one's scheduled programs at the top, hence my confusion. But then it has many more programs at the bottom that are not set to record. Anyhow, I think these tabs are needlessly obtuse.
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Just noticed today that the "DVR - Recordings" tab now shows programs on the external hard drive as well as the main drive. Unfortunately, they are all lumped together into one list. :confused: Has this been around awhile? I haven't been to the remote access site for a few days.

Just noticed today that the "DVR - Recordings" tab now shows programs on the external hard drive as well as the main drive. Unfortunately, they are all lumped together into one list. :confused: Has this been around awhile? I haven't been to the remote access site for a few days.

Are you talking about the 'Dish Remote Access' site? There is not a tab called "DVR Recordings". There is a tab called "My DVR". But I was not able to view EHD recordings after clicking that tab and then the 'recordings' section.

We must not be looking at the same thing. I have a ViP722. Can you clear this up?
Are you talking about the 'Dish Remote Access' site? There is not a tab called "DVR Recordings". There is a tab called "My DVR". But I was not able to view EHD recordings after clicking that tab and then the 'recordings' section.

We must not be looking at the same thing. I have a ViP722. Can you clear this up?

Yes, it's under "My DVR"--->"Recordings." It lists all recordings on both the internal and external drives. I think it MIGHT have something to do with the new software (L621) that my 622 got a couple of nights ago. There wasn't anything in the release notes about Sling Guide support for the external drive, but it sure seems to be there now.

Check your software version and see if it's still L618 - that could be the difference.

I wish there was a way to access my external hard drive attached to my VIP722.

The DVR disk space management option should also have included the ability to transfer recordings from the DVR disk to the external HD and vice versa. I presume that this sort of functionality is coming or slated to be added down the road in a future release?

I will second that! Just hooked up my system, used a NetGear 104 XE, single unit which I plugged in and connected to my router. Set up was a breeze, just follow the onscreen prompts and then the DISH site, got my 622 and 722 all set. But did realize quickly that the archived programming in the external hard drives would be very nice to have:cool:
...I wish there was a way to access my external hard drive attached to my VIP722...

This is available with software update L621, but it seamlessly lumps all recordings under "My DVR". Some people are fine with that while others wish it was subdivided so the user can easily tell the difference between EHD programs and those on the internal HDD.
I wish there was a way to access my external hard drive attached to my VIP722.

The DVR disk space management option should also have included the ability to transfer recordings from the DVR disk to the external HD and vice versa. I presume that this sort of functionality is coming or slated to be added down the road in a future release?

To expand upon 120inna55's response, yes, you can now see the external hard drive's programs (with software version L621). You can ALSO delete programs from the external drive using the "disk management" feature. What you still CAN'T do is transfer from one to the other. That would be a nice feature, I agree.

I purchased an additional Linksys modem to access this service. I have connected it to my VIP 612, have reset the connection to successfully display the connected IP address, and verified through a diagnostic test. I am still unable to access from the Dish Network website. The status page keeps showing "OFFLINE". I tried to get some assistance from Comcast (my broadband ISP), but, of course, they will not help me with my Dish Network DVR equipment.
The original modem is BEFCMU10. I have moved it down into the living room (both with the router and without), reset the connection on the DVR, run the diagnostic test, etc. When I log onto Dish Network and attempt to access Dish Remote Access, the status continues to be listed as "OFFLINE".

Stand by problems

Can no longer get sat 61.5/HD channels

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