Yesterday was a great day, with the HD adds and some of the discussion that Charlie had at Team Summit, if he sticks to what he was discussing looks like a bright future at Dish. I know many have been burnt by what he has said in the past

But for some of the Dish Network veterans out there, how do you feel after you read what he has to say about the areas he said he would improve? Do you feel excitied about the future of Dish now? or same old, same old, show me first??

My two cents, I am excitied....I know I am new just wait the same old Dish network will reapear. Maybe Team Summit was the kickoff of a new direction for Dish?? (The national HD Leader) hey might as well brag about it right!....:)

Last year he said he would improve customer service. That didn't happen. Just more words. The silence about the Turbo HD packages was deafening. Their premier hardware addition, the 922, wasn't even close to being ready and they're sending it out to attendees in a few weeks for beta testing. This was a product made known a year ago. None of this is very encouraging. I expect not-so-great results at the quarterly earnings call-in next week. I've been with E* 11 years and only started getting down on it this past year based on what I've seen and experienced firsthand. I hope things turnaround but we've gone down this path before.
Last year he said he would improve customer service. That didn't happen. Just more words. The silence about the Turbo HD packages was deafening. Their premier hardware addition, the 922, wasn't even close to being ready and they're sending it out to attendees in a few weeks for beta testing. This was a product made known a year ago. None of this is very encouraging. I expect not-so-great results at the quarterly earnings call-in next week. I've been with E* 11 years and only started getting down on it this past year based on what I've seen and experienced firsthand. I hope things turnaround but we've gone down this path before.

Maybe the stand alone turbo packs are going away? In order to make the most money for DISH , it would behoove them to do just that and do like Directv; all subs get hd with any programming pack for 10.00 more. It sure would be easier to remember for all concerned if it was just add hd to any programming pack for 10.00 more.

I am still hoping that DISH gets ahead of the pack and gives all hd channels for FREE with AEP. I still think that would get the average revenue per sub up if they did offer free hd with AEP. They could still offer the lesser packs hd for 10.00. Imagine how DISH could advertise it and slaughter the competition; FREE HD WITH AEP!:hungry:
Okay, there is a Formula 1 race in Barcelona, Spain, this weekend. Dish has already missed the window for the Friday Practice, but there is still qualifying and the race Sunday morning (EDT). Come on, Dish, give me enough time to get my timers set for the Speed HD feed!
The PQ on Speed HD for the F1 Qualifying for Barcelona is fantastic! It may be upconverted SD, but it looks soooo much better than the normal Speed SD feed from Dish. :up Finally!

Originally Posted by ripnbigc
Geez, I was really hoping FX and Speed would get added to Absolute, didn't care about the others.:(
I have the platinum hd package and bet, fx, and speed were showing up in red. I had to call and have them send a signal to my box for them to become available. I wonder why I had to do this?
Last year he said he would improve customer service. That didn't happen. Just more words. The silence about the Turbo HD packages was deafening. Their premier hardware addition, the 922, wasn't even close to being ready and they're sending it out to attendees in a few weeks for beta testing. This was a product made known a year ago. None of this is very encouraging. I expect not-so-great results at the quarterly earnings call-in next week. I've been with E* 11 years and only started getting down on it this past year based on what I've seen and experienced firsthand. I hope things turnaround but we've gone down this path before.

All I know is I've made several calls to E* CS in the past 6 months for various reasons. I've ALWAYS gotten a US citizen AND, all but once, they went out of their way to assist me. Even got a call back from "ceo" the same day I sent a minor complaint about the one guy that wasn't that helpful. The gal was extremely nice...offered to give me MORE credits than another CSR did and I just thanked her for her time and declined (as she had been so helpful).

Can we get a TurboHD complaint thread going? I get sick of seeing a "TurboHD driveby" in EVERY stinkin thread I look at.
Maybe the reason the Fox HD Channels aren't being added to TURBO HD is that it is part of the agreement with Fox to get the channels on Dish? Just spitballing. I know that doesn't explain Nick or VH1.
I was just looking at the HD comparision chart. If these channels are turned on, the only channels Direct will have that Dish doesn't (excluding RSNs) are:

The 101
Smithsonian HD
Fuel TV HD
Showtime West HD
Showtime Extreme HD.

I still don't understand why Dish Network dropped Smithsonian Channel HD. It covers things that I am interested in.
Was this another bargaining ploy by Charlie Ergan? And why won't he bring it back? They can't be charging much money for the channel.
Because it had very little programming. Voom had a lot more, and they dropped that.

Yes, that was Charlie's talking points. But I think it had a lot more to offer than a lot of the other channels out there. For goodness sake, a Fishing Channel in HD.

It is time for us to put the pressure on Ergan .. if enough people make a stink, he will have to become competitive with Direct TV and add Smithsonian.
In order to make the most money for DISH , it would behoove them to do just that and do like Directv; all subs get hd with any programming pack for 10.00 more. It sure would be easier to remember for all concerned if it was just add hd to any programming pack for 10.00 more.
Uh, that is how HD works with Dish Network as well.

The Turbo packages are an exception.

Otherwise, for $10, you get the HD equivalent of any channel you get in SD.

By the way, my guess is that the Turbo packages were an attempt by the previous Programming executives to get a competitive advantage over the other cable and satellite providers, by getting the channels to give some sort of deal to Dish for the HD channel without the SD channel. It seems that they were able to get some of the channels to agree (the early additions to Turbo), but others would not and that not only prevented Turbo from having all possible HD channels, it also prevented other Dish subscribers from getting those HD channels. So, it backfired, causing subscribers to move to DirecTV, rather than creating an advantage for Dish.

I expect Turbo HD to be eliminated over the course of 2009...
According to reliable sources, FTV HD is also available FTA. So it's pretty ironic that Dish put it in their highest-priced package. Doesn't anyone else think so?
Maybe that applies to where you live, but you are making a big leap assuming that channel is available OTA in every market in the country. I may be wrong, but I scan for new channels every so often and I haven't seen any new FTV channel pop up -- and I'm in a top 25 market. That said, I don't see me watching it even if it was available free OTA.

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