Reset my Fortec Receiver..Cant find some channels..

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
Canton, Ohio
Been having some real issues the last few days with signal quality..Also today for some reason the channel lineup order went all wacky..I just decided to start over..Did a factory reset and am now reloading the sats/channels, etc..

72 and 79 w seem fine..I may need to manually add a tp on 72 but not a priority now.

74 w-ONN-No signal

83 w-Cannot lock RTN..tried editing the TP a couple of times but the Fortec still cant find it..
which fortec? Some receivers just seem tohave a problem with some channels, I have new (Christmas) Icon receiver that finds nearly Everything=but for some reason, it only finds/stores about 3 channels on AMC21, and a couple of other 'easy' channels on other satellites too. Not even with manual entry. If you have had those channels before though, maybe all you need to do is manually add the tp and scan it.
Sorry, I tend to forget there are older models ..The Fortec Star Dynamic is what I have..

I love that Channel Data back up feature on the Dynamic! I encourage all Dynamic users to use it when your receiver goes a bit quirky! When my Dynamic acts funny I do a factory reset of the box and that always fixes any issues I have had so far!

Start all over with a factory reset then scan in all your birds again,Don't forget the ones you have to add manually! (Satellites That are not in the receiver list) After you got all the receivable birds you can get for your location do a Channel Backup and your set!

Next time the box goes funny you can factory reset, then do a Data Restore and your satellites will come back in the list! Don't forget you will still have to punch in your motor Longitude and Latitude again! :)

Ok..Thanks for the help so far..
I have been trying to get this back up since last night..What appears tp be happening is that Channels are showing up on different Satellites..Example:Channels that have always been on 97W are showing up on 99W 101 on 103, etc..,,Going to start over again to see if I can have this make sense..
That has happened to me a couple times! Again, I always do a factory reset, put my Long & Lat back in choose my motor type, save, scan all my satellites back in and do a Data or Channel Backup.

Fixes everything! We all know how long it takes to re-scan all the birds back in there! The Channel Data Backup is a great feature to keep from doing that all over again!

Let us know if that works for you! I would say it will! :up

Ok..I did a backup..good plan..On the Fortec Dynamic, I have Galaxy 14 at 125 stored..AMC21 Ku is also at that location (PBS) I can't get any of the PBS Transponders..Should AMC 21 be in the sat list of the Fortec or is everything on Galaxy 14?
I can't remember if AMC 21 is added in the sat list or not.

I always scan all birds that are in the box I can get first then go back and add the ones that are new or changed! Then when I am done I do a Channel Data Save!

Can't go wrong with that, saves time! That is one great feature of the Dynamic and if only all STB would have that feature!

Remember, with that feature you can save as you go!!

PBS Transponders I am not really sure about, check THE LIST to see where they are now.

Keep us informed!

G14 is the C-Band side....there probably isnt AMC21 loaded in the receiver so you'd have to create a new satellite

or just rename G14 and change everything to KU Band ;)
as long as you can get a signal, yes

just change the name to AMC21 and the LNB LO to your KU LNB (UNiversal or standard) and blind scan (as long as you are aimed at AMC21)
Went through everything again..I basically entered some transponders manually to avoid duplication of channels over 2 adjacent satellites..I have things just about the way I want them for now, except-no Montana PBS..I have to reload the 125 AMC 21 satellite..but even when I had it in, I couldnt lock Montana PBS As far as I know I did evrything properly..Thanks for all the suggestions..
Went through everything again..I basically entered some transponders manually to avoid duplication of channels over 2 adjacent satellites..I have things just about the way I want them for now, except-no Montana PBS..I have to reload the 125 AMC 21 satellite..but even when I had it in, I couldnt lock Montana PBS As far as I know I did evrything properly..Thanks for all the suggestions..

That is great to hear! Just Data Back up and things should be great! I hate those scanned in duplicates too, they are annoying to go back through and delete!

PBS Montana, I have never seen if that is still there or not, I just got back in from town so let me settle and I will try with my with Dynamic and we will see what we come up with.

Are You Using Latest LyngSat Finds Right?
AMC 21 at 125.0°W
12104 V
4340 SR
tp 20
Service ID: 00002
AMC 21 © Lyngemark Satellite, last updated 2009-05-07

It used to be there maybe a transponder move? Reloading AMC 21 yea I remember having to do that also after a reset.

Sounds like you got it pretty much working now out of box, again let me try the PBS Montana in a bit for you and I will see what I come up with!

Might get a reply back before I get back to you, but I will try here for you!

Great to see you have it going again! We have ways we want these STB'S to work for us and we just won't stop till it is working flawless! Least that is what it is with mine!

Check back with you in a bit!

UPDATE 3:32:21 PM EST:

Just entered it in by hand, PBS Montana is still there coming is as CH.2!

So the information above is correct! The first time I scanned the Transponder it did not find it but after the second attempt, if grabbed it! So YES it is still at there!

Watching it now!

Just keep scanning in that Transponder and be patient, it will lock and grab it!



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