Comcast HD


Original poster
May 15, 2008
Milford, NH
Why can't Comcast practice what they preach?
They claim they have more HD, but they don't yet people including myself continue to go back to comcast because Fios is no offered in my area.
Please elaborate in real English.
which do you need old english or new english? makes sense to me

he/she saying comcast advrtises ll this hd, yet really its a lie and they have hardly any hd, but since fios isnt avaialbe in his/her area they keep mgoing back to comcast
probably cancelling every few months when promo rates expire then resign up under new promo rates like a revolving door

thats my take on this
Comcast continues to get away with it because people like the OP continue to subscribe. As long as what they're doing doesn't significantly change their subscriber numbers, they'll keep doing it.

explorer 8300hd dvr box

MLB Network missing
