Upgrading Equipment while out of contract

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SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Aug 1, 2006
We are moving in May so I am looking to upgrade my equipment while I still have the upperhand (mover's connection will put me into a 12 month commit.) My current setup is a HR20 which was leased back in beta purchase days (October '06) and is starting to flake out, R15, and D11.

I am hoping to get them to either give me 2 new HR units at no cost or at the very least 1 at no cost and the other offset by programming credits. The first would replace the D11 and the second would replace the R15. Am I being practical or will they shoot it down? Of note, I am "moving" back to my home and do know that Dish has some decent deals right now that I may be able to leverage. (Mother-in-law was just offered their 250 pack and HD for $43/mo over 6 months and two HD-DVRs/new dish for $125.) Will they budge at all if I am willing to do the install myself (already have two lines in both rooms the HRs would be in)?

Does anyone know if they are still wanting the R15 and D11s back or are they obsolete junk? Also, what are my chances of getting a SWM compatible box if/when my HR20 dies? Being able to just plug in to the existing cable input at the new house would be huge.
I would love to say that D* (or any other company that wants to hang on to current subscribers) would gladly give a current customer a couple of "free" upgraded receivers for staying on. ( I put quotes around free because of course anytime you get something for free it would cost you at least one year of service. ;) ). Having said that, I'm doubtful you'll do better than the national promotion which should get you 1 HR receiver for $100 bucks and then a second one for $199. But I would give it a shot, call D* and get customer retention on the phone maybe they'll cut you a deal.

As to the old receivers, they'll let you know if they want them back when you call. Otherwise they make great doorstops. ;)
You can get what you want, but you might have to plat customer retention roulette. I had to add a reciever to a kids bedroom and was hoping for a deal, I did get a HR20 (my third) for the standard $199-$75 and S/H and installation. Not what I was hpoing for, but since I did get my other HIDEF DVR's free when they first came out, I'm not complaining. My only gripe is the additional two year commitment, which is standard. The first CR I talked to wouldnt budge, so I hung up and called right back.
Thanks for the advice. I am wondering if the fact that I paid the $299 fee for the HR20 when it first came out will help at all... If I can't get at least one of them in return for the commitment I may have to actually start looking at Dish.
Seems like I am going to have to play the roulette game. First call to retention and I was offered 99.99 for the box + 19.99 handling fee as well as a $50 credit and $10/mo over 12 months. The sad thing is I hate haggling so I was actually going to take the deal if they would waive the handling fee. Got a number and pin to call back in the morning. I am starting to second guess my loyalty to D* is that's all they are willing to offer. The lady went so far as talking down to me like I was an idiot about Dish fees.
Seems like I am going to have to play the roulette game. First call to retention and I was offered 99.99 for the box + 19.99 handling fee as well as a $50 credit and $10/mo over 12 months. The sad thing is I hate haggling so I was actually going to take the deal if they would waive the handling fee. Got a number and pin to call back in the morning. I am starting to second guess my loyalty to D* is that's all they are willing to offer. The lady went so far as talking down to me like I was an idiot about Dish fees.

All in all, this is not a bad deal. I don't blame you in trying again, but I would take it.
It's not a terrible offer, but it certainly can't hurt to try again and see if you get something better. If they really think you're gonna leave sometimes they'll pull out all the stops and give you a getter deal.
And sometime they will pat you on the butt and tell you not to let the door hit you on the way out. Remember they are a corporation and need to make a profit for their shareholders. As the recession tightens they have a tighter budget to work with and they know the odds are in their favor that you are bluffing or will come back after sampling the competitor.:)
Well I learned this morning that when we moved in August of '07, they coded the move as a 24 month commit. They then claimed that the mover's connection required a 24 month commitment on advanced receiver moves. I called BS and the access card dept guy took his time to remove the commitment that was showing on the account. Before last night my goal was really just to get one and if possible, squeeze a second HD-DVR out of them for the cost of shipping.

After the retention lady getting argumentative (I'll call it angry black lady working late at night syndrome...as those words went through my head as she was going on and on) over the Dish offer (and fees.) Which I found comical after running the numbers and seeing that they really aren't that different...just packaged differently. (And please D* CSRs...your HD claim is about 6 months past being effective.) Then this morning being offered the box at full price and just a DVR credit for a year, I'm starting to get insulted. This coming from a premier and ST subscriber... I am seriously debating actually making the switch.
Well I gave it a rest for a day and am going to play roulette again in the morning. One thing's for sure...I can't wait for this all to be done so I can get rid of this crapfest that is the Central IL DMA.
Seems like I am going to have to play the roulette game. First call to retention and I was offered 99.99 for the box + 19.99 handling fee as well as a $50 credit and $10/mo over 12 months. The sad thing is I hate haggling so I was actually going to take the deal if they would waive the handling fee. Got a number and pin to call back in the morning. I am starting to second guess my loyalty to D* is that's all they are willing to offer. The lady went so far as talking down to me like I was an idiot about Dish fees.

Your getting a $800 box for $ 100, it's normally $ 299 (lease)
IF they offered me a HR box for $ 100 I would take it for the bedroom ...
(if the HD is quiet).

If you can get the deal again, I would take it.
You can't expect them all free unless your looking for SD.

Well I learned this morning that when we moved in August of '07, they coded the move as a 24 month commit. They then claimed that the mover's connection required a 24 month commitment on advanced receiver moves. I called BS and the access card dept guy took his time to remove the commitment that was showing on the account. Before last night my goal was really just to get one and if possible, squeeze a second HD-DVR out of them for the cost of shipping.

After the retention lady getting argumentative (I'll call it angry black lady working late at night syndrome...as those words went through my head as she was going on and on) over the Dish offer (and fees.) Which I found comical after running the numbers and seeing that they really aren't that different...just packaged differently. (And please D* CSRs...your HD claim is about 6 months past being effective.) Then this morning being offered the box at full price and just a DVR credit for a year, I'm starting to get insulted. This coming from a premier and ST subscriber... I am seriously debating actually making the switch.

I am sure that D* knows what DISH is offering, so I would not make things up, incase you had, I don't know cause I don't care about DISH or whatever they may do. I'm with D*, why worry about what the other guy is doing.
D* gives me the programming I want and I have no problems with them.

It sounds like you really WANT to go to DISH, if thats the case, change and be happy. If they both give you the programming you want,personally, I would stay, mainly because I would not want to have to change out all my equipment that I have plenty of time dedicated in .... just something to think about, really would'nt want to start to learn all over again .... just me.
No, just trying to leverage the Dish deal into another HD-DVR... Finally got it for the shipping charge. The guy mentioned that he saw the notes about me looking at another competitor and asked of there was any truth to it. After I answered affirmatively he flat out asked if the HD-DVR would be a decisionmaker and I said yes. I don't really care about the credits so I made it clear I wasn't asking for anything aside from the HD-DVR. 5 minutes later I had an appointment set up for next Monday. :)

Edit: Just thought I'd add one comical attempt just before the one with retention. I called and just went through to a standard CSR...she said/asked it's $199.99 would you like me to set that up for you? I then went into the new customers get it for free, why are they entitled to it for free in return for going into a contract while I am not after paying and staying after my commitment...also added in that it doesn't make sense from a cost standpoint either since a new customer requires a new dish, new cable runs, etc. (I'm already wired for the DVR...in one one of the rooms I did it myself.)

I'm curious about one thing....he said that it would be coded differently in their system if I was planning on moving in the next year. Does anyone know what that's all about?
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