Whats your favorite kitchen gadgets?

My favorite is my Microplane Citrus Zester. I found a simple recipe to make my own limoncello that everyone loves.

My new favorite gadget. Sliced up spme pastrami I smoked on the WSM a while back. Rubens tonight!!!!!!!:hungry:


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I used to crush garlic with a morter and pestle. It kind of ruined the m&P for anything else and I decided that either mincing or cutting gave me just as good flavor and more control of coarseness. I mostly just use a compression mincer these days. The M&P Is used for grinding other spices these days.

Well, I crusted garlic, thyme, and olive oil into a fine paste and spread it on a pork tenderloin. It was indeed quite tasty. But I can see your point, the M&P doesn't clean easy after a task like that!

Tomorrow I'm going to crush some pine nuts and use it with garlic, onion, and basil in an oliveoil based pasta sauce.

BTW...the herbs I'm talking about are from my AeroGarden...I love that darn thing! I may add that to my list of favorite kitchen gadgets if, for all definitions and terms, 5t can be included within the scope of 'kitchen gadgets'.... :)
Awesome! I've been wanting a meat slicer for a while. I'm jealous.

Thanks. My Mother In Law got it for me. She told me to pick out the one i wanted. It's not the one I would have bought, but I didn't want her spending 300.00 bucks. This one was bought at Amazon for 100.00 bucks.
My favorite is my Microplane Citrus Zester. I found a simple recipe to make my own limoncello that everyone loves.


I bought my wife one of these for Christmas. (A Microplane Coarse Grade). The coarse one is primarily for shredding cheese. We also have a separate zester.

These single handed Microplanes are much easier to handle than the other grater we have. (See below).

Thanks. My Mother In Law got it for me. She told me to pick out the one i wanted. It's not the one I would have bought, but I didn't want her spending 300.00 bucks. This one was bought at Amazon for 100.00 bucks.

Yeah, you can get into the commercial grade slicers that you could just set a whole brisket on and slice automatically that run about $1k and higher. The one I use to have at the restaurant I worked at was a beast. Ahh, someday... :D
I've mentioned it enough times in a few threads here, but I have really gotten sued to using one of those AeroGardnes you see all over these days. I have the original version, and I have to say that fresh herbs all year round do take the sting out of the bitter Chicago winter.

I'm thinking that in spring, I'm going to grow salad greens in it, since it can be rather difficult to grow decent salad greens outdoors. (they can get 'buggy' and the greens can be rather difficult to clean).

Also, I'm looking into some of the international seed kits that are available in order to grow 'harder to find' herbs like chervil and culantro.

Anyways, aside from the indoor, year-round convenience and all...I have to admit that I've very impressed with the quality of the herbs grown, and just how well they grow in general. I've been harvesting herbs from it since November and the plants are still as full and prosperous as ever. Its quite an impressive piece here...
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Agree on the Kitchenaid stand mixer. No better gadget in the kitchen. Even better, I picked mine up at a garage sale for $20! Works like new.

Hmmm. I have many kitchen appliances I love, but the one gadget I get a lot of use out of and is the most helpful has to be my digital probe thermometer.

Food is always cooked to the proper temperature with the help of this wonderful tool.

Probes are good for oven roasting, but not much else. Most of the time, I reach for my instant read.

ThermoWorks - Home of the Original Super-Fast Thermapen!

Uses a thermocouple to take the temperature, which make it read accurately in a second or two.

Alton Brown fans, you may recognize it.

I do recommend highly AB's book on kitchen gear.
I get more good, and more cooking quality, out of my pampered chef garlic press. Not fancy, not electric, but nothing adds to my kind of cooking like fresh pressed garlic.

My wife would be pleased (she is an Executive Director with The Pampered Chef. :)

It isn't fancy, but it works.

My favorite kitchen tool is simple: a fork, knife, and spoon - which I use to eat the food my wife makes with all of her kitchen gadgets. :D
For somebody who cooks as often as I do, my knife skills are terrible. This little gadget slices, dices, and juliennes as fast as you can move your arm! It sees a lot of use in my kitchen.

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While I was joking before about the forks and knives, I would have to say that my favorite kitchen gadget is the cookware that my wife sells. It cleans up really well. I just have to remember NOT to use any metal utensils. :)

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