Dish Introduces DTVPal DVR

I think we are seeing in the instruction manual pages copied over from the TR-40/Pal instead of actual DVR TVGOS pages. It makes no sense that you would pay $250 for a dual-tuner DVR to be a slave tuner/digital-to-analog TVGOS converter for your TVGOS recorder - that's what is envisioned for the TR-40/Pal (if that ever works!)
Any chance this thing is compatible with clear QAM for cable use? It could definately be a Tivo-killer if it were. Maybe a future version could have a cable-card slot.
here we go...

dual tuner, internal split
OTA digital only. HD and SD output and recording.
TVGOS primary guide if available in your area. Shows TVGuide logo if you got it. PSIP if not.
Manual date and time. Manual and guide select timer setting.
usb currently for software updates only. ethernet also for updates, plus other possible uses...

DVR functions very much like a 722 from what I have been told. I don't have a 722 so I can't say for sure. But I really like it!!

No clear QAM. This is for OTA after all.
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No clear QAM is unfortunately going to be a deal breaker for some. I guess this thing is designed to replace the analog VCR for those who are antenna-only, or perhaps give more OTA recording capacity for satellite subs. I can see how this unit could be useful to those with DirecTV who have an HR-21 and no OTA tuners.
Are there any issues with the DTVPal DVR remote interfering with a VIP 622 or any other Dish receiver?

I asked a similar question about if the DVr version supported remote addressing like the other dish receivers. Someone responded yes, but I don't know the basis. If he was a beta tester, then I believe him. The manual doesn't address the issue.
Will it support Amazon Unbox or Netflix downloads ? Unbox is about all I currently use my old Tivo for anymore (cheaper than E* PPV and easier than running out to Hollywood video)
Judging from the pictures in the manual, it looks like the guide display resembles the primitive DTVPal instead of the more evolved 622/722 guide. Does this thing even show PIP within the guide like the even the most basic standard-def IRDs do these days?
I asked a similar question about if the DVr version supported remote addressing like the other dish receivers. Someone responded yes, but I don't know the basis. If he was a beta tester, then I believe him. The manual doesn't address the issue.

You can reassign the remote address on it, if necessary. I have a 722 and 211 and have had no issues with the remotes, when using the tr-50.:)
hey islandguy. you said you have the TVGuide data right? What does the guide look like? Are the indiviual time slices "3D" looking or are they flat? That would tell us alot about what the guide looks like.
As far as functionality goes I bet there is no difference between them.
942 ota

I know that I may be entering this in the wrong thread, But I, can't find where to click to start a new thread. I wonder if anyone can tell me if there is any way to use an old 942 dvr for oTA. I recently had it deactivated by dish, as I have two other ones that are active. Initialy after the receiver was deactivated, I was able to receive the local channels from my antenna along with NASA. It seems like overnight my local channels disapeared. Thanks for any help you can give me and also let me know where I can click to enter new topics
It has been stated several times by Echostar that this unit uses the Megadata available from the OTA signal, (correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that is the same as the PSIP, right?). So, your guide data comes from the OTA signal.

Where you get the word "Megadata" ? PSIP should be sufficient to avoid confuse ppl.
PSIP and TVGOS provide DATA. The receiving device can use, for example, TVGOS software to display that data, so there's a common look across different brands and models. Or they can devise their own. It appears Dish has decided to take programming data from whatever source and display it in a format similar to some of their satellite box guides. They can also decide how far into the future they want to display, even if more data is available.

Will it support Amazon Unbox or Netflix downloads ? Unbox is about all I currently use my old Tivo for anymore (cheaper than E* PPV and easier than running out to Hollywood video)

NO. This is not a cable box. It is not a box to d/l from anybody. It is not a satellite receiver. It is not a short wave receiver, home controller or dump truck. At best, one day it MIGHT accept updates thru the internet (or OTA). There is some slight chance that it will one day allow you to d/l a movie from Dish- but this is pure conjecture on some folk's part. The chances of Dish ever implementing such a feature to support some other company's products is slim at best. Unless those companies share the fees with Dish- again, unlikely. The whole idea of d/l movies is moving slowly, as ISPs throttle back and set limits. For SD, sure, it's pretty much available today. For HD, it is slow in coming.

I do not mean to be rude, but it has been clearly posted multiple times, in this thread and elsewhere, that it is for OTA viewing and recording. And we have an early version of the manual. Dish says the USB and RJ-45 ports are there for possible future use. They have had various ports on various boxes they've sold before (such as the 721), with ports for "possible future use" that were NEVER put to use. In fact, I think it is more common for Dish to NOT ever implement a port if it isn't usable when the box first comes out.
And that might be all it ever does. Hopefully, what it is supposed to do today will continue to be done in the future. Some features get more or less rescinded. Look at weather on the 8s and Dish OnLine. We sorta have them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Dish supporter. But let's not hope for the moon, or expect a fairly basic box to do wonderous things. I'm surprised it's coming out as cheap as it is. Very happily surprised. And if they want to come out with a more capable box later, at higher price, fine with me.
My remaining question is will the hard drive user serviceable so you can at least replace a failed drive and hopefully upgrade the drive? Hopefully it won't be locked down like the regular dish dvrs.

Replace Separator

DISH $200 deposit, refundable or not?

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