How Dish's 1080p is going to work...

I have a 622 and a 722. The 622 is hooked up to an older 1080i RPTV and the 722 is hooked up to a Vidikron 1080P projector through a Denon 3808 AVR.

I am unable to get more than 2 HD On Demand movies in the guide on channel 501 on the 722. the 622 has 6 selections. Neither receiver shows the 1080P movies. I ahve never seen IAL or 10000BC on my 722. I don't know if the 622 ever had the IAL movie. Both receivers have the L613 software.

At one point I had 5 VOD HD movies in the guide on the 722. It doesn't matter what guide I am in, custom or all channel or all sub, it still only shows 2 movies available. This has been happening ever since they came out with Turbo HD. Lets call it Turdbol HD.

I have called into tech support no less than 3 times. They keep getting me off the phone and say that they have notified the engineers. Yeah right. I used to have Rory Echer's email but I don't know how to spell his name right becasue it gets returned. Or maybe he isn't with Dish anymore.
I have a 622 and a 722.... The 622 is hooked up to an older 1080i RPTV and the 722 is hooked up to a Vidikron 1080P projector through a Denon 3808 AVR.

I am unable to get more than 2 HD On Demand movies in the guide on channel 501 on the 722... Both receivers have the L613 software.

At one point I had 5 VOD HD movies in the guide on the 722...

I have called into tech support no less than 3 times. They keep getting me off the phone and say that they have notified the engineers...

The problem is these are VOD movies that must download to your receiver hard drive before they will become available in any guide. If the movie does not download to your receiver, it does not show. There could be a multitude of reasons why the download never completes or succeeds.

If you can make a case that Dish promised that everyone would get a chance to try to see the 1080p movies, you might get some concession from Dish like a free movie or two but until specific movies are forced onto every receiver, some people are never going to see every movie released to VOD by Dish.

This haphazard method of providing VOD is just another bad joke in a long line of bad jokes Dish has laughingly called VOD. Email dishquality (at) echostar (dot) com and CEO also and don't let them off the hook. Constant high pressure has been known to result in diamonds but also implosion.
ON my Dad's 622 receiver we got the 10,000 B.C. movie in 1080p . Today we rented it for $2.99 just to see if his Toshiba Regza could see it. THe funniest thing is that we bought his 32"Toshiba hdtv reduced without a box at Circuit City for about $700.00 last January and it was only supposed to do 720p, according to the manager who reduced it to get rid of it off the reduced table. WE rented the movie and the movie started and was in true 1080p! It looks like old Dad got the better tv reduced. THe picture quality was like true 3-d. It was very impressive and it indeed looked like Blu-Ray quality. To bad we won't be buying these movies at $6.99 a pop. I wish DISH could do 1080p all the time in the receiver setting itself. THings would look better for sure.

There is a difference in a set being 1080p and accepting 1080p.

My Pioneer plasma is a 768p native resolution set, but will accept a 1080p24 signal. The electronics in the set scales the 1080p signal to 768p. That's how it works.
I have the upgraded L613 and 10,000B.C in 1080P being offered. But with my Sharp D92U (1080P), it still tells me it cannot offer the 1080P/24fps. Too bad. I will just continue with my Netflix BluRay rentals.
ON my Dad's 622 receiver we got the 10,000 B.C. movie in 1080p . Today we rented it for $2.99 just to see if his Toshiba Regza could see it. THe funniest thing is that we bought his 32"Toshiba hdtv reduced without a box at Circuit City for about $700.00 last January and it was only supposed to do 720p, according to the manager who reduced it to get rid of it off the reduced table. WE rented the movie and the movie started and was in true 1080p! It looks like old Dad got the better tv reduced. THe picture quality was like true 3-d. It was very impressive and it indeed looked like Blu-Ray quality. To bad we won't be buying these movies at $6.99 a pop. I wish DISH could do 1080p all the time in the receiver setting itself. THings would look better for sure.

I will echo Jim's statement on panel resolution and HDMI acceptance of 1080P. I also have a Pioneer with 768P panel res. Watched "I am Legend" last month in 1080P and the Pioneer displays whatever the input is seeing. That could make you think you are watching 1080P. It looked great on the 50" Honestly, on a 32" your not going to see that much difference from 720P and 1080P. The larger the display, the more noticeable. If you don't have the owners manual you could go to Toshiba's web site site and look up your model #and spec sheet and that will tell you for sure. Enjoy.
THe manual says the toshiba regza will display an 1080p signal in the manual. It also says it will receive and display a 480i,480p,720p,1080i and 1080p signal . When I checked the display information button on the tv remote control it did say 1080p. There was a noticeable difference between the pq on the movie in 1080p and the regular 1080i sat hd channel . We all said it looked like 3-D tv. THey were showing mountains and scenic views and the people looked clearer than I can remember seeing. When we rented the movie it automatically accepted the tv picture during the test part and the screen appeared for the movie to start. When the movie went off we then checked the picture display again on the tv remote and the tv was now showing 1080i signal once again. So I took this to mean that the picture was indeed 1080p during the movie.
Thanks 8bitbytes. I emailed the CEO and I got a call from some software guys within an hour.

I am working with them to resolve my issue. They are aware of software glitches like mine. At this point it looks like the DishCOMM software might be interfering somehow. Anyway we are troubleshooting it.
I too had the problem with my tv not passing the stupid 1080p test all last night I kept trying several times because I didnt believe it and it kept saying didnt pass, well I know full and well that not only is my tv 1080p capable but it will also accept 1080p/24, its a Mitsubishi 73833 diamond that is barely a year old connected to a almost brand new Onkyo TX-SR805 all connected to my 622 via HDMI. Anyways this morning just for the heck of it, I got back on and tried it again and walla worked first time, so much for dishes great software check, my tv didnt miraculously over night become compliant. Well at least one of those times last night I saw a very brief flash of a screen asking me if I wanted to purchase but I didnt have enough time to answer before it changed to a black screen again only to take me to the screen that says my tv didnt pass, so it leads me to believe what might be others problems and most definetly mine see below.

What I believe is going on (at least in my case) is that the dish software when it does its check causes the hdmi inputs to have to kinda renogotiate its connection to the devices, well in my case it has to negotiate a connection not only to my 622 to my onkyo reciever but also to the onkyo to the tv as well, during this "black" out of sorts dish is got the screen up to ask me if I want to purchase the event, but I dont see it because my tv is stilled "black" from syncing again and by the time my two devices sync its already to the screen saying my tv didnt pass, just my .02 worth. Maybe it will help others having problems.
I think there is a problem for sure when going through an AV receiver. I can't get my Pioneer 6020 to pass going through a Denon 3808ci, but it works fine when I bypass the Denon. It should work fine with the Denon in the mix...
You can keep the 1080p rent confirmation screen (which is in 1080p24) up indefinitely by pressing the left or right arrow button on the remote repeatedly every few seconds. This will give your equipment more time to sync and/or troubleshoot.
A borrowed blu-ray player, plugged into my receiver via hdmi 1.3, has no problem getting a 1080p/24 signal to my Sony A3000 with beautiful results.

My 722 is also connected to the same receiver via hdmi 1.3, but deems my equipment incapable of dealing with its 1080p signal. I don't want to bother trying a direct connection from the 722 to the tv for two reasons:

#1 Others with the same tv have not been successfull on that direct test, according to their posts here, and

#2 I like the convenience of letting the receiver handle the input switching. My wife depends on this feature in particular.

I would appreciate a 1080i/1080p option on the 722 output menu. Why can't it upconvert lesser signals to 10801 and through-put 1080p when it is available? Or why doesn't it have a through-put option in general, to pass all signals in their broadcast format and let my tv sort it out and upgrade (when necessary) to 1080p?

Also, a separate test on the diagnostics menu would be helpful, so you don't have to attempt a 1080p VOD purchase (when and if one is available) in order to do the test.

When I got my 722, I was a little put out that it wouldn't output the program's native resolution and allow my Pioneer plasma handle the scaling. Chances are the plasma would do a better job scaling.

Fact of the matter is that in the past with my Tivo which does do native resolution, whenever I'd switch channels and the resolution changed, my set flickered for a moment till it got the correct resolution negotiated. With the 722 set to output 1080i, I don't get this flickering. As a system I really think this works better. When I played the 1080p24 I am Legend, it did recognize 1080p24 and correctly communicated it in the EDID info stream.

I would still try connecting the 722 via HDMI directely to the TV. Some BluRay players allow the user to force the 1080p24 output. So just because a player would do it doesn't mean that the correct EDID information is in the info stream. It likely that your receiver is somehow stripping the information off and you can find out by bypassing the receiver.

I would still try connecting the 722 via HDMI directely to the TV.

Disagree. Waste of time. Hooking up an A3000 directly to the TV will not solve his problem. It did not solve mine or anyone else that has this TV.
Disagree. Waste of time. Hooking up an A3000 directly to the TV will not solve his problem. It did not solve mine or anyone else that has this TV.

Thanks. I remember a few A3000 owners saying that they tried and tried and couldn't get the 722 to recognize the tv's capabilities.

BTW, what a great TV! I'm sure glad I picked it up before Sony left the rear projection market.

When I got my 722, I was a little put out that it wouldn't output the program's native resolution and allow my Pioneer plasma handle the scaling. Chances are the plasma would do a better job scaling.

Fact of the matter is that in the past with my Tivo which does do native resolution, whenever I'd switch channels and the resolution changed, my set flickered for a moment till it got the correct resolution negotiated. With the 722 set to output 1080i, I don't get this flickering. As a system I really think this works better. When I played the 1080p24 I am Legend, it did recognize 1080p24 and correctly communicated it in the EDID info stream.

Thanks for the tip about flickering while negotiating resolution. I hadn't thought of that. I can't try it on my setup, since the 722 doesn't have a pass-thru option, so I don't know if my tv would flicker or not.
So I finaly got the 1080P movie to download last night to both my 622 and the 722. It appears that using the DishCOMM feature to communicate between receivers, interfers with the VOD downloads. ODn't ask me why, it just does and Dish software engineering is aware of this and says they will be working on that for a future software release.

I think there is a problem for sure when going through an AV receiver. I can't get my Pioneer 6020 to pass going through a Denon 3808ci, but it works fine when I bypass the Denon. It should work fine with the Denon in the mix...

Now I have this exact smae issue. I got the 722 to recognize the compatibility through my 3808 but the movie starts and stops and goes to blue screen on my Vidikron Vision Model 65 1080P projector. When I hook the projector directly up to the 722 I get the video with no problem, no audio of course. I could hook up the audio but don't wnat to hassle it. I have forwarded this problem to the Dish software engineer too and am waiting to hear back.
Bingo, it is the Dishcom. I have not received a new VOD title since my 622s and 722 were Turbocharged. Last night I disabled the Dishcom feature in all three DVRs and this morning I had from four to eight new titles including a 1080p title on each DVR. Now if only they would bring back Legend in 1080p at $3.00.

Bingo, it is the Dishcom. I have not received a new VOD title since my 622s and 722 were Turbocharged. Last night I disabled the Dishcom feature in all three DVRs and this morning I had from four to eight new titles including a 1080p title on each DVR. Now if only they would bring back Legend in 1080p at $3.00.


How did you disable it?

Install advice requested when moving

Bizarre Center Ice/Dish Network issue

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