DIRECTV and TiVo to Launch New HD DIRECTV DVR with TiVo Service

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What a shocker. Just amazing that, really, NOBODY saw this coming.

I'm 50/50 on this. I was a very early adopter of both the HR10-250 and the HR20-700. The HR20's interface has grown on me quite a bit. We watch so little live TV that lack of DLB isn't that big an issue.

The HR20's speed and picture-guide have really proven to be a winner in our house. The HR10 was just sssssslllllllooooooowwwww in comparison.

That being said, it would be a real decision on my next HD DVR, especially if the Tivo offers built-in OTA that is a measure above the HR20 (either built-in or add-on). Also, I'll need to factor in D*'s movements in the next year when factoring in, too.

- Will active features work?
- Will the PC playback and/or MRV features work on either platform? Within platforms only?

Lots of questions, some time to work things out...

I don't miss my Tivo's at all. I've found my HR20's to be superior to my HR10's. Wouldn't mind DLB's but I'm living without them, just fine.
Didn't Direct buy a company (I for get the name) that builds dvr (or developed the software for a dvr) last year???

Maybe this is a jab at Dish.

For those out there who use to have a TiVo receiver, how did it compare to the hr-21 or even the 622 from Dish if you had both??

Having been a former TiVo user (Series 2), with DISH and the older DISH box (321 I think), I now use the 622. I still miss TiVo, it has a superior search function than the 622, i.e. one can enter the category of a program and get a whole listing of all shows in that ilk, as opposed to the DISH Pass, where you might get one of what you want, and probably a lot of what you don't. I hated the clunky interface between the DISH and TiVo back then, one had to run a wire with the IR receiver taped to the IR "eye" on the DISH box, to the TiVo box, so the remote would not activate the wrong box. Got to the point that one had to create a "tent" over the IR receiver eye just so no IR signal would leak thru. Heaven help you if you tried to scroll thru the program guide on TiVo and came across a channel DISH did not carry, it locked up the whole system. I wish I had made a different choice "back in the day," but DirecTV did not carry some channels I really wanted, and DISH did, the rest is history and I am way too invested now to change:)
Mpeg 4 DIRECTV TIVO's are a new feature. Show me one D* tivo mpeg4 thats out for D* subscribers currently.
If you ever used a DIRECTV TiVo you would understand why quite a few don't care for D* models.

Believe me I have a 625 and a 722, and 4 HR21s, I know why a few who do not care for the D* HRxxs:) It is not difficult for me to understand why many Tivo folks do not care for the HRxxs.

My point is, by the end of 2009, there will be very few still have the old DirecTivo boxes, most will have the HRxxs, the new DirecTivo MPEG4 HD box will be aimed at those who have HRxxs, to us, MPEG4 is not a "new feature" to worth an extra monthly fee. MPEG4 will be a must, not a "new feature".

And I never said only $1 , I said $1 more per month ( meaning instead of $5.99 for DVR service $6.99. And it was only an example ,Since you and I have no clue on what the rates are or could be.

Which was why I asked how much more Comcast charges its subs for the Tivo version boxes, it may give us a clue.
My point is, by the end of 2009, there will be very few still have the old DirecTivo boxes, most will have the HRxxs, the new DirecTivo MPEG4 HD box will be aimed at those who have HRxxs, to us, MPEG4 is not a "new feature" to worth an extra monthly fee. MPEG4 will be a must, not a "new feature".
What about New HD suscribers? Don't forget , there atleast 15 million D* customers that don't even Have HD DVR. Your going to tell me in 1 year 18 million D* customers will all have HR -20,21,22? Doubt it Highly.! Current HD DVR customers YES. But thats not a huge number at all right now. I bet theres more SD DVR customers ,BY double if not triple. And D* said nothing about converting people from HR 's to TIVOs. Its a choice for now, but at some point might be the only option for HD customers.
jacmyoung i believe for comcrap you pay $9.95 a month for tivo. i asked and that was their response.
Tivo DVR's would make me come back. I bet there are others that left D* because of poor equipment as well.

if this new tivo has all the features of my hr21 plus it responds faster and it's more stable than my hr21 i'll be the 1st in line. i'll become their biggest fan. some are getting worked up on this because they feel that this is a step backwards. i disagree. why would D do this if it isn't a step ahead? they need more experience on the making of these dvr's. people are making comparisons to the old tivo dvr's. that they were slower and this and that. E dvr's used to suck too. Now to me they are the best out there. The point is E has experience on their side just like Tivo does. D doesn't and they've had enough time to perfect this and it isn't there yet. Maybe it will be before the showing of this new DVR but if it isn't for the 1st time i will be taking a hard look at a tivo. Who knows it might even beat out the vip series from E. if that happens watch out!
jacmyoung i believe for comcrap you pay $9.95 a month for tivo. i asked and that was their response.

Is that in addition to the usual DVR fees? For example my Comcrap charges I think $10 for their own DVR, the first one, and $17 for the second one, I don't think our Comcrap has Tivo yet but if they did, would it be an extra $10 just to have the Tivo service?
What about New HD suscribers? Don't forget , there atleast 15 million D* customers that don't even Have HD DVR. Your going to tell me in 1 year 18 million D* customers will all have HR -20,21,22? Doubt it Highly.! Current HD DVR customers YES. But thats not a huge number at all right now. I bet theres more SD DVR customers ,BY double if not triple. And D* said nothing about converting people from HR 's to TIVOs. Its a choice for now, but at some point might be the only option for HD customers.

Of course that was not my point.

First off most of the DirecTivo accounts Tivo lost were SDDVR accounts, and this trend is continuing at a faster pace.

Secondly most people who still don't have HD are likely not too much into the new technologies anyway, so give them the choice of an HR21 at $5 a month DVR fee, or a DirecTivoHD at $15 a month, they are more than likely to pick the $5 one. Again don't count MPEG4 as a "new feature" for them, they don't care, they don't even know what MPEG is.
I doubt D* going to charge a $15 per month Fee for a TIVO. If they do ,Well then I guess you'll all be buying Hr 22's Sorry Leasing. I highly Doubt D* and TiVo are only going to be partners because D* want TiVO to fail. Your making it out to such a huge problem with D* and Tivo as a Team. I don't see where a single problem could come from this. If D* biggest problem customers face ,Is weather to pick a TiVo or an HR.
Well then don't bust my chops about my worries with E* dropping channels at random. The only thing I see with D* is they are making moves to better the company, Echo seems to making moves to better Charlies pocket.
Take it for what you will !
Is that in addition to the usual DVR fees? For example my Comcrap charges I think $10 for their own DVR, the first one, and $17 for the second one, I don't think our Comcrap has Tivo yet but if they did, would it be an extra $10 just to have the Tivo service?

jacm i didn't realize you had comcast. i hope i didn't offend you. let me ask you something since you probably know more than me about cable. couldn't you go to the Tivo website and get one of these dvr's yourself and you would be paying about $12.95 a month? i believe you wouldn't have to even call comcast for this. tivo makes dvr's for cable users and you would only have to go through tivo for this right?
I said when I dropped D*, and tell them everytime they call to try and get me back now that I left, that the ONLY way I would come back to D* is if a HDTIVO were re-introduced. Seems to me they have listened. About time. IMO TIVO will KILL the HR20 series for those of us who just want a stable, reliable DVR and aren't interested in mdeia share, lame VOD, or features that don't work.

Never thought I'd type this, but bravo D*!

Now, all they need to do is introduce a HD only pack for about 50 bucks a month, sell/lease me a TIVO, and they could sign me up today. I am NOT interested in SD programming. :)
...IMO TIVO will KILL the HR20 series for those of us who just want a stable, reliable DVR and aren't interested in mdeia share, lame VOD, or features that don't work. ... :)

What about those of us who will still be stuck with the HR20/21 series - will they continue to provide software updates or just let it die out?

By the way, I'm very excited about the HDTivo as well.
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