DIRECTV and TiVo to Launch New HD DIRECTV DVR with TiVo Service

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I all I can say about this announcement is WOW!!!!!

I guess it is time to hold off on buying any new DVR's until we find out more about this. I would really like to see the HR series be software upgradeable so I don't have to purchase any new receiver.
maybe they should start this weekend with a CE :D
Let me clarify something:
"UPDATE TiVo has just clarified for me that the service will run on DirecTV hardware, not the TiVo HD hardware as I had assumed."

That does not necessrily mean it will be the HR2x platform hardware. It still may be newly manufactured device exclusive to DirecTV.

That line indicates to me that the new hardware will simply not be a Series 3 TIVO with sat tuners added.
Let me clarify something:

That does not necessrily mean it will be the HR2x platform hardware. It still may be newly manufactured device exclusive to DirecTV.

That line indicates to me that the new hardware will simply not be a Series 3 TIVO with sat tuners added.
Yea I kind of thought that would be the case , But it means D* will make the receiver, and Tivo will make the sofware right?
I wouldn't really mind if Tivo puts their software in an HR 20. I would even go for that! I just Don't want D* software in these puppys. In the amount of Time D* has had with the H series they should be perfect, They are far from that, Thats for sure! They wouldn't need random people trying out their beta software if they really knew what was going on. TiVo Is the Huge answer D* needs to take them way over the top and beyond. AS a team they are in charge. No doubt
I'm not a big fan of TiVO, but I know it works well. This might be the thing that gets me to drop DISH and their recent shenanigans. DISH has the channel edge at this moment for my tastes, but a high quality DVR will make it easier for me to switch when that inevitably changes.
Received an update, nothing major, but at least we're getting info as it comes out (Not bad for a device 9-12 months away):

For those wondering, the new Tivo HD DVR box will, as stated, be MPEG-4 and is planned to include the DVR Scheduler feature to set up recordings by PC or mobile.

This announcement also confirms that we will continue to support and enhance the user experience of our existing DIRECTV customers who use DIRECTV SD DVRs with TiVo software.
My old Hr10-250 had a superior feature. TivowebPLus I think it was called. I could log into it via the internet and schedule recordings, delete, undelete etc.....
Another thing I miss about the TIVO is the guide options where I could go down a list of channels and see what was coming on for the next 10 programs without having to scroll over and back all the time.

This can be done with any current D* receiver. From the guide, scroll left until the channel number is highlighted and then press the INFO button. This will give you only the programming on that channel out until the receiver's guide data is full.

Personally, the only thing I miss from my old TiVo is the DLB. I actually prefer the current D* interface and find it to be much more responsive than the TiVo. In addition, I like the ability to watch programming while doing other things like scheduling a recording or deleting a program from my Playlist.
My guess is after DirecTV told TIVO to piss off and bought the replay patents they were in a much better position with their own units and software to have TIVO come back and renegotiate the software fees and such. Probably saved them some serious $$ per sub on Tivo boxes...

Actually I heard it was the opposite, according to Tivo the monthly fee they will charge D* will be much higher than they do on the current DirecTivo units, which will mean higher monthly fees for the new Tivo users.

But I don't get it, Tivo just lost about 800k subs in the last year, most of them DirecTivo accounts, and obviously DirecTV is replacing what are left of those Tivo boxes with their own DVRs in a faster pace than last year.

So what good does it do for Tivo to wait till the end of 2009? By then they will likely have lost another 800k subs.

The only way I see myself replacing my 4 HR21s will be that D* totally stops to improve those HR21 DVRs, and making the proposed new DirecTivo box a more attractive alternative even at a higher monthly cost. Though such strategy makes no sense.

From most of the comments I sense the frustration with the lackluster D* HRXX DVRs, more so than anything else, that does not make me feel good about the prospect of my 4 HR21s. Maybe D* is conceding they can't do DVRs right on their own? Am I to expect my HR21s still be so clunky one year from now?
D* will be much higher than they do on the current DirecTivo units,
D* doesn't charge anything extra for Tivo receivers right now and Current TIVO models don't do Mpeg 4 HD. So you can't even compair the two.And no one know the cost difference at this point. It could be $1 per month, A fee I would gladly pay to not have to use D* HR Buggy receivers. Who know's maybe D* won't charge $199 each either, Well you wouldn't have to worry because you got 4 HR 20's for free so maybe TiVo will cut you the same deal.:rolleyes:
D* doesn't charge anything extra for Tivo receivers right now and Current TIVO models don't do Mpeg 4 HD. So you can't even compair the two.And no one know the cost difference at this point. It could be $1 per month, A fee I would gladly pay to not have to use D* HR Buggy receivers. Who know's maybe D* won't charge $199 each either, Well you wouldn't have to worry because you got 4 HR 20's for free so maybe TiVo will cut you the same deal.:rolleyes:

I have never heard monthly extra as low as $1.00. Anyone know if Comcast charges more for their new Tivo receivers? If yes that may be a sign.

So do people mostly agree our HRxxs are pretty much at the end of the road as far as improvement goes? Because I keep reading that the reason for going Tivo is people don't like their HRxxs.

BTW Hemi, please stop saying MPEG4 being a "new feature", it is a given, can you even imagine by end of 2009 they roll out a MPEG2-only box? To watch what?
I have never heard monthly extra as low as $1.00.

Because I keep reading that the reason for going Tivo is people don't like their HRxxs.

BTW Hemi, please stop saying MPEG4 being a "new feature", it is a given, can you even imagine by end of 2009 they roll out a MPEG2 box? To watch what?
Mpeg 4 DIRECTV TIVO's are a new feature. Show me one D* tivo mpeg4 thats out for D* subscribers currently.
If you ever used a DIRECTV TiVo you would understand why quite a few don't care for D* models.
And I never said only $1 , I said $1 more per month ( meaning instead of $5.99 for DVR service $6.99. And it was only an example ,Since you and I have no clue on what the rates are or could be.
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Losing local channels/721 error

Any way to get first epi of HBO's Entourage on demand?
