Netflix blu-ray price premium to become reality

Less likely to resub once the streaming support comes to the 360 now, bleh. Already have to sub to 2-out to do any meaningful amount of streaming, now to maybe try a Blu-Ray on occasion it will cost me more... might end up being a dealbreaker. $2 is nothing, but everything is going up 'only' $1-2 these days.
Vod services have a long way to go to beat Netflix in price. At least for heavy users. This $5 and $6 per movie with a 24hour window is BS.

Yes, this is true. It sometimes takes me a few days before I watch the Netflix rental. I have held one over a month before watching it.

Oh well, something else to think about.
anywhere there is a list of what kind of movies are available for download? is there alot of new releases? I would like to see before I sign up when 360 gets that update :)
Truth of the matter is, even for $2 more per month for one-at-a-time subs (fair or unfair), it's still the best deal, as I'll still be getting 4-5 HD movies per month (plus access to Instant Watching) for $11.99 (Heck, I was paying about the same if not more "back in the day" before NF dropped their prices a few years ago.). Renting locally, PPV, or VOD would cost me around $25 just for 4-5 HD movies. I'll still let NF know I'm not happy about paying the same premium for BD as higher sub levels.
Zookster, that is the only part I don't like. I really think it should be based on blu-ray rental usage. I don't mind paying a a little extra if it means more in the system and due to higher costs, but the guys that get 5 blu-rays at a time, basically potentially turning over 30-40 a month and myself with maybe 7 blu-rays a month paying the same fee is perplexing to me.

I've turned off blu-ray for the time being on netflix until more info comes out. The next 4 movies in my queue are DVD only anyways. Hell if it comes down to it, maybe I'll play the blu-ray game with netflix and line up a few movies in dvd and then a few in blu-ray and just enable/disable blu-ray as needed each time my sub renews.

Stuart, I don't know of any place that lists them all, but there are like 12000 titles now.
If they are gonna charge me $2 more/mo then I am definately gonna watch the movie and send it back right away. If they start any bs long waits or can't send the movies Ima be pissed.
Got my bill for August too, the increase was there. But I also got bumped to the 2 at a time plan, so basically an offset in price. 2 at a time unlimited with BD for $11.99. I wonder if this is in response to my phone calls etc.
Well, my plan states 2 at a time $11.99 and BD access of $2. So it's weird, maybe a billing goof, who knows.

My netflix account "membership plan and details" is all goofy. It says I "upgraded to 1 at a time" and BD prorated access for $1.26 this month.

I can't do a good screenshot from my phone ,but here is a cut/paste of what it says

You have upgraded to the 1 at-a-time (Unlimited) plan with unlimited time to watch instantly.
You've paid the pro-rated amount of $1.26 for the rest of your current period.
Starting on 08/04/2008, you will begin our 2 at-a-time (Unlimited) plan with unlimited time to watch instantly.
Membership fees are billed at the beginning of each period.
The regular price of the 2 at-a-time (Unlimited) plan is $11.99 (Including $2.00 for Blu-ray) (plus any applicable tax)

You know what else is odd, is my billing/renewal date used to be on the 20th. Checked my CC on file and it shows some credits from netflix and an $11.99 charge.
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Well, my plan states 2 at a time $11.99 and BD access of $2. So it's weird, maybe a billing goof, who knows.

My netflix account "membership plan and details" is all goofy. It says I "upgraded to 1 at a time" and BD prorated access for $1.26 this month.

I can't do a good screenshot from my phone ,but here is a cut/paste of what it says

You know what else is odd, is my billing/renewal date used to be on the 20th. Checked my CC on file and it shows some credits from netflix and an $11.99 charge.

Maybe you were part of the settlement, like me. Did you get this email last week:

"As a member of the Chavez vs. Netflix settlement class, you will receive a free upgrade to the next plan level for one month. Assuming your membership remains active for the remedy period, this benefit will automatically start with your next billing period and will appear in your Membership Terms and Details page.

No further action is necessary on your part.

NOTE: If your Netflix account is on hold, your upgrade will automatically apply for the next billing period after you remove your account hold.

Learn more about this settlement at:
Netflix Online Movie Rentals - Rent DVDs, Classic Films to DVD New Releases

-The Netflix Team"

And here's the notation on my Account Details page:

"Class action settlement benefit: for your next billing cycle, you will be automatically upgraded to the next plan level for one month at no extra charge. "
Maybe you were part of the settlement, like me. Did you get this email last week:

"As a member of the Chavez vs. Netflix settlement class, you will receive a free upgrade to the next plan level for one month. Assuming your membership remains active for the remedy period, this benefit will automatically start with your next billing period and will appear in your Membership Terms and Details page.

No further action is necessary on your part.

NOTE: If your Netflix account is on hold, your upgrade will automatically apply for the next billing period after you remove your account hold.

Learn more about this settlement at:
Netflix Online Movie Rentals - Rent DVDs, Classic Films to DVD New Releases

-The Netflix Team"

And here's the notation on my Account Details page:

"Class action settlement benefit: for your next billing cycle, you will be automatically upgraded to the next plan level for one month at no extra charge. "
I think I missed that. Is that the one where they sued because people got penalized for returning movies quickly? If so, I wish I could have been a part of that, because that is a very stupid rule, and I love how their "settlement" was 1 month of free of the next tier movie plan. You'd figure people returning their movies quickly would be just what they want..
hmm, I don't remember that email, nor did I see anything in my account to mention it. I guess we'll see next month if it reverts back or whatever. When did that whole thing get started cause I have only been a netflix memeber (again) since 2007. Before that it was like 2 years with blockbuster.
I think you had to actually reply to be removed. If they get no answer, you are included.

Im considering a new strategy. Im very current in the movies that are in my queue, and its getting to that old "long wait" issue again. I understand new movies are hard to come by at times, but if they are going to charge more for BR's before stocking up, thats just BS.

I currently am not really going to the theaters (have only seen iron man and batman this summer) and all bigger movies are being bought on BR and watched for the first time in my home. I think I may drop the netflix down to the $5 two out per month for tv series, continue to buy the new releases I want, and then for mid grade movies I think Ill just buy HD PPV's on D*.

Gonna try this for a month or two and see what I think. I know itll cost more, but since Im not going to the movies, Im really pissed at having to wait for a new release.
I'm really not seeing this issue people are having with getting BD discs on Netflix in a timely manner. Here's the movies I have got on BD from Netflix either at home or in queue:

Wrestlemania 24, A Clockwork Orange, Top Gun, American Psycho, The Simpsons Movie, Blade Runner, We Own the Night, Reservoir Dogs, Rambo.

I've had these in my Queue for various amounts of time, and none of them ever had any status other than "Now" to the best of my knowledge. To be fair, I haven't ordered any of these when they first came out, with the exception of Top Gun, which is an older movie being released on BD. Does anyone else experience this "abundance" of availability like me?

Sony Blu-ray Player $229!!!

Postal on BLu-ray

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