Lets hope this engine is legit

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Looked like a Holley carb on a smallblock ford V8. I bet that thing does not get 12 mpg.
He may have some super high compression running E85. He may get decent mileage for what it is.

0-60 3 seconds...Ha (Not in a mustang)LOL (my buddies with '03-'04 terminator cobras with superchargers can't run that kind of time). I am hard pressed to believe this guy is getting that kind of accelleration out of a normally asperated engine even in a lightweight car.

I have always had V8 muscle cars of several types. They get terrible mileage even if you run sensible gears in the rear axle.
I have had cars that would run at the track turn those kind of times. Not really streetable.

My 2005 GTO however with mods (6.0L LS2 v8, 6 speed manual) will get 28 mpg! IF you keep your foot out of it and drive a steady 65-70 mph without A/C turned on. 25mpg under most normal interstate cruising climbing hills.

That is legendary mileage imo for an engine making a little less than 500 hp and 430lb ft torque. my best 0-60 time yet with slicks on the rear has been 4.2 or so (depending on outdoor temperature and track conditions).

Maybe this guy may be onto something (hopefully) Our country needs a solution.
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That mileage is pretty good for a modern v8, I had a 65 new yorker with a 413 and an edelbrock 650 performer that I got 17mpg out of it after alot of work tuning it up. The stock carter 4bl would not let the car go past 75 but with the edelbrock I had no problems getting it to 100.

The statement he made about 3 seconds seemed more like " I dont really know, maybe its this" kind of statement or he's intentionaly putting out misinformation but hey its all speculation really.
And achieve 0-60 in 3 seconds? Bologna. Many 12 cylinder high perfomance cars cant do it in 3 seconds. Tell me which one of these cars does 0-60 in 3 seconds? Fast Cars, 0-60 times, Stats, and much more - From New Cool Cars

Anyone that believes that hick needs their head examined. And anyone that thinks you are going to do it and get 110 mpg needs to be committed.

How in the world do you leave the production 1018-HP Koenigsegg CCXR out of all that photo rant You need to thumnail those)? LOL (€1,575,000, plus taxes and fees, to take it home.) BUT... 0-60 in 2.9 sec.

V8 cast aluminium, 4 valves per cylinder, double overhead cam.
Compression: 8.2:1
Fuel: 98 octane / E85 (biofuel)
Power output: 1018 Bhp at 7.200 rpm.
Maximum torque: 1060 Nm (740ftlb) at 6.100 rpm.
Acceleration: 0-100 km/h (0–62 mph) 2.9 seconds.
Top speed: 400+ km/h (250+ mph).
Braking distance: 31m (100–0 km/h)
Lateral G-force: 1.4 G
Fuel consumption: Highway travel: 18 l/100 km Combined: 22 l/100 km


  • ccxr_03.jpg
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Production Zero to 60 & 1/4 Miles Times

0-60 and 1/4 mile times for Factory Stock Vehicles

2002 Chevrolet Corvette (Lingenfelter 427 twin turbo) 1.97 (listed for fun)

Cars similarly built (although FACTORY / not this guy's tweaking) that come close to the time., NOT the MPG. (I have not searched them all)

2001 Chevrolet Corvette C5-R 3.5

1987 Buick Regal GNX 4.7

2005 Pontiac GTO LS2 4.6

1990 Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1 4.4

2002 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 4.1

2005 Chevrolet Corvette C6 4.2

2006 Chevrolet Corvette ZO6 3.5

2007 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 3.7

There is a whole range of "affordable" Porsche in the sub 4sec class.
Cave + man with monobrow + no tv + crude tools + alot of time and nothing to do + stone = wheel :p
Cave + man with monobrow + no tv + crude tools + alot of time and nothing to do + stone = wheel :p

The wheel gets all the credit. People nbeen rolling stuff over round logs for a long time. The real advancement was the axle. ;)
This is my supercar at a subcar price: Welcome to Ariel Atom

  • 0-60 mph : 2.7 seconds (manufacturer's claim)
  • Top Speed: 140 mph, 225 km/h (155 mph, 249 km/h supercharged)
  • Power: 245 bhp @ 8200 rmp (300 bhp supercharged)
  • Torque: 210 Nm @ 6100 rpm
  • Weight: 456 kg (1,005 lb)
  • Transmission: Honda six-speed with reverse
  • Price: £20,000/£29,000 supercharged (cost in the US is over $65,000)
Video in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaWoo82zNUA

See also, an air-powered car! MilkandCookies - The Compressed Air Engine and Air Car
$65k USD? Can't you get a Vette for that and still be in the same general speed ratings (3/4 of sec slower)? Heck and the Vette is likely far safer, can be driven in the rain and can haul a DATE.
Tesla Motors

They build these up the street from me:

0 to 60 in under 4 seconds
Top Speed 125 mph
Motor: 3-phase, 4-pole electric motor, 248hp peak (185kW), redline 13,000 rpm, regenerative "engine braking"

Gas free baby....
I saw those on Discovery; once they can get a better miles per charge (way up from the current 220m) and way down on the $110,000 price tag; they will have my interest. I would likely go as high as $60,000 for this ride.

But this is the one I have been watching.. It bears a striking resemblance to the Saturn Sky Red Line & maybe even conceptually based on the Pontiac Banshee, Protosport or Rageous
Looked like a Holley carb on a smallblock ford V8. I bet that thing does not get 12 mpg.
He may have some super high compression running E85. He may get decent mileage for what it is.

0-60 3 seconds...Ha (Not in a mustang)LOL (my buddies with '03-'04 terminator cobras with superchargers can't run that kind of time). I am hard pressed to believe this guy is getting that kind of accelleration out of a normally asperated engine even in a lightweight car.

I have always had V8 muscle cars of several types. They get terrible mileage even if you run sensible gears in the rear axle.
I have had cars that would run at the track turn those kind of times. Not really streetable.

My 2005 GTO however with mods (6.0L LS2 v8, 6 speed manual) will get 28 mpg! IF you keep your foot out of it and drive a steady 65-70 mph without A/C turned on. 25mpg under most normal interstate cruising climbing hills.

That is legendary mileage imo for an engine making a little less than 500 hp and 430lb ft torque. my best 0-60 time yet with slicks on the rear has been 4.2 or so (depending on outdoor temperature and track conditions).

Maybe this guy may be onto something (hopefully) Our country needs a solution.

then your buddies don't have a Kenne bell supercharger (800 rwhp), because if they did they would break into 3 second territory , lmao if there still driving around with eatons on there cobra :p
I saw those on Discovery; once they can get a better miles per charge (way up from the current 220m) and way down on the $110,000 price tag; they will have my interest. I would likely go as high as $60,000 for this ride.

All that is just an engineering problem, not a theoretical problem. It will be improved in time.
Nikola Tesla would have been interested to hear you say that.

Tesla was not some rube.

Tesla then studied electrical engineering at the Austrian Polytechnic in Graz (1875). While there, he studied the uses of alternating current. Some sources say he received Baccalaureate degrees from the university at Graz.[13][14][15] However, the university says that he did not receive a degree and did not continue beyond the first semester of his third year, during which he stopped attending lectures.[16][17][18][19][20] In December 1878 he left Graz and broke all relations with his family. His friends thought that he had drowned in Mura. He went to Maribor, Slovenia, where he was first employed as an assistant engineer for a year. He suffered a nervous breakdown during this time. Tesla was later persuaded by his father to attend the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, which he attended for the summer term of 1880. Here he was influenced by Ernst Mach. However after his father died he left the university, having completed only one term.[21]
Nikola Tesla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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