Where's the best fast-food place to get dessert?

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If you're talking about traditional fast food, like McD's, BK, etc, then the Wendy's Frosty is easily the best.

Then again, Dairy Queen probably fits the fast food catagory, as they serve burgers and such. And their desserts outclass any fast food joint's.

The milk shakes at Johnny Rockets rock, too. But, not quite a fast food joint.
Wendy's is going nuts with the Frosty... vanilla, float, shakes, their own version of the Blizzard McFrosty™ (that's what I call all of those), etc.

But, with that said, the new Frosty shakes are the best fast food dessert in my opinion. :) Also, Wendy's happens to be my favorite fast food restaurant...
Wendy's is going nuts with the Frosty... vanilla, float, shakes, their own version of the Blizzard McFrosty™ (that's what I call all of those), etc.

But, with that said, the new Frosty shakes are the best fast food dessert in my opinion. :) Also, Wendy's happens to be my favorite fast food restaurant...

When Wendy's had their original Frosty by itself before these different varieties, I used to say they were primitive.

I always thought Wendy had a great menu, but once had a weak desert menu.

Nice to see they've changed with the times.
I'll go extra ordinary here and vote for a fresh McDonalds apple pie. Can't be old and dry with the tuff glue like filling after a few hours under the heat lamp.
I am with you charper, fast-foods typically suck and their desserts are even worse. That's why avoid fast food restaurants like the plague. The only fast-food dessert I actually craved (although I don't know why because I doubt they were an actual food product) were the old McDonald's fried applie pies that were discontinued years ago (1992?) because people kept getting 2nd degree burns when biting into one of these piping-hot gems.

I thought they went away from them because they wanted them to appear more "healthy" by making them baked, instead of deep fried. But that was just a guess on my part.

FYI: If you go to Hawaii, they are still deep fried, and they make a Peach-Mango that is pretty dang good!
I thought they went away from them because they wanted them to appear more "healthy" by making them baked, instead of deep fried. But that was just a guess on my part.
You're probably correct...and that makes good marketing sence since it was also during the same timeframe when Kentucky Fried Chicken changed their name to KFC. However, I recall reading a few big dollar lawsuit$ where consumers claimed they were injuryed because McDonald's hot pies and hot coffee were too hot.
I am with you charper, fast-foods typically suck and their desserts are even worse. That's why avoid fast food restaurants like the plague. The only fast-food dessert I actually craved (although I don't know why because I doubt they were an actual food product) were the old McDonald's fried applie pies that were discontinued years ago (1992?) because people kept getting 2nd degree burns when biting into one of these piping-hot gems.

These fried pies had an artificial crust that was always crispy no matter now long they had been sitting around, they were generously coated with sugar and cinnamon, and the lava-hot fruit-flavored goo would be expelled into your mouth like firey hot bullet when biting into one. As a kid, I had a love-pain relationship with these little pies.:o

Comebacks we'd like to see: #10 -- McDonald's fried apple pie - WalletPop

The KFC's in my area serve those same apple pies now. Most locations don't have them on the menu at all, but some will serve them if ordered. The one by my house sells them 2/1.00. They don't have them on their menu. They make you wait 5 minutes for them to fry them up fresh. They are the same crispy bubbly pies I used to love at McDonalds...even better because they are always fresh.
Culvers makes great desserts, the turtle sundaes that were mentioned earlier are usually my choice. The rest of the food isn't bad either. McFlurries are a poor substitute for a Dairy Queen Blizzard. The Blizzards make eating there worthwhile. If I'm just getting ice cream and I'm near one either Coldstone or Marble Slab Creamery are good. I'm bummed out this year (although healthwise it is probably to my benefit) but there is no place in my small town selling ice cream this summer. In the previous couple of years we have had several places. One was the former drive-in, which has been closed for 5 or 6 years, but the owner's grandaughters opened it just to sell ice cream. They were operating under the radar, and got nabbed by the health inspector last year for not having the proper license. The fine pretty much ate up the summer's profits. The historical society in town had opened the Soda Fountain/Museum during the summer, but evidently I didn't buy enough ice cream last summer and they didn't open the soda fountain this year. 2 years ago one of my son's friends was the manager, and with all of his friends going in for ice cream several times a day they had a pretty good summer. Now I have to drive at least 11 miles, unless I want to scoop my own. I'll have to make some of my home made hot fudge to compensate.
Friendly's. Not really FAST food, but the best dessert when you are hankering for a sugar fix....
Boonie Doones for me! Of course, there aren't as many as there used to be... :(
Culvers and Dairy Queen.. if you want hot food with the dessert.

Cold Stone if you just want the dessert.
The KFC's in my area serve those same apple pies now. Most locations don't have them on the menu at all, but some will serve them if ordered. The one by my house sells them 2/1.00. They don't have them on their menu. They make you wait 5 minutes for them to fry them up fresh. They are the same crispy bubbly pies I used to love at McDonalds...even better because they are always fresh.
Thanks! Last night my wife told me that Popeye's offers a similar type of fried apple pie these days. Both fast food joints are within 5-miles of the house, so perhaps I'll give 'em a try in the near future.
Well, I am taking to family to Oahu next week, so I will be getting my fix of the Peach-Mango fried pies at McDonalds.

That, and the Spam, rice, scrambled egg, and Portuguese sausage breakfast platter at McDonalds. I didn't see this in Waikiki, but mid-island in Wahaiwa near the Naval station I was teaching a comm. class at, it was a big seller.
I quoted Culver's and their turtle sundae earlier. We went up to Milwaukee last weekend. Been 4 years since I've been up there so we stopped at Kopp's. Kopp's is Milwaukee only, but their frozen custard makes Culver's taste like Dairy Queen. If you get into Milwaukee, you gotta go. Kopp's makes the best frozen custard on the planet.
I quoted Culver's and their turtle sundae earlier. We went up to Milwaukee last weekend. Been 4 years since I've been up there so we stopped at Kopp's. Kopp's is Milwaukee only, but their frozen custard makes Culver's taste like Dairy Queen. If you get into Milwaukee, you gotta go. Kopp's makes the best frozen custard on the planet.

One thing I like about living in Wisconsin: I live near a Culver's and a Kopp's.
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