GoodBye to One of My best friends

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AKA Stuart628
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Jul 21, 2004
Akron (Cleveland), Oh
Well, This is going to be jumbled. This weekend was suppose to be nice, I was going ona mini vacation, and then memorial day....well it didnt end well...I was helping my parents plant the garden sunday and went in the house to discover my dog of 14 years (he lives with my parents as him and my dad are best friends, and I have two other dogs) laying on the ground unable to move, and breathing very very labored....We knew it was time for him to go, after about 3-4 hours, he didnt get better and the doctor got out of surgery( we think a dog got hit by a car)..we took him to the vet and they took Xrays of his lungs, and hips. His lungs were tumor filled, and had several large areas that had overexpanded and could no longer be used. His heart was enlarged, and arthritis covered his rib cage not allowing his lungs to expand out, His hips looked great though and she couldnt figure out why he wasnt moving, and chalked it up to not being able to breathe, we decided to put him down. I hate seeing a Dog suffer, and I said my goodbyes at the house. they asked if I wanted to stay in the room as he passed, and I owed it to him as he has been by my side as long as I can remember, but I couldnt be there, it hurt too bad. So with this I will miss my buddy! and hope he is in a better place (if dogs can).
I feel your pain. 2 years ago my wife's dog- who only tolerated me by biting and peeing on the floor whenever I came between him and my wife was diagnosed with multiple tumors and and he lost his ability to walk. I took him to the Vet the day my wife was leaving out of town for business. Needless to say my wife was sobbing at the airport as I placed my cellphone to the dogs ear for her to say goodbye. I too was crying, and I never even liked the dog.

Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
Sorry to hear of your loss. I have no doubt your dog and mine are playing in such a place and patiently awaiting our arrival.
thanks guys, its been a rough week, just hard to say, but I am glad he is gone as this last week has been bad with the not being able to walk spells, now we have an answer why.
Sorry for your loss. I had to put my dog down a few months ago. It gets better with time.
Sorry to hear of your loss. I have no doubt your dog and mine are playing in such a place and patiently awaiting our arrival.

I hope so as Rusty was a great friend, taught my current yellow lab to be a companion, and she hasnt left my side...and I have to write this to those that dont think Dogs are smart, when we carried Rusty out to lay him in the grass to get him ready and say our goodbyes, and take a picture with him and my Son, Madison (my yellow lab) and Cooper (my Golden retriever) came out and laid by Rusty and gave him "kisses" which they have never done before, and rusty just laid there and closed his eyes...So Dogs have a sense of things, trust me on that.
Sorry for your loss. I had to put my dog down a few months ago. It gets better with time.

I know your right, and what made the decision very easy was looking at the X-rays, I am glad we spent the 250 bucks to have that done as Seeing the tumors and Overexpanded lung tissue made our decision very easy, Even though Rusty Looked Alive and well, he was slowly Dying by being choked to death...I will post a picture and you will think you are looking at a very healthy Older yellow lab, but even the Dr. said its pretty clear what needs to happen.
That's too bad James. Pets are family members and it's tough to lose one.
Sorry for your loss man. Dogs are a real special part of ones life. The best advice I can give you through this tough time is to remember the good times.

Our German Short Haired Pointer is 1-1/2 years old now and can't even begin to imagine how hard it's gonna be when he passes one day. My thoughts are with you and your family....
Thank you everyone, it was hard to look at these photos so I didnt post them when I said I was going to, but Here are the last photos of Rusty Jarvis, with My son Brayden


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It may be hardest of all on your son. MY oldest was devastated when his best friend passed away. prior my son's birth he had been my dog but from the moment my son entered the house the dog became his.
It was very a very painful loss to lose my dog (12 pound wired hair terrior) "Pepper" . She lived to be 19 years old.

My mom got her for me when I was 2 years old. She died when I was 21. She watched me start Kindergarten, Go to elementary school, graduate high school, go to Marshall University.

She was always waiting at the door greeting me as I came home my whole life.
One day I got up and she could not move her back legs. She always slept on the foot of my bed. The vet said she had to be put to sleep.

I couldn't do it so I had Mom take her and do it.
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